2021/02/19 12:54:16
Pleasant thought of the day:
If you have a water-cooled rig, and live in Texas then the phrase "My computer froze" takes on a whole new meaning.

More than likely, they are using the pc to heat up a room.
2021/02/19 12:57:05
I wouldn't recommend saying something doesn't benefit the world simply because you do not understand it. 

I say this in a 100% interest in learning something. Please PM me with what it is I don't understand that is exactly how it benefits the world to have all that mathematical power go only to a financial benefit and not also be used for helpful distributed computing research. Here's a paper from 2014 suggesting as such and I still don't see it prevalent. I don't want to push this topic farther on this thread and mean no offense in any way, but I'm curious (hence the PM request). Cheers.

I'm posting this here in the hopes that more than 1 person reads this. I am not advocating for the usage of bitcoin, simply explaining why it should not be thought of as a "waste of energy" or "not helpful to the world". Everyone should do their own research. 
Bitcoin serves 2 major functions at the moment for helping the world:
1. Decentralized transaction processing. You do not need to go get a debit card and have to rely on a bank or institution.
Instead you send your money, a decentralized network gets it where it needs to go.
2. A store of value. It is a deflationary currency which means the amount produced decreases over time unlike the USD. This means that as the USD loses its buying power BTC will retain its value.People having savings is a good thing, and retaining the value of their savings is important or they will just spend it.
All in all these are services many people take for granted as they are not available to many people in the world.
Decentralization is good as it prevents censorship and repression.
Many altcoins offer privacy which prevents tracing of goods and services purchased to them.
This benefits the world specifically in countries where the government can put you in prison for any reason.
Some altcoins allow for decentralized finance where you can loan individuals capital which they may not normally be able to access.
Some offer decentralized storage, where you can purchase cloud storage for your scientific needs.
Some offer decentralized rendering.
Some offer tipping.
Some offer ad placement.
Some offer tokenization of assets.
There are more uses out there than i could mention and many of them will go down the drain but some of these will likely be used by many people.
Then the argument of energy usage begins. People fail to understand that large farms tend to be in locations of high reusable energy.
They go where the energy is cheap. Hydroelectric and geothermal are both cheap and clean.
Mining simply serves to protect these networks and keep them decentralized. Many are moving towards proof of stake which does not require miners.
I hope your opinion on how things benefit the world is a little more intuitive than "How does this help cure disease?".
2021/02/19 13:06:25
just got my email 3897 1:46:31 
Good luck everyone!
My watch has ended.

how long ya been waiting though?
2021/02/19 13:09:29
just got my email 3897 1:46:31 
Good luck everyone!
My watch has ended.

how long ya been waiting though?

I would guess he signed up on 9/19 ?
2021/02/19 13:09:53
Whatup folks any cards been going out lately 
2021/02/19 13:10:16
Was able to snag a 5800x from Microcenter last week, just waiting on a graphics card (like everyone). Started a new job recently and haven't been able to keep up with the SKU movements as much.  Anyone wanna give a rough estimate? appreciate it, thank you!!
24G-P5-3987-KR 10/16/2020 4:51:07 PM
2021/02/19 13:14:29
columbus ohio micro center has 3070 msi and evga xc3 3080 in stock. ryzen 5000 series also
2021/02/19 13:14:56
Some cards go out on most weekdays. Clearly not enough are going out to clear the queue, but some are going out.
2021/02/19 13:22:35
Some cards go out on most weekdays. Clearly not enough are going out to clear the queue, but some are going out.

Contracts > RMA > Notifies > Step up
2021/02/19 13:22:52
They can also sell off the card at the inflated prices when they're through with it, especially when the mining boom dies down. 

Yeah but that's the thing: it won't die down. People were saying the same thing years ago and it actually got worse.
So no, mining, just like scalping now, is here to stay now and won't die down. If anything, and again like scalping, it will just get worse and worse again and again.
Until something serious is done mining and scalping will keep eating and controlling 50%+ or OUR GPU MARKET year after year...

What MIGHT help is if the "MINING ONLY!" GPUs that NVIDIA wants to push at miners had a useful secondhand purpose as  secondhand pus, since miners run them underclocked, and low voltage, what mining benefits from is big cooling, and long running. But then they remove ALL the outputs...if they at least left ONE HDMI and maybe a DisplayPort output as well, then financially-focused miners, both home and industrial, wouldn't see a reason to ignore the product meant for them and just buy the gaming gpu that they can resell. And I'd say that scalping is also the primary issue, and industrial miners.

Also, I'm such low and fixed income that if I thought it'd be worth the effort undervolting and underclocking my 1060 6gb to mine some etherium or whatever for some money, and not a waste of electricity, i would. Heck, if I can get a 3060ti for myself as well as my friend, or a pair of 3060s (one for myself, one for them), id' use the 3060 sometimes for mining and the 1060 6gb i have now for the lighter games or most class/daily stuff. or even if the dang 1660 Super wasn't so overpriced or impossible to get used... jsut...any option for sjut a TINY bit of money...cuz thing is i want to save up to help ANOTHER "even poorer friend than I am" to get a gaming pc" (so tbh if I did somehow get a decent 1660S, they'd probably get it, not my  1060)
ALso, hpow do we check how far the queue has moved?

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