2021/02/17 20:57:42
I think enewt has mentioned he is conservative as well with the estimates just in case there are mistakes. For example, I believe 3755 dropped today and should be up to 3:18 am on 11/5 already. Likewise, 3767 should be up to 6:14 am on 10/30.

I think you are getting those data points from the spreadsheets.  I tend to find the spreadsheet data unreliable.  For example, the 3767 -- clearly in error -- currently lists the head of the queue at 2/16/2021.  In addition to those egregious instances of misinformation (that often don't get corrected for days or even weeks), too often folks input data for one 30 series family on the sheet of another model of the same family (e.g., entries for Gaming Ultras or Gaming Blacks often appear on the Gaming sheets or vice versa). 
My summaries rely on actual reports back (both here and on other online sources I trust)...the last thing I want to do is to have my summaries get in front of the real head of the queue and cause folks to worry that they were skipped.
2021/02/17 20:58:30
everyone wants what they want when they want it. this is what has caused the issue. it is not from only one thing or even one group of people. if you think about it is not very shocking. You have new cards come out that everyone wants for different reasons. Miners want them to earn money and this is not the first or last time that it will be a problem. Scalpers are a pain because they see and know how many people want the cards and take advantage of what they see. It is the same as people buying tickets and selling them to sold out shows. And gamers want the best they can get for the gaming that they do. But think about it covid has caused so many people to be out of work and at home so the demand for games and thus GPU's have gone up. And in some ways you could also blame people being out of work as why scalpers have gotten so bad. They need money because they are out of work and in some cases have taken advantage of getting more money from unemployment then they were working their job. Our world is not a perfect place and as much as people want to be mad some people will always take advantage of situations and this is just another example of it.
2021/02/17 21:04:39
everyone wants what they want when they want it. this is what has caused the issue. it is not from only one thing or even one group of people. if you think about it is not very shocking. You have new cards come out that everyone wants for different reasons. Miners want them to earn money and this is not the first or last time that it will be a problem. Scalpers are a pain because they see and know how many people want the cards and take advantage of what they see. It is the same as people buying tickets and selling them to sold out shows. And gamers want the best they can get for the gaming that they do. But think about it covid has caused so many people to be out of work and at home so the demand for games and thus GPU's have gone up. And in some ways you could also blame people being out of work as why scalpers have gotten so bad. They need money because they are out of work and in some cases have taken advantage of getting more money from unemployment then they were working their job. Our world is not a perfect place and as much as people want to be mad some people will always take advantage of situations and this is just another example of it.

Bingo! And working from home has given a lot of people time to wear out their F5 buttons to purchase cards and make a home-built mining rig. I don't blame them. The only members of that group I'm salty towards are the scalpers. They are using their army of bots to buy ALL available stock faster than mere humans can compete with, and they're not getting the cards to actually USE THEM. They are getting them to flip and profit MORE than what EVGA and Nvidia make on these cards COMBINED. Yeah, miners might be taking more than their "fair share", whatever that means, but at least they are using the cards themselves. They are generating a cryptocurrency that actually has real value and you can buy things with it, or make some money on the side, and for most of them, it is very much a long game. The vast majority of them take months to pay off their investments.
The scalpers literally make profit OVERNIGHT by taking advantage of an artificial scarcity that THEY CREATED THEMSELVES!!! Nvidia and partners do all the research and manufacturing, but someone else makes the real money on the side, thanks to expenses which the scalper never had to suffer. 
2021/02/17 21:19:12
I blame all of them. lol  Scalpers for making the situation worse, miners for making the situation worse (and both of them for making supply lower & demand higher), and NVidia for not producing a proper amount of cards before launch due to a rushed launch, not anticipating the demand, and further FUBARing it by not ramping production before launch either.
Let us not forget, NVidia said they were ramping up production in August - this is something that "normally" happens THREE MONTHS before a new GPU architecture is released.  They did this on purpose because they were either too stupid, or too clueless to figure out what most of us knew was coming, unprecedented demand due to a combination of factors (everyone being home because of the pandemic, the performance making cards like the 3080 very desirable for the price, etc etc).
At the end of the day, there's plenty of blame to go around, and since science shows most people aren't happy unless they have something to complain about, step right up, take your pick and NOMNOMNOM that irritation. 
Good luck tomorrow everyone, I'm gonna shut down & see if my back is in a good enough mood for me to operate & get those thermal pads under the backplate & test'er out.

Its supply and demand. Nvidia knew the issue from the second they used large dies on a poor yielding manufacturing node in an environment with limited resources. They released a paper launch anyway giving high hopes to people instead of continuing production on more stable nodes with smaller dies. Its hard to blame AMD for shifting all production to CPUs and consoles when the majority of gamers do not buy their Gpus.

Scalpers do not cause supply and demand issues but are only a symptom of the price being lower than its demanded value. They are only more pronounced now that AMD and NVIDIA have largely cut off older die production. Bc there are not many older gpus being produced in the $200-$500 range, demand is shifting more towards the <200 and >500 range resulting in further demand on the 30 series.

Large miners upgrade every year, not just when crypto goes up. They either replace thekr existing systems or add on depending on the price. They create contracts with manufacturers and AIBs to buy cards in BULK at a given price. Nvidia knows the demand of this group and when it can be expected to grow given their contact with them. No industrial size miners are buying the 3090s lol.

Small miners mostly do not make up a large portion of purchases bc of limited capital and power requirements. They have to go through normal channels of purchasing so most end up buying cards at Scalper pricing. From those i know, this group buys about as many gpus as individual system builders. Everyone who kept an eye on crypto expected growth this year in mining which nvidia knew to a degree as well. I think i remember several tech tubers making comments about this midway last year.

I don't like the situation and I know they can't ramp production up in an instant but Nvidia knew these issues when choosing samsung. I made the mistake of thinking I could just wait for production so i didn't enter the queue system until dec. I'm not about to blame people for trying to make money where the supply isn't meeting the demand or people having preexisting contracts with Nvidia/AIBs. Sure you can blame the AIBs for taking these contracts but in business you dont tend to turn down easy money from multi year partners.

What could have been done differently? More people could have been buying AMD over the years so in situations like this they would have bought more 7nm cap at higher prices. Nvidia could have released a smaller Ampere in 2018 on 12nm with smaller dies since Turing was awful value. They could have rereleased this in 2020 on a smaller node while keeping the 12nm production. Even as things are, they could have just kept turing in production to fill demand but they chose to cut it in order to increase profit margins on the 30 series.

I think sometimes people throw around the "supply and demand" argument a little much.  To say scalpers do not cause supply and demand issues is not really how you should look at it.  Do they disrupt overall supply and demand?  No, they don't.  They just serve as pass through price gougers.
However, if you think of Supply as total supply available to consumers.  And Demand as total demand for a product from end consumers, you see that both of these consist of three main consumer categories.
  1. Gamers, traditional or enthusiastic
  2. Scientific computing, to include miners, who may not be scientist themselves, but it's still at its core very math driven
  3. Scalpers
Scalpers have both demand requirements, they need cards to sell.  And supply requirements, they can only buy what is available.  They have a third unique relationship, they cut out X total supply from groups 1 & 2, and then sell them that that chunk of supply at hugely marked up prices.  Your retailers don't do that, manufacturers don't do that.  
You think guy out there buying up multiple cards and reselling them is somehow one of the millions most smart people that manufacturers or retailers don't know about?  No, he's a grey area price gouger who doesn't have to care about contracts, customer backlash, and / or government attention.  I  think the more this happens, the more you'll see at least the government eye these practices.  It's too much money at this point not to.
You are somewhat incorrect to say they have no effect, because they are part of the demand side.  Fine, but when they want to unload supply side, you don't want this
SupplyScalper <= DemandGamer + DemandSci, where SupplyScalper is relatively high
What we need to do is make sure that when SupplyScalper is relatively high
SupplyScalper >> DemandGamerFromScalper + DemandSciFromScalper, where DemandFromScalperTotal total is close to zero.  Scalpers eat billions of dollars and stop scalping.  This would stop scalping.
Buying from scalpers hurts the ecosystem (and by scalper, I don't mean someone reselling a card they no longer need, it's the big time profiteers of this mess) 
2021/02/17 21:36:18
So I came here today looking to get an update and expecting good news that this far from launch that cards were getting shipped out in mass and that EVGA was getting through the queue pretty quickly, especially now that I am seeing more and more EVGA cards hitting third party retailers and system builders. Can I just say how freaking disappointed I am right now? I've been in the queue since November for 3 cards and according to the information listed here at least one of the cards that I'm in queue for hasn't shipped a single unit? Now I am watching scalpers snatch up already scalper priced EVGA GPU's off of Newegg and Amazon but the people who are going direct to EVGA out of our loyalty to the brand are sitting in the queue for 5 MONTHS and EVGA can't even give us insight into where we are in the queue or when we can expect to see a GPU, the community has to put that together on their own time? Props to enewt for being a [link=mailto:bad@$$]bad@$$[/link] and putting this together for everyone but for the first time in my life I am not thinking very highly of EVGA right now. You won't take care of your community that is waiting in line to purchase from you but you'll unload units on third party sellers to be sold at egregious mark ups? Not how I viewed EVGA in the past.
2021/02/17 21:44:34
Pretty sure EVGA stopped shipping out their cards to ppl in the queue.  What's the point of having a queue system then? lol
2021/02/17 21:49:01
So I came here today looking to get an update and expecting good news that this far from launch that cards were getting shipped out in mass and that EVGA was getting through the queue pretty quickly, especially now that I am seeing more and more EVGA cards hitting third party retailers and system builders. Can I just say how freaking disappointed I am right now? I've been in the queue since November for 3 cards and according to the information listed here at least one of the cards that I'm in queue for hasn't shipped a single unit? Now I am watching scalpers snatch up already scalper priced EVGA GPU's off of Newegg and Amazon but the people who are going direct to EVGA out of our loyalty to the brand are sitting in the queue for 5 MONTHS and EVGA can't even give us insight into where we are in the queue or when we can expect to see a GPU, the community has to put that together on their own time? Props to enewt for being a [link=mailto:bad@$$]bad@$$[/link] and putting this together for everyone but for the first time in my life I am not thinking very highly of EVGA right now. You won't take care of your community that is waiting in line to purchase from you but you'll unload units on third party sellers to be sold at egregious mark ups? Not how I viewed EVGA in the past.

In fairness to EVGA, we are seeing the 3070s hit retailers the most. We rarely see 3080s, and as others have mentioned, it's entirely possible and entirely likely that they have contractual obligations to meet with the big boxes, whereas there is no contract for them to sell direct. In fact, retailers don't benefit at all from direct web sales, so you can bet if there IS a contract with EVGA, they are going to be very much wanting to enforce it. 
I understand your feelings, though. On a rough day, I get on here and see NO movement in my 18 queued cards, all of which were queued well before November (minus the cards released after that). And then I see folks buying EVGA cards from retailers. Trust me. I get it. 
2021/02/17 22:11:04
I just signed up today. 10G-P5-3888-KR, I just realized this is a product number. Is there a possibility of getting an email in the next 3 weeks? Or am looking at middle of this year?
2021/02/17 22:20:16
All just numbers
2021/02/17 23:00:25
Is there a limit to the number of notifies I can have in total? Couldn't find this anywhere.

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