I'm hoping for some nice movement today. Good luck everyone 
I've just started my first cup of coffee.........so I'm optimistic ;)
For a minute there I thought I had wandered into a different forum. Geez people, lighten up.
My father (who is getting on in years and memory is fading) tells me this story at least once a month
When he was growing up (in the 50's) he had just finished working on his car (51 Merc I think?). Anyhow he drove into town, where it promptly stalled at a light. He jumped out, popped the hood, and began monkeying around trying to fix it (you see, you could actually work on a car back then without a comuter degree lol). A guy in the car behind him starts beeping his horn. My dad worked on his car some more. The guy kept beeping. Lather, rinse, repeat....... Was this a good decision? Who knows. That's not the point, however. Teenagers know nothing/everything at the same time lol. Anyhow, after a few minutes my father walks up to the guy beeping his horn and says 'How about we trade? You work on the car and I'll beep the horn at you.' lol The man just drove around him and went on his way.
Yes, there are problems. Not being able to get a new Vid card so you can mine or go 'pew pew pew' in games is an inconvenience at best. Stay positive, you'll be amazed how much better you (and folks around you) feel.
/end rant?
Oh, thx ƩNewt for the queue update! :)
Edit: and we're back up again. Looks like no shuffle today?