2021/02/18 12:44:00
FYI, the NASA channel is showing the landing on Mars right now...slightly more interesting than the r/wallstreetbets hearing.
2021/02/18 12:45:04
In case there was any question as to which company is the de facto mustache twirler in this whole thing, NVIDIA is now releasing a dedicated crypto-mining product...a budget-priced 3060. While I appreciate the argument that they are trying to draw miners away from the mainstream cards, I would argue that it will have the net effect of just making more cards available to miners (both their dedicated cards and mainstream gaming cards)...and will do naught to help us with our plight.  I would much prefer that they produce 3090, 3080, 3070 and 3060ti silicon for those of us that have been waiting since September....  ARGH!

At the same time NVidia is deliberately reducing the hashrate by 50% on the 3060s.

But not the 3060Tis, 3070s, 3080s or 3090s...nice talking point, eh?

Which is the annoying part, since I am after a 3070 to replace my 1070. 

I agree with you folks. I had tried to comment this on their blog post, but apparently comments are disabled...via moderation lol: It would be nice if reduced hash-rates on all GeForce products was a thing. Also, it would be better if it was impossible to bypass. Better still if both of those were true and the CMP line came from a different process so that it didn't eat fab capacity away from GeForce parts at all. Just food for thought.
2021/02/18 12:47:03
In case there was any question as to which company is the de facto mustache twirler in this whole thing, NVIDIA is now releasing a dedicated crypto-mining product...a budget-priced 3060. While I appreciate the argument that they are trying to draw miners away from the mainstream cards, I would argue that it will have the net effect of just making more cards available to miners (both their dedicated cards and mainstream gaming cards)...and will do naught to help us with our plight.  I would much prefer that they produce 3090, 3080, 3070 and 3060ti silicon for those of us that have been waiting since September....  ARGH!

From the nvidia’s official blog:

 1-2 months at best and there will be a fix allowing for the full hashrate. 
2021/02/18 12:48:10
In case there was any question as to which company is the de facto mustache twirler in this whole thing, NVIDIA is now releasing a dedicated crypto-mining product...a budget-priced 3060. While I appreciate the argument that they are trying to draw miners away from the mainstream cards, I would argue that it will have the net effect of just making more cards available to miners (both their dedicated cards and mainstream gaming cards)...and will do naught to help us with our plight.  I would much prefer that they produce 3090, 3080, 3070 and 3060ti silicon for those of us that have been waiting since September....  ARGH!

At the same time NVidia is deliberately reducing the hashrate by 50% on the 3060s.

But not the 3060Tis, 3070s, 3080s or 3090s...nice talking point, eh?

They said they wouldn't reduce it on cards "already sold" we could try and be Asmodeus's Advocate and say that could mean they will put the same software in future 3060tis, 3070s, 3080s, and 3090s, and perhaps even GIVE the code to AMD so that they could reduce the frustration of their customers as well as a good PR gesture...but we know how lawyers, devils, and PR representatives love fine print and vague words so it could just as easily mean only any potential future ti/super versions of the already released cards will get that code, if then, and they will just keep it to themself and NOT share it at all. Also if they want miners to buy their new cards, and those miners want to be able to resell cards when they move on to the next ones with better hashrates...why don't they include at least ONE hdmi output on the dang card? Whether 2.0 or 1.4 or whatever. jsut ONE so it can be used for games. if resold. HDMI is the widest used input since it is on monitors and tvs, so there, it would be a clear sign it was a mining card, but still be useable for video output. But I dunno, that just makes logical sense to compromise.
2021/02/18 12:58:54
Is there anywhere to pre-order a 3060? If so, I'd be grateful if someone would give me the link(s). While I'm a long-term EVGA customer and I'd much prefer an EVGA card, at this point, I'll take any brand.
I only need ONE GPU, so I'll be removing myself from EVGA's queues for a 3060TI or a 3070 if I can get a 3060.
2021/02/18 13:01:32
FYI, the NASA channel is showing the landing on Mars right now...slightly more interesting than the r/wallstreetbets hearing.

Just tuned in to hear/see the announcement that it landed safely....woohoo!
I wonder what the xfer rate is like for data lol
2021/02/18 13:02:36
only thing we can hope that is nvidia will release enough stock to make a difference on the 25th when the 3060 goes on sale but with the lunar new year unless the started production a long time before they announced about the card it will most likely be another waiting game. even with nvidia releasing mining cards in q1 and q2 they will still keep buying up stock to mine with. And with more and more people complaining about not be able to find cards scalpers will keep going because most people are impatient and will go that route instead of waiting. I used to build pc's for fun and extra money but since early last year with parts getting harder it is not worth the extra stress trying to find what people want. And as bad as it sounds even some people that just build pc's are looked at as part of the problem cutting stock. you think for example evga is doing the notify list and has rma's and the step up program and if they had more stock normal sales. They also ship gpu's to how many retailers by contract? probably over 50 or more between all the sites we could by off of or computer builders that use their cards. with the lunar new year they will be making chips again most likely by the 22nd of the month. so that is close to 10 days that none or little in the way of chips were done if they are able to put out a million cards a month with over a dozen sku's that in a perfect world would be a little over 83k for each card but you also have to take into account that there is always some issues making anything. and nothing is ever perfect.  but also we don't know all the details so we are just assuming information and in some cases twisting things to make it worse. i said a million cards it is probably more but I don't know the factories also make more the just chips for gpu's and unless you have factories that do everything from the chip up to a full gpu in one place and know exactly how many are made a day it is all conjecture. so if you don't like the notify system you don't need to use it. things will improve at some point i remember the 10 series cards being hard to get and at that point i was build 30+ pc's a year. 
2021/02/18 13:08:22
Is there anywhere to pre-order a 3060? If so, I'd be grateful if someone would give me the link(s). While I'm a long-term EVGA customer and I'd much prefer an EVGA card, at this point, I'll take any brand.
I only need ONE GPU, so I'll be removing myself from EVGA's queues for a 3060TI or a 3070 if I can get a 3060.

Don’t remove yourself from the queues. Put yourself in the queue for the 3060 as well. February 25 at 9 am PT is the date and time, I think
2021/02/18 13:41:26
Is there anywhere to pre-order a 3060? If so, I'd be grateful if someone would give me the link(s). While I'm a long-term EVGA customer and I'd much prefer an EVGA card, at this point, I'll take any brand.
I only need ONE GPU, so I'll be removing myself from EVGA's queues for a 3060TI or a 3070 if I can get a 3060.

Don’t remove yourself from the queues. Put yourself in the queue for the 3060 as well. February 25 at 9 am PT is the date and time, I think

I'm pretty sure he means he'll remove himself AFTER he gets a 3060.
2021/02/18 13:46:58
A large air cooler wouldn't leak water over your components if it failed*
*says the guy running two 240 AIOs

A large air cooler would melt with how hot this 9900K gets - sure as heck not chancing an 11900K on air or my motherboard getting bent for that matter ^_^
Dabadger84Speaking of selling stuff, I gotta get rid of this eVGA Z10 walmart-keyboard-quality garbageo... Gotta ask around & see if anyone needs a keyboard, I'm not charging anywhere near what I paid for it ($72) because it's not freakin' worth that much.  It'd be a fine keyboard if it cost like $40, but for $72 or what the full price was on eVGA's website ($199) - Yikes.

I've been happy with mine but $40 is what I paid for it (current price on Amazon).  Personal reviews seem hit and miss and setting aside silly things like "One star because I wanted full RGB!", it does feel like some people got a lemon or have systems that the software just won't play nice with. 
Volume slider is trash but I never use that anyway.  Screen contrast is dark for most colors but the green shows up well enough so that's what I use.  But the key quality feels fine to me, I like having my AIDA64 stats on the screen and the USB hub function works for me (common complaint is that it doesn't for some).

On top of it feeling cheap overall to me, compared to an Alienware AW768 that isn't that much more than it was with what I paid for it, the LCD literally does not work for me unless I'm using AIDA64 - I have enough stuff running in the background without adding ANOTHER monitoring program, that alone took 2 stars off of it for me as one of the primary reasons I even bought it was I was expecting at least old-Logitech style LCD support.

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