There are things we can and cannot control. We cannot control card drops, visibility in the queue, miners, scalpers, bots, and so on. We can control signing up for notifications for more than one sku, joining discord/other groups dedicated to monitoring drops, and keeping a open mind with cards we are willing to buy and the prices we are willing to pay. It is not EVGA's responsibility to get
you a card, it is
Those who want a specific card at a specific price immediately and refuse to do nothing more than sit and complain until it is given to them, the constant belly-aching is irritating. Through my own efforts and flexibility, I have been able to provide 10+ cards (from multiple online retailers) to friends and family for no profit, as well as being able to obtain a KingPin for myself, all without "cheating" or paying for an advantage. I enjoy "the hunt" and like to monitor drops and battle it out. A couple of these cards have come from the EVGA queue, so as far as I am concerned, the queue system works. I have also turned down a couple queue cards so they could be passed along to the next people in line.
Led Zeppelin has a song "Nobody's Fault but Mine", might be worth a listen for some of you guys. As always, good luck and fast queues to all!