2021/02/18 07:11:13
Be interesting to see if this changes anything.  nvidia is going to halve mining rates on the new 3060
RTX 3060 software drivers are designed to detect specific attributes of the Ethereum cryptocurrency mining algorithm, and limit the hash rate, or cryptocurrency mining efficiency, by around 50 percent.
hmm how do i post links.
2021/02/18 07:14:54
So far I'm very happy with the K100.  Not totally sure I'm $200 keyboard happy with it, but I also haven't had a huge amount of time to use it yet, outside of several hours of Cyberpunk & CSGO, which isn't really typing so much as MASHING stuff lol
Good luck on the queue today folks, if I can catch the delivery guy my EK Loop stuff will be here today so I'm likely going to spend today/tomorrow assembling & leak testing that.  Haven't been to sleep yet, so probably more likely tomorrow - don't want to make mistakes cuz tubing can't un-cut itself :-P

I’m happy with the K100 as well.

You did say that you bought extra tubing so you can just cut away and not worry. /S

The extra tubing is to cool my head so I don't overheat from stressing about being paranoid of leaks even after I leak test it for over 24 hours LUL
2021/02/18 07:28:32
Be interesting to see if this changes anything.  nvidia is going to halve mining rates on the new 3060
RTX 3060 software drivers are designed to detect specific attributes of the Ethereum cryptocurrency mining algorithm, and limit the hash rate, or cryptocurrency mining efficiency, by around 50 percent.
hmm how do i post links.

It will be easily bypassed. It did not take long for people to bypass the memory timing limitations of GDDR5x.
2021/02/18 07:31:30
Waiting not patiently for the shuffle 
I know it will be more than 4 hours from now.
Also waiting for the snow to stop and the plow to plow me in. I will go out with snow blower and clear the snow.
Between the covid and the storms it is very much boring to just wait.
 Oh to those in Texas find a way to be warm today. Still a lot of people with no power. Much bigger problems than waiting on a card or two.
2021/02/18 07:35:24
people are just funny about all of this. i signed up for the 3663 on it's lunch day of 12/1/20 but at 840pm the last report showed it has only moved to 716am of that day and that was a little over 2.5 months ago. I am hoping that I might get it before the price change but I doubt that I will just like when the 3060 comes out on the 25th I will but a notify for that. my computer has a gtx 1650 and my son's has a 1050 ti and with the games that are played something newer is needed. I am more frustrated then mad about the wait mostly because the new assassin's creed game plays like crap on the 1650 at medium settings with my card. And with even older cards getting outrageous in price all i can do is wait. Even with nvidia saying that they are ramping up production it is not an overnight fix to everything. with the 3060 releasing on the 25th and more cards coming out this year the problem will still be there. even if mining goes down so cards are not being bought by them as much scalpers will still be an issue and as long as so many people keep buying from them the issue will stay in place. if a scalper can buy a card for 500 and turn and sell it for 1500-2000 you are talking a 3 or 4 to one sell to buy ratio and if they can do that on a large scale they will. it also could be cut down by doing a couple of things. sites to make it so bots can not buy anything. tracking stock any buying it are very different. even if retailers but those not a robot verification to checkout it would so down scalpers so would checking where things are sent and payment info. but as most people are not thinking it still comes down to the fact that sites want to sell what they have. some sites have made it so bots won't work and some haven't evga has made an attempt to try and get cards to gamers with the notify system and yes it is not perfect but it is an attempt and it has a limit of 1 card per notify. but even with that people on here most likely have also done some scalping of cards too. 
2021/02/18 07:44:18
This is great news!
2021/02/18 07:50:21
So far I'm very happy with the K100.  Not totally sure I'm $200 keyboard happy with it, but I also haven't had a huge amount of time to use it yet, outside of several hours of Cyberpunk & CSGO, which isn't really typing so much as MASHING stuff lol

Good luck on the queue today folks, if I can catch the delivery guy my EK Loop stuff will be here today so I'm likely going to spend today/tomorrow assembling & leak testing that.  Haven't been to sleep yet, so probably more likely tomorrow - don't want to make mistakes cuz tubing can't un-cut itself :-P

I’m happy with the K100 as well.

You did say that you bought extra tubing so you can just cut away and not worry. /S

The extra tubing is to cool my head so I don't overheat from stressing about being paranoid of leaks even after I leak test it for over 24 hours LUL

A large air cooler wouldn't leak water over your components if it failed*
*says the guy running two 240 AIOs
2021/02/18 07:55:28
Hei, good luck today
2021/02/18 08:03:19
The salt is real this morning. 
2021/02/18 08:07:11

Sorry there are 100s, 1000s of people ahead of you and they only drop 10-100 cards per week.   At least EVGA makes it transparent.

I think that for EVGA to be more transparent is to show the exact number of cards of various SKUs that are dropped for the day. At least we know the quantity for each drop day.

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