I hope your opinion on how things benefit the world is a little more intuitive than "How does this help cure disease?".
I know I probably shouldn't reply any more to this, but being that it is directly towards me, I'll give you one last response.
That was one example I provided. Another would be trying to detect life on other planets. Others study how the human brain works, find more accurate models to define the universe, study the physical properties of asteroids, improve climate prediction models, simulate particle acceleration physics, and more.
What you've posted there indicates various ways that economies can be expanded and improved. Yes, those can help people. That said, these are all for financial gain (often by the rich, but also yes for anybody else too). They help people make money. Sure, you could argue that money will be spent for good things, and I'm sure some of it will, but it's still primarily about money.
Further, even if large farms are using renewable energy (which I'm not convinced that "most" of it is anyway as the only reports I've seen are directly from crypto-coin companies), the resources required to make all the energy production equipment and the computer hardware is expensive. Not just financially expensive, but we're talking non-renewable resources here. There's only so much of some of these materials to go around. We're looking at major copper shortages in the next few years. Not 50 years, not 20 years, but we're looking at major problems in the next 5-10 years, and that's only looking at copper.
On top of that, you are so focused on telling me I'm wrong than understanding I'm not even suggesting that you don't continue with cryptocurrency or that it be destroyed. I'm suggesting that all that compute power also (read: in addition...i.e. do one while doing the other) go towards fundamental research that is commonly done through distributed computing. I'm not suggesting that what you've posted there is wrong or bad. I'm suggesting it should be better. There's no good reason it can't be better.