2021/02/18 15:39:28
Got the email letting me know that 3070 XC3 is in stock, click on the link (already signed into my EVGA account), takes me to check out but I can't update the quantity from 0 to 1, or continue with checkout. Contacted support, they asked me to email [link=mailto:order30@evga.com,]order30@evga.com,[/link] hopefully, they can help me before my 8 hours are over (started at 1:53 PM CST/11:53 AM PST). Anyone else experience a similar issue? My EVGA account has the same email that I got my notification on. 
Added myself to the queue on 11/2/2020 1:59PM. 

This is a periodic issue that occurs. Even if they cannot solve it during the 8 hour window, they should be able to help you out. Please let us know if you complete your purchase.  Best of luck and congratulations on getting the email!  Your watch is almost over.
2021/02/18 16:20:08
Got the email letting me know that 3070 XC3 is in stock, click on the link (already signed into my EVGA account), takes me to check out but I can't update the quantity from 0 to 1, or continue with checkout. Contacted support, they asked me to email [link=mailto:order30@evga.com,]order30@evga.com,[/link] hopefully, they can help me before my 8 hours are over (started at 1:53 PM CST/11:53 AM PST). Anyone else experience a similar issue? My EVGA account has the same email that I got my notification on. 
Added myself to the queue on 11/2/2020 1:59PM. 

This is a periodic issue that occurs. Even if they cannot solve it during the 8 hour window, they should be able to help you out. Please let us know if you complete your purchase.  Best of luck and congratulations on getting the email!  Your watch is almost over.

Thanks for the update guys. I will keep you guys posted when I’m able to get my order in. Exciting times ahead!!
2021/02/18 16:26:34
In Texas, it's so cold in people's apartments and houses that the water in their toilets have been freezing.
Can you imagine having to sit on that in the morning?
Glad I can stand!

Hearing about other people's misery makes waiting for an RTX-3080 less distressing.
2021/02/18 16:29:39
I was about to say something about the off topic griping this morning, but decided against it. At least the moderators are watching. I was beginning to wonder.
I noticed that the whining really started to increase after Thanksgiving and it has grown steadily worse since then. What needs to happen? A "no whining" policy? Another button next to the "flag as spam" button that has "whining" with a diagonal strike through it? A separate "come here to whine" thread could be created pretty easily, but I doubt anyone would use it.
I admit that I complained after I canceled my 3897 time stamp right before it came up because I wanted a HC instead, and then the HC delay was announced like three days later. That sucked because I probably would have kept the 3897 had I known that. Oh well, so it goes. Even that complaint was queue related though. It was nowhere near the "Evil Nvidia is hiding chips from us again" conspiracies that are going around here now. I can only speak for myself, but I don't want to hear about that. I want to read about the time stamps falling and the ensuing joy. I want to read enewts updates and not have to scroll through a bunch of spam to find them. Spam = off topic posts, by the way. 
2021/02/18 16:32:47
Jacob didn't pass by today huh?
2021/02/18 16:33:33
Im in San Antonio and my house got 44 degrees. Knowing im only 4 hrs away from my 3080 ftw3 kept me warm.
2021/02/18 16:34:55
Jacob didn't pass by today huh?

Unfortunately no:/ makes me sad inside </3
2021/02/18 16:37:25
So glad someone is doing this.  Trying to get one for my first build and don't want to waste money on buying something and having to get something different later.  
Thank you!
2021/02/18 16:37:35
I wonder if they've been dropping 3885's but we just haven't heard from the people buying them. My notification queue is only for 3885, and i'm really depressed there's been no word or movement on it for a long time now. @EVGA if you're not going to make more of this card, can you put my spot in another queue so I can buy a card? =/

I'm only 54 minutes away since December, so if they are dropping the numbers are really small. I'm really gonna guess they aren't dropping at all. 

This is incredibly disappointing from EVGA since every other card is getting drops. They should at least tell us if something is wrong with that series. So unhappy.
2021/02/18 16:42:51
In Texas, it's so cold in people's apartments and houses that the water in their toilets have been freezing.
Can you imagine having to sit on that in the morning?
Glad I can stand!

Hearing about other people's misery makes waiting for an RTX-3080 less distressing.

My parents are out of town and the battery on their thermostat died causing pipes and things to freeze here in MN. So I can understand some of the pain experienced by folks in TX.

On a side note, EVGA support came through and order placed. Should have my 3070 here soon.

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