2021/02/19 07:16:45
You could call it bad business, but they are selling out all the same. I am more surprised that with so many people mining, bitcoin has only gotten strong not weaker. Makes no sense really because usually when you flood the market it dilutes prices, but its almost like someone is feeding it to keep it growing.

No one is mining Bitcoin with GPUs. They are mining ethereum with GPUS. 
Regardless, it is going up in price because Bitcoin is a deflationary currency and the US fed cant stop printing money. More hashrate secures both bitcoin and ethereum increasing the stability of the network.

I really don’t know much about cryptocurrency (I am sure it shows), just seemed more like a product than an actual currency because it still requires an exchange rate to some form of established monetary increment. So as a product I figured it would be subject to some variation of supply and demand. You still have to convert it to a specific denomination to make purchases correct?
2021/02/19 07:23:39
You could call it bad business, but they are selling out all the same. I am more surprised that with so many people mining, bitcoin has only gotten strong not weaker. Makes no sense really because usually when you flood the market it dilutes prices, but its almost like someone is feeding it to keep it growing.

No one is mining Bitcoin with GPUs. They are mining ethereum with GPUS. 
Regardless, it is going up in price because Bitcoin is a deflationary currency and the US fed cant stop printing money. More hashrate secures both bitcoin and ethereum increasing the stability of the network.

I really don’t know much about cryptocurrency (I am sure it shows), just seemed more like a product than an actual currency because it still requires an exchange rate to some form of established monetary increment. So as a product I figured it would be subject to some variation of supply and demand. You still have to convert it to a specific denomination to make purchases correct?

Bitcoin is a decentralized transaction solution and store of value. It can be used to purchase things directly but at the time of purchase the quantity required is based off of the current USD exchange rate. Its not that it is going up in value but that the USD is falling in value as more money is printed.
Ethereum is a decentralized computing network. Monero a privacy centered transaction solution. Coins serve different purposes, Etc. 
2021/02/19 07:34:15
That makes sense, sort of, I just don't see many businesses having the option the used cryptocurrency i.e.. grocery stores, gas stations etc
2021/02/19 07:40:30
Anyone have any idea on where we are currently in the notify list?

You can check the link in Enewt's signature for the most up to date report-backs! :) Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/d...AbcxMorvRvEPaPh48/edit
2021/02/19 08:35:19
It's Friday (I reject the 2021 10 year anniversary remake...it frightens and confuses me). Hopefully EVGA surprises us with drops across the 30 series as that would truly be a surprise.
I am spending my nonworking moments today, thinking about how I can help our fellow citizens in Texas and around the country. For today, I've RSVP-ed for making welfare checks on seniors potentially at risk in Texas...it feels like a much more worthy use of my time than F5-ing on the Best Buy storefront (or flying my ass to Cancun). 
In other news, my family is breaking the pod seal today...my daughter is going to practice with her team for the first time in over ten months. She has a lot of rust to scrape off her skills and friendships to rebuild. With respect to COVID, we have been as conservative and careful as possible within the context of still working, providing for the family, etc., and this is the first "optional" activity we've done in months. In the last few weeks it has felt less and less optional...we are climbing the walls and I can see daily the negative impact this social isolation is having on my loved ones.  Due to my daughter's practice this afternoon, tonight's summary will either be extra early or extra late...if early, I will supplement it later if I obtain additional reports. 
Best of luck today! 
As of 8:30 am PT Friday morning, February 19, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents movement from the morning of Thursday, February 18; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from the prior report):
Card                                  SKU                        Auto-Notify Timestamp / (Change from Previous Summary)
3090 FTW3 Ultra                 3987                       10/12/2020 18:51:55    
3090 XC3 Ultra                   3975                       10/05/2020 20:52:00
3080 FTW3 Ultra                 3897                       09/19/2020 10:45:34      (00:41:25)        
3080 XC3 Ultra                   3885                       09/18/2020 08:26:34 
3070 FTW3 Ultra                 3767                       10/29/2020 23:19:35    
3070 XC3 Ultra                   3755                       11/05/2020 09:15:19   (21:11:01)          
3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra             3667                       12/01/2020 07:14:12  
3090 FTW3 Gaming             3985                       09/24/2020 16:12:06      
3090 XC3 Gaming               3973                       09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Gaming             3895                       09/16/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Gaming               3883                       09/16/2020 11:01:20
3070 XC3 Gaming               3753                       10/29/2020 09:20:00      (09:20:00)
3060 Ti FTW3 Gaming         3665                       12/08/2020 14:51:32     
3060 Ti XC3 Gaming           3663                       12/01/2020 07:16:00  
3090 XC3 Black                   3971                       09/24/2020 00:00:00 
3080 XC3 Black                   3881                       09/16/2020 15:14:00  
3070 XC3 Black                   3751                       10/29/2020 06:15:13   
3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid       3988                       12/10/2020 09:42:26   
3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid         3978                       12/08/2020 14:19:07     
3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid       3898                       12/16/2020 09:04:29  
3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid         3888                       12/10/2020 09:08:56    
Hydro Copper (Delayed)
3090 FTW 3 Ultra HC           3989                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3090 XC3 Ultra HC              3979                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Ultra HC            3899                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Ultra HC              3889                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
K|NGP|N (Queue sheet)       3998                       12/16/2020 18:30:20  
May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve.
Good luck today! Stay safe!
2021/02/19 09:16:20
at enewt good luck for your daughter on the team.
to all good luck at finding a card or an amd cpu whatever stock you need.
2021/02/19 09:33:23
Good morning and good luck to everyone! :) Here's hoping we can get at least another solid week of movement for everyone before the Lunar New Year delay hits..
2021/02/19 09:33:50
It takes tuill FEBRUARY to get a card you signed up for FOUR MONTHS ago? I'm never getting the card I need...I entered queue last month...
2021/02/19 09:34:39
It takes tuill FEBRUARY to get a card you signed up for FOUR MONTHS ago? I'm never getting the card I need...I entered queue last month...

5+ months, no card
2021/02/19 09:37:23
It takes tuill FEBRUARY to get a card you signed up for FOUR MONTHS ago? I'm never getting the card I need...I entered queue last month...

5+ months, no card

I just want a 3060ti base ftw or the middle ground ftw3 3070..chose those cuz those are thrir good profit margin models and a good baseline...not like I'm asking for a 3090 kingpin or hybrid here... Just a card my friend can use for their new build...given up on an upgrade for myself. And I am using a 1060 6gb...

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