2021/02/18 20:31:27
I think my friend that's in Texas got a wake up call when he mentioned them having to boil water & my response was "We have to use bottled water for everything being cooked and any water we give to our dogs, all the time." 
People take basic crap like that for granted especially in bigger cities, power being reliable (which in reality, it is not, all it times is some moron drunk driving in to a pole out here & we out unless it's day time & our solar is rockin'), and having clean water (which with how much water cleanliness regulations have been rolled back all over the place since before Flint happened, is being assumed as much as it is taken for granted) are sadly not at all guaranteed in what is supposedly one of the richest countries in the world.  
But, I'm not gonna get in to politics too much - what's going on in Texas is sad & ridiculous, at least 2 entire families (or almost the entire family) have died because of the outages, one from carbon monoxide poisoning trying to heat their house with their car, and another using a fireplace to heat their house when the power was out resulting in a fire at night.  Feel for those people's family members.
2021/02/18 20:34:09
In northern MN we had 12 straight days under -10f for a high.  We had 7 days under -30 for a low, including a couple of -40.  Even though we are "ready" for these temps, peoples pipes froze and people lost power.  What's really weird is that it was 8 above today and actually felt colder than it did at -20.
I lived in the south as a kid and understand that southern states aren't ready, but bad ice storms are like a thursday in April for us.
Keep active, stay warm and avoid alcohol is the best advice I can give.  
2021/02/18 20:38:16
This is just so funny right now. 

He was not here since the beginning, so I can understand his confusion.

I am impressed that at over 800 pages in, somebody has gone back to the beginning. My hat is off to you, kind sir.

But yes, the 5 hour window was revised to 8 hours and the early posts edited to reflect that.

Glad they changed that to 8 hours, 5 hours is a bit too stressful.
2021/02/18 20:40:11
In northern MN we had 12 straight days under -10f for a high.  We had 7 days under -30 for a low, including a couple of -40.  Even though we are "ready" for these temps, peoples pipes froze and people lost power.  What's really weird is that it was 8 above today and actually felt colder than it did at -20.
I lived in the south as a kid and understand that southern states aren't ready, but bad ice storms are like a thursday in April for us.
Keep active, stay warm and avoid alcohol is the best advice I can give.  

I grew up in Norway and moved to California "only" 15 years ago. So I managed to catch the two coldest winters in Oslo before catching the two worst wildfires in California. Next time I'm moving somewhere safer!!!
2021/02/18 22:08:54
In northern MN we had 12 straight days under -10f for a high.  We had 7 days under -30 for a low, including a couple of -40.  Even though we are "ready" for these temps, peoples pipes froze and people lost power.  What's really weird is that it was 8 above today and actually felt colder than it did at -20.
I lived in the south as a kid and understand that southern states aren't ready, but bad ice storms are like a thursday in April for us.
Keep active, stay warm and avoid alcohol is the best advice I can give.  

I grew up in Norway and moved to California "only" 15 years ago. So I managed to catch the two coldest winters in Oslo before catching the two worst wildfires in California. Next time I'm moving somewhere safer!!!

Uh where do you live in California? Born and raised in LA and the only time I’ve ever felt my life was threatened I was in London and Frankfurt.
2021/02/18 22:28:17
here's my pet peeve... I went to ebay to look at EVGA 3070 model 3755 cards.  Found a seller that had sold 17 cards and still had one in stock.  He sold each card for $1899.  Here we are waiting forever to get a card at a price that most of us can barely afford, and here is this dude ripping people off because he can.  I just hope NVIDIA and EVGA can get to the production point where everyone can get what they want. 
2021/02/18 22:42:24
I think my friend that's in Texas got a wake up call when he mentioned them having to boil water & my response was "We have to use bottled water for everything being cooked and any water we give to our dogs, all the time." 
People take basic crap like that for granted especially in bigger cities, power being reliable (which in reality, it is not, all it times is some moron drunk driving in to a pole out here & we out unless it's day time & our solar is rockin'), and having clean water (which with how much water cleanliness regulations have been rolled back all over the place since before Flint happened, is being assumed as much as it is taken for granted) are sadly not at all guaranteed in what is supposedly one of the richest countries in the world.  
But, I'm not gonna get in to politics too much - what's going on in Texas is sad & ridiculous, at least 2 entire families (or almost the entire family) have died because of the outages, one from carbon monoxide poisoning trying to heat their house with their car, and another using a fireplace to heat their house when the power was out resulting in a fire at night.  Feel for those people's family members.

I know this is off topic, but just to provide an answer to those who are curious about Texas and this weather.  We're used to 100+ degree weather, not zero degree weather.

The problem is that Texas is not suited to handle the power draw that it's experiencing.  When it gets cold here, it usually last two days.  This is very freakish weather for us.  The governor said that the power company will be investigated.  The power company said on the news that it was ready for the weather, in which it wasn't.   The issue with the water varies.  Fort Worth issues were from the water plants shutting down from the outage.  Boiling is a precaution just in case there's issues with the water. Other places it was because of everyone's faucet was dripping or busted pipes. 

In Dallas, the city turned off most their lights downtown.  But we still had to have roll over outages in order to keep from the who system from shutting down.  too many people using up electricity with central heating. But also there were power lines that had frozen and broke.  So it's a multi thing that is happening and not just one.  I've lived in Texas my whole life ... 54 years ... and we never had weather like this for so many days (two weeks).  Two days, maybe three, but not two weeks. 

 I'm thankful for Minnesota people from coming down here with their snow plows and helping out.  We have zero snow plows here.  So thanks to all who live in Minnesota
2021/02/18 23:54:16
Mars ended up having the most enjoyable viewing experience today. I hope y'all got a chance to see the landing. Human ingenuity at its finest and most pure. Hopefully our future generations will surpass even our wildest expectations.  
In other news, I received reports of drops for three queues today, including the first reports for the 3753...so we got that going for us...which is nice. (Apologies to Caddyshack.)
As of 6:05 pm PT Thursday evening, February 18, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents movement from the morning of Thursday, February 18; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from the prior report):
Card                                  SKU                        Auto-Notify Timestamp / (Change from Previous Summary)
3090 FTW3 Ultra                 3987                       10/12/2020 18:51:55    
3090 XC3 Ultra                   3975                       10/05/2020 20:52:00
3080 FTW3 Ultra                 3897                       09/19/2020 10:45:34      (00:41:25)        
3080 XC3 Ultra                   3885                       09/18/2020 08:26:34 
3070 FTW3 Ultra                 3767                       10/29/2020 23:19:35    
3070 XC3 Ultra                   3755                       11/05/2020 09:15:19   (21:11:01)          
3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra             3667                       12/01/2020 07:14:12  
3090 FTW3 Gaming             3985                       09/24/2020 16:12:06      
3090 XC3 Gaming               3973                       09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Gaming             3895                       09/16/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Gaming               3883                       09/16/2020 11:01:20
3070 XC3 Gaming               3753                       10/29/2020 09:20:00      (09:20:00)
3060 Ti FTW3 Gaming         3665                       12/08/2020 14:51:32     
3060 Ti XC3 Gaming           3663                       12/01/2020 07:16:00  
3090 XC3 Black                   3971                       09/24/2020 00:00:00 
3080 XC3 Black                   3881                       09/16/2020 15:14:00  
3070 XC3 Black                   3751                       10/29/2020 06:15:13   
3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid       3988                       12/10/2020 09:42:26   
3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid         3978                       12/08/2020 14:19:07     
3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid       3898                       12/16/2020 09:04:29  
3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid         3888                       12/10/2020 09:08:56    
Hydro Copper (Delayed)
3090 FTW 3 Ultra HC           3989                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3090 XC3 Ultra HC              3979                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Ultra HC            3899                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Ultra HC              3889                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
K|NGP|N (Queue sheet)       3998                       12/16/2020 18:30:20  
May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve.
Good luck tomorrow! Stay safe!

Hey, so I "only" have 60 hours left in the queue for the 3897!  I should have one sometime in the next eight quarters, assuming nVidia doesn't discontinue the 30 series first!  Also, happy to say I got in on the boarding pass program so my name, and my son's name, are onboard the Perseverance rover, as we speak.  :D
2021/02/19 02:59:53
I think my friend that's in Texas got a wake up call when he mentioned them having to boil water & my response was "We have to use bottled water for everything being cooked and any water we give to our dogs, all the time." 
People take basic crap like that for granted especially in bigger cities, power being reliable (which in reality, it is not, all it times is some moron drunk driving in to a pole out here & we out unless it's day time & our solar is rockin'), and having clean water (which with how much water cleanliness regulations have been rolled back all over the place since before Flint happened, is being assumed as much as it is taken for granted) are sadly not at all guaranteed in what is supposedly one of the richest countries in the world.  
But, I'm not gonna get in to politics too much - what's going on in Texas is sad & ridiculous, at least 2 entire families (or almost the entire family) have died because of the outages, one from carbon monoxide poisoning trying to heat their house with their car, and another using a fireplace to heat their house when the power was out resulting in a fire at night.  Feel for those people's family members.

I know this is off topic, but just to provide an answer to those who are curious about Texas and this weather.  We're used to 100+ degree weather, not zero degree weather.

The problem is that Texas is not suited to handle the power draw that it's experiencing.  When it gets cold here, it usually last two days.  This is very freakish weather for us.  The governor said that the power company will be investigated.  The power company said on the news that it was ready for the weather, in which it wasn't.   The issue with the water varies.  Fort Worth issues were from the water plants shutting down from the outage.  Boiling is a precaution just in case there's issues with the water. Other places it was because of everyone's faucet was dripping or busted pipes. 

In Dallas, the city turned off most their lights downtown.  But we still had to have roll over outages in order to keep from the who system from shutting down.  too many people using up electricity with central heating. But also there were power lines that had frozen and broke.  So it's a multi thing that is happening and not just one.  I've lived in Texas my whole life ... 54 years ... and we never had weather like this for so many days (two weeks).  Two days, maybe three, but not two weeks. 

I'm thankful for Minnesota people from coming down here with their snow plows and helping out.  We have zero snow plows here.  So thanks to all who live in Minnesota

Went to college in West Texas about 30 years ago and stayed in Texas for 20 years.  Worst I remember was back in '90 when we got sleet in Abilene.  I remember when it would get down to 30 F (in Houston) and I would feel like I was in Antarctica!
Been back in the mid-west for about 11 years now and it took about this long to get used to the cooler weather again.  This has been a pretty brutal storm system, even for areas that are used to it.
2021/02/19 03:14:01
FYI, the NASA channel is showing the landing on Mars right now...slightly more interesting than the r/wallstreetbets hearing.

Just tuned in to hear/see the announcement that it landed safely....woohoo!
I wonder what the xfer rate is like for data lol

The Mars lander was made about 5 miles from my home at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Canada Flintridge, California.
If you hear some reporter saying he or she is at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, treat whatever they are saying with a grain of salt. If they don't even know where they are, they probably have much of the rest of the story wrong too. (JPL has a Pasadena mailing address because the La Canada Flintridge post office is too small to handle the volume of mail JPL gets, but the facility IS in La Canada Flintridge, just across the City limits from Pasadena.)
A few years ago, when I was taking a Photoshop class at Glendale Community College, I got to retouch some photos from the earlier Mars landers for a video JPL was creating showing the landers. Because of the transmission distance, there were a lot of blank pixels that needed to be filled in using the colors from adjacent pixels. It was tedious work, which was why they used a lot of student labor, but seeing the finished video was one of the best events in my life. The GPUs we were using back then were nowhere near the power of today's GPUs, but one doesn't need much power to color in missing pixels. Maybe today with AI and modern GPUs, much of the work could have been automated.

Very interesting.  I grew up in Sunland/Tujunga in the 70's not too far west of there.

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