It would be fine for miners and gamers if gamers were able to do good preorders and miners were not.
As a builder of rigs for a small business I won't get to make my 20-25 rigs this year. I won't get to earn around 8-10k which supplements my veterans disability pension.
I see that scalping stock is missing on ebay. And on amazon which means all the gear/chips are going high to large farms.
There are only 43x 3090 for sale new in box buy it now from 1900-3000
There are only 40x 3080 for sale new in box buy it now from 1200-2200
yet the network hashrate is now over 403,000 gh which is like 4,030,000 nvidia 3080's up from 290,000 gh on jan 1 which is like 2,900,000 so in 50 days we added 1,100,000 nvidia 3080 to the network. yes I know that it is not all 3080's it is amd ,nvidia and asics. Still a lot of gear has been directed away from gamers.
If the amd and nvidia people were not so secretive about actual sales we could know if 1,100,000 gpus in 50 days is a lot. But no-one knows how many gpus nvidia and amd sell combined yearly. If it where 20,000,000 combined then you could say that mining is taking away a lot of gpus. percentage wise.
I will hope for a Newegg Shuffle today.