2021/02/17 23:09:42
I just signed up today. 10G-P5-3888-KR, I just realized this is a product number. Is there a possibility of getting an email in the next 3 weeks? Or am looking at middle of this year?

I doubt youll see it this year. Its only moved 9 mins since its launch day and thats not even the heavy congestion time frame. On top of that, it hasnt moved since christmas.
2021/02/17 23:11:38
Is there a limit to the number of notifies I can have in total? Couldn't find this anywhere.

No. You can have as many notifies as you want but its only 1 SKU per household. In theory, you could just set up new accounts at different addresses to get around it for the future though.
2021/02/18 00:28:43
I just signed up today. 10G-P5-3888-KR, I just realized this is a product number. Is there a possibility of getting an email in the next 3 months? Or am looking at middle of next year?

I fixed your question. And to answer it, most likely sometime next year, if at all. 
2021/02/18 02:54:23
3080 will be discontinued before anyone signing up now gets their card (specifically from the queue system, of course).  I'd be willing to bet a five-ski on that. lol
Edit: Thought I'd add this...
Some news/etc channels are speculating (& I think this is likely happening) that a lot of GPU makers right now are choosing to put the Dies that can be made in to a 3080 OR a 3090, in to the 3090s because duh, higher profit margin etc.
That would explain why the majority of 3080 SKUs are non-existent other than the FTW3 Ultra even for eVGA.  3070s & 3060s are being eaten by Miners when it comes to the market of storefronts & online retailers, 3090s aren't cost efficient for mining so they're the ones that are easiest to get ahold of... and of course, why would an AIB maker put those dies in to 3080s when they could make more buckarinos on 3090s.
Of course for people that are okay with spending $800 on a GPU but not $1500+, that is a serious problem - you're left with no options.  An RX 6800 that's not as good as a 3080 - or trying to fight scalper bots & miners for a 3070.
At least Newegg Shuffle is giving people a shot at 3070s pretty regularly from what I've seen.  Haven't seen a 3080 on there yet other than the very overpriced MSI model once.  It seems to me like some AIBs on Newegg have already hiked their price for the second bump in prices that's supposed to be coming in April - their cards are like $100+ more expensive than comparable eVGA models (and I'm talking about currently listed prices on the site, not what the queue people are paying).  And it seems to be across the board, not just some makers, but the vast majority of them.
2021/02/18 05:11:14
I blame all of them. lol  Scalpers for making the situation worse, miners for making the situation worse (and both of them for making supply lower & demand higher), and NVidia for not producing a proper amount of cards before launch due to a rushed launch, not anticipating the demand, and further FUBARing it by not ramping production before launch either.

Let us not forget, NVidia said they were ramping up production in August - this is something that "normally" happens THREE MONTHS before a new GPU architecture is released.  They did this on purpose because they were either too stupid, or too clueless to figure out what most of us knew was coming, unprecedented demand due to a combination of factors (everyone being home because of the pandemic, the performance making cards like the 3080 very desirable for the price, etc etc).

At the end of the day, there's plenty of blame to go around, and since science shows most people aren't happy unless they have something to complain about, step right up, take your pick and NOMNOMNOM that irritation. 

Good luck tomorrow everyone, I'm gonna shut down & see if my back is in a good enough mood for me to operate & get those thermal pads under the backplate & test'er out.

Its supply and demand. Nvidia knew the issue from the second they used large dies on a poor yielding manufacturing node in an environment with limited resources. They released a paper launch anyway giving high hopes to people instead of continuing production on more stable nodes with smaller dies. Its hard to blame AMD for shifting all production to CPUs and consoles when the majority of gamers do not buy their Gpus.

Scalpers do not cause supply and demand issues but are only a symptom of the price being lower than its demanded value. They are only more pronounced now that AMD and NVIDIA have largely cut off older die production. Bc there are not many older gpus being produced in the $200-$500 range, demand is shifting more towards the <200 and >500 range resulting in further demand on the 30 series.

Large miners upgrade every year, not just when crypto goes up. They either replace thekr existing systems or add on depending on the price. They create contracts with manufacturers and AIBs to buy cards in BULK at a given price. Nvidia knows the demand of this group and when it can be expected to grow given their contact with them. No industrial size miners are buying the 3090s lol.

Small miners mostly do not make up a large portion of purchases bc of limited capital and power requirements. They have to go through normal channels of purchasing so most end up buying cards at Scalper pricing. From those i know, this group buys about as many gpus as individual system builders. Everyone who kept an eye on crypto expected growth this year in mining which nvidia knew to a degree as well. I think i remember several tech tubers making comments about this midway last year.

I don't like the situation and I know they can't ramp production up in an instant but Nvidia knew these issues when choosing samsung. I made the mistake of thinking I could just wait for production so i didn't enter the queue system until dec. I'm not about to blame people for trying to make money where the supply isn't meeting the demand or people having preexisting contracts with Nvidia/AIBs. Sure you can blame the AIBs for taking these contracts but in business you dont tend to turn down easy money from multi year partners.

What could have been done differently? More people could have been buying AMD over the years so in situations like this they would have bought more 7nm cap at higher prices. Nvidia could have released a smaller Ampere in 2018 on 12nm with smaller dies since Turing was awful value. They could have rereleased this in 2020 on a smaller node while keeping the 12nm production. Even as things are, they could have just kept turing in production to fill demand but they chose to cut it in order to increase profit margins on the 30 series.

I think sometimes people throw around the "supply and demand" argument a little much.  To say scalpers do not cause supply and demand issues is not really how you should look at it.  Do they disrupt overall supply and demand?  No, they don't.  They just serve as pass through price gougers.
However, if you think of Supply as total supply available to consumers.  And Demand as total demand for a product from end consumers, you see that both of these consist of three main consumer categories.
  1. Gamers, traditional or enthusiastic
  2. Scientific computing, to include miners, who may not be scientist themselves, but it's still at its core very math driven
  3. Scalpers
Scalpers have both demand requirements, they need cards to sell.  And supply requirements, they can only buy what is available.  They have a third unique relationship, they cut out X total supply from groups 1 & 2, and then sell them that that chunk of supply at hugely marked up prices.  Your retailers don't do that, manufacturers don't do that.  
You think guy out there buying up multiple cards and reselling them is somehow one of the millions most smart people that manufacturers or retailers don't know about?  No, he's a grey area price gouger who doesn't have to care about contracts, customer backlash, and / or government attention.  I  think the more this happens, the more you'll see at least the government eye these practices.  It's too much money at this point not to.
You are somewhat incorrect to say they have no effect, because they are part of the demand side.  Fine, but when they want to unload supply side, you don't want this
SupplyScalper <= DemandGamer + DemandSci, where SupplyScalper is relatively high
What we need to do is make sure that when SupplyScalper is relatively high
SupplyScalper >> DemandGamerFromScalper + DemandSciFromScalper, where DemandFromScalperTotal total is close to zero.  Scalpers eat billions of dollars and stop scalping.  This would stop scalping.
Buying from scalpers hurts the ecosystem (and by scalper, I don't mean someone reselling a card they no longer need, it's the big time profiteers of this mess) 

Your entire argument in regard to scalpers having a effect on supply and demand can be dismantled with 2 examples. They do play into both the supply and demand side but only as an intermediary to adjust the price of the good to the current market price. MSI and Newegg are starting to play the same role to take more profits for themselves. The current market price is not the price set by the retailer but the price you can go out and purchase the product at any time without having to spam F5 or wait in queue for. This is the price for which demand=supply. 
1. If Nvidia and AIBs raise prices to scalper levels, will the scalpers still purchase cards in the hopes to resell them? No, because the price of the card would be at the going market price therefor removing them from the equation. The scalpers as a whole move lower quantities than AIBs and NVIDIA do directly to large miners and do not have the capital to bulk purchase at the going market price for tiny gains if any. Small miners and gamers are significantly more price sensitive on average and will be more willing to settle for alternatives and many already have.
2. If scalping was completely banned and no longer existed overnight, would the going market price change lower? No, large miners would start bulk purchases from retailers to take up any remaining supply largely bypassing normal sale channels. Because these cards have close to a 100 day or less ROI at retail it makes no sense for retail pricing to be the going market price. This is what happened in 2017/18 when nvidia and amd failed to meet demand without many scalpers. 
I don't like scalpers but like i said before, this is nvidias fault more than any1s. Gov't intervention will only hurt the market as it always does. 
2021/02/18 05:44:55
Well it is a mess.  But some interesting facts would be Eth hashrate growth.
Since asics can mine Eth and Gpus can mine ETH
The growth will reflect both being added.
Since it is a profit game price per mh has meaning it is 11.75 cents an mh or 10 bucks for a 3080 burning about 7 kwatts
So miners with 50 cent power have $3.50 power cost to earn $10.00 So in the USA everyone is well under 40 cent power so every one owning a 3080 can min at a profit.
Never mind the guy with 5 cent commercial power spending only 50 cents  a day to earn 10 dollars.
Mining demand is huge.
Repeat mining demand is huge.
Now mega farms can order a custom 10 chip rig with amd sapphire 6800 chips.
I have to think nvidia is feeding a few big farms chips to make a 10 chip 3080 rig
look at eth hash rates
Highest Avg Hash Rate of 403,378.9310 GH/s was recorded on Wednesday, February 17, 2021
this is like 4,033,780.          3080 units
but on Dec 31 we were at 293,000 Gh/s  or 2,930,000  3080 units.
That is the equivalent to 1,100,000   3080's added in 49 days.
Lets face facts some of that is asic gear. The rest is any  newer 3000 series  nvidia and or any newer 6000 series amd.    But if 1/3 is asic and 1/3 is amd it means 1/3 was or is nvidia so in the last 49 days 370,000 nvidia cards were lost so to speak to mining. Maybe more since the 3060ti and 3070 do 60mh not 100mh like the 3080. and the higher 3090 does 120mh but not a lot.
Now I have to think 370k-500k cards world wide over 7 weeks means something but since nvidia chip sales are very much hidden who knows what was made.
does nvidia sell 20,000,000 chips for gpus in a year that would be  385,000 chips a week.  Which means mining is not a big problem since they added 500,000 in 7 weeks. It would mean gamers and other users are the issue for the demand. since 7 weeks would be about  2,695,000 chips of which only 370,000-500,000 went to mining.
But since Nvidia does not reveal chip sales who know how many chips were sold in the last 49 days.  I will hope for the shuffle today.
2021/02/18 05:56:22
This is the result of no competition. People are quick to get EVGA off of the hook, but their feet should be held to the fire. Zero reason for this company to move hardly any units since launch and or December.

Further proof, customers come last.
2021/02/18 05:59:21
This is the result of no competition. People are quick to get EVGA off of the hook, but their feet should be held to the fire. Zero reason for this company to move hardly any units since launch and or December.

Further proof, customers come last.

Can’t move products if nvidia cannot give them chips to make the cards
2021/02/18 06:09:42
I personally look forward to the next Crypto crash :-P 
Speaking of selling stuff, I gotta get rid of this eVGA Z10 walmart-keyboard-quality garbageo... Gotta ask around & see if anyone needs a keyboard, I'm not charging anywhere near what I paid for it ($72) because it's not freakin' worth that much.  It'd be a fine keyboard if it cost like $40, but for $72 or what the full price was on eVGA's website ($199) - Yikes.
I look forward to folks posting reviews on the Z15 & Z20 to see how much they've improved.
So far I'm very happy with the K100.  Not totally sure I'm $200 keyboard happy with it, but I also haven't had a huge amount of time to use it yet, outside of several hours of Cyberpunk & CSGO, which isn't really typing so much as MASHING stuff lol
Good luck on the queue today folks, if I can catch the delivery guy my EK Loop stuff will be here today so I'm likely going to spend today/tomorrow assembling & leak testing that.  Haven't been to sleep yet, so probably more likely tomorrow - don't want to make mistakes cuz tubing can't un-cut itself :-P
2021/02/18 06:15:36
So far I'm very happy with the K100.  Not totally sure I'm $200 keyboard happy with it, but I also haven't had a huge amount of time to use it yet, outside of several hours of Cyberpunk & CSGO, which isn't really typing so much as MASHING stuff lol
Good luck on the queue today folks, if I can catch the delivery guy my EK Loop stuff will be here today so I'm likely going to spend today/tomorrow assembling & leak testing that.  Haven't been to sleep yet, so probably more likely tomorrow - don't want to make mistakes cuz tubing can't un-cut itself :-P

I’m happy with the K100 as well.

You did say that you bought extra tubing so you can just cut away and not worry. /S

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