In case there was any question as to which company is the de facto mustache twirler in this whole thing, NVIDIA is now releasing a dedicated crypto-mining product...a budget-priced 3060. While I appreciate the argument that they are trying to draw miners away from the mainstream cards, I would argue that it will have the net effect of just making more cards available to miners (both their dedicated cards and mainstream gaming cards)...and will do naught to help us with our plight. I would much prefer that they produce 3090, 3080, 3070 and 3060ti silicon for those of us that have been waiting since September.... ARGH!
At the same time NVidia is deliberately reducing the hashrate by 50% on the 3060s.
But not the 3060Tis, 3070s, 3080s or 3090s...nice talking point, eh?
They said they wouldn't reduce it on cards "already sold" we could try and be Asmodeus's Advocate and say that could mean they will put the same software in future 3060tis, 3070s, 3080s, and 3090s, and perhaps even GIVE the code to AMD so that they could reduce the frustration of their customers as well as a good PR gesture...but we know how lawyers, devils, and PR representatives love fine print and vague words so it could just as easily mean only any potential future ti/super versions of the already released cards will get that code, if then, and they will just keep it to themself and NOT share it at all. Also if they want miners to buy their new cards, and those miners want to be able to resell cards when they move on to the next ones with better hashrates...why don't they include at least ONE hdmi output on the dang card? Whether 2.0 or 1.4 or whatever. jsut ONE so it can be used for games. if resold. HDMI is the widest used input since it is on monitors and tvs, so there, it would be a clear sign it was a mining card, but still be useable for video output. But I dunno, that just makes logical sense to compromise.