2021/02/19 13:22:56
I hope your opinion on how things benefit the world is a little more intuitive than "How does this help cure disease?".

I know I probably shouldn't reply any more to this, but being that it is directly towards me, I'll give you one last response.
That was one example I provided. Another would be trying to detect life on other planets. Others study how the human brain works, find more accurate models to define the universe, study the physical properties of asteroids, improve climate prediction models, simulate particle acceleration physics, and more.
What you've posted there indicates various ways that economies can be expanded and improved. Yes, those can help people. That said, these are all for financial gain (often by the rich, but also yes for anybody else too). They help people make money. Sure, you could argue that money will be spent for good things, and I'm sure some of it will, but it's still primarily about money.
Further, even if large farms are using renewable energy (which I'm not convinced that "most" of it is anyway as the only reports I've seen are directly from crypto-coin companies), the resources required to make all the energy production equipment and the computer hardware is expensive. Not just financially expensive, but we're talking non-renewable resources here. There's only so much of some of these materials to go around. We're looking at major copper shortages in the next few years. Not 50 years, not 20 years, but we're looking at major problems in the next 5-10 years, and that's only looking at copper.
On top of that, you are so focused on telling me I'm wrong than understanding I'm not even suggesting that you don't continue with cryptocurrency or that it be destroyed. I'm suggesting that all that compute power also (read: in addition...i.e. do one while doing the other) go towards fundamental research that is commonly done through distributed computing. I'm not suggesting that what you've posted there is wrong or bad. I'm suggesting it should be better. There's no good reason it can't be better.
2021/02/19 13:24:39
just got my email 3897 1:46:31 
Good luck everyone!
My watch has ended.

how long ya been waiting though?

I would guess he signed up on 9/19 ?

MASSIVE oof right there....five full MONTHS of waiting...
2021/02/19 13:33:44
Presumably yeah.
2021/02/19 13:51:11
I hope your opinion on how things benefit the world is a little more intuitive than "How does this help cure disease?".

I know I probably shouldn't reply any more to this, but being that it is directly towards me, I'll give you one last response.
That was one example I provided. Another would be trying to detect life on other planets. Others study how the human brain works, find more accurate models to define the universe, study the physical properties of asteroids, improve climate prediction models, simulate particle acceleration physics, and more.
What you've posted there indicates various ways that economies can be expanded and improved. Yes, those can help people. That said, these are all for financial gain (often by the rich, but also yes for anybody else too). They help people make money. Sure, you could argue that money will be spent for good things, and I'm sure some of it will, but it's still primarily about money.
Further, even if large farms are using renewable energy (which I'm not convinced that "most" of it is anyway as the only reports I've seen are directly from crypto-coin companies), the resources required to make all the energy production equipment and the computer hardware is expensive. Not just financially expensive, but we're talking non-renewable resources here. There's only so much of some of these materials to go around. We're looking at major copper shortages in the next few years. Not 50 years, not 20 years, but we're looking at major problems in the next 5-10 years, and that's only looking at copper.
On top of that, you are so focused on telling me I'm wrong than understanding I'm not even suggesting that you don't continue with cryptocurrency or that it be destroyed. I'm suggesting that all that compute power also (read: in addition...i.e. do one while doing the other) go towards fundamental research that is commonly done through distributed computing. I'm not suggesting that what you've posted there is wrong or bad. I'm suggesting it should be better. There's no good reason it can't be better.

Suggesting that economic transactions are always about the money is how the world works whenever we evolved from bartering. You do not buy a house without money, you do study asteroids without money, and you do not simulate climate without money (or some form of collateral/goods/services). There is no issue with a technology primarily being used for economic and financial purposes whenever the exchange of goods and services is a basic requirement of the world we live in. Imagine if economic and financial technology hadn't improved in the last millennia. 
The energy taken to produce the equipment and hardware is similar to that of the graphics cards from Nvidia. Simply because you feel your opinions on the usage of computer equipment is more altruistic does not make it so. If we are going to discuss opinion, many could make the argument that playing games and studying asteroids is wasteful of resources lmao. 
I never understood you as telling me that you want it destroyed, merely that you had a flawed opinion on the subject. Your opinion is no more valid than anyone elses that has use for the hardware. Relatively new technology shouldn't be discredited simply because it is unable to solve the most difficult problems it wasn't initially intended for. 
2021/02/19 13:59:27
I've got some questions re: notifications.
On 11/19/20, I finally got around to creating a EVGA account.  Shortly thereafter that same day, I signed up for auto-notify for an 10G-P5-3881-KR and a 08G-P5-3751-KR.  However, nothing showed up in the My Notify section of my account.  On a whim, I clicked on the auto-notify for the two aforementioned cards, and re-entered my name and email.  Both times, I was informed that I had already signed up for auto-notify, down the exact time.  But again, nothing showed up in the My Notify area.  I didn't think much of it at the time, as my EVGA GTX 970 was still adequate to my needs and running strong.
Yesterday, my 970 decided to turn itself into a brick;  suffice to say since content creation is one of my primary sources of income (along with gaming being my primary means of stress relief), my desire for a new GPU has become quite a bit more urgent.  Today I decided to sign up for the 3070/3080 notification to keep track of things, and proceeded to begin filling out the forms. 
As the My Notify section of my account was still blank, I again entered my name and email in the auto-notify button for the 3070 and 3080 I wanted.  Instead of displaying the time I originally signed on for back in November, I got the same spiel that I got when I initially signed on.  Furthermore, this time around, when I checked this My Notify section, the cards were actually showed up on a list.  I also received two emails from EVGA informing me I'd be sent a notification email once the cards became available;  none of this occurred when I initially signed up for auto-notify back in November.
My questions are, what happened with the auto-notify requests I submitted back in November, and why did they never appear in the My Notify section?  And why have they only showed up in that section now after I re-submitted my name and email today for the auto-notify for the two cards I want?
2021/02/19 14:14:51
I would email or call customer support and forward the previous emails of you signing up for an account and for the cards back in November to see what they can do on their end since it seems like your initial applications for queue didn't go through like it should have
2021/02/19 14:19:41
MASSIVE oof right there....five full MONTHS of waiting...

don't forget to add "and counting" for a whole lot of us.
2021/02/19 14:44:56
If anyone is looking for an AMD 5800X CPU, they are showing as in stock on AMD's website as of 2:44 pm, Friday. Nothing else is available for purchase.
Products Available For Purchase | AMD
2021/02/19 14:48:07
No Notification email Today , but I did get my Gamers Nexus Disappointment Tour 2020 T-shirt 
2021/02/19 15:12:00
Not much movement this week, unfortunately.
Hopefully we will get a 3898 drop next week. I'm not too far away in that queue for that one, or so it seems.

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