2021/02/17 16:27:31
does anybody know when was the last movement for 3987? 

Thursday, Feb 11.
2:28:26 worth of movement.

You do amazing work in this thread!!!
2021/02/17 16:28:54
Got an email 
9/19/2020 8:58:46 AM PTYes
I earlier asked if I could help anyone since I already got one in store, so first responded and transaction is completed.
Sycotik1 enjoy.

Thanks for helping out the community!
2021/02/17 16:28:56
So the card I signed up for: 3080 FTW3 Ultra Gaming 10G-P5-3897-KR
has moved ~2 days in 4 and a half months?
So that's averaging (rounding up) about 2 months per day?
Now my signup date was Nov 21 (I tried for lots of other cards before deciding I'd just register it and wait it out)
Meaning I have 63 days of queue left to wait, and at 2 months per day my calculation is 10.5 Years!
Guess I won't have to be too diligent in checking my email...

The three cards I initially signed up for (3885, 3883, 3881) have moved collectively about 2 days. I am closest to the 3885 (20+ hours of queue time) and currently have only a fraction of a bit of hope that they will move it along to my spot before the April 16 tariff cut date at this point. Making that assumption looking at 8 months for being 48 hours off of the initial signup day.
2021/02/17 16:38:26
do you have any prediction for my 10/14/2020 4.33 pm sign up for 3987? 

Honestly any predictions are useless especially with cards seemingly slowing down in 2021. I put together an elaborate spreadsheet to average wait time averaged for each of my cards along with current progress.
Originally one of the cards was predicted to get to my position at the beginning of this month. Due to the slowdown it's constantly been creeping forward.
Right now it's predicting 3/1 however every day without drops keeps moving it forward.
2021/02/17 16:38:53
I had to pick up some medications for one of my dogs at the Burbank, CA Walmart, so I dropped into the Best Buy next door.
Best Buy was "stocked" with ONE graphics card. Anyone need a GTX 1030? If so, you are in luck if you live near Burbank. I've never seen such a tiny card before.
2021/02/17 16:40:43
On a different topic (that I just remembered because Dabadger just posted), how do you get the Mods Rigs link to show up in your profile? I created a rig and everything on that site, but I don't know how to have it show up here.. I found some old forums discussions on how to do it but those are outdated now and don't work. Could someone please assist? :)

The system is finicky - you have to have at least one picture and have it set to public - sometimes setting to public takes a few tries to actually work.
Then it should show under your avatar etc.

I got it all figured out now. Thank you so much for the help, Dabadger! Knowledgeable about all things, as usual <3

2021/02/17 16:46:43
seems like moves minute or two every few days ...  forget about pre-tariff discount maybe by xmas?
2021/02/17 16:46:57
I actually signed up for all of the following: 3881, 3883 , 3885, 3897. All of those on either 6th of January or 8th of January, about the time I realised what kind of hellhole is going to be finding one of these.
There is no way I am getting any of these before 16th of April, is there?
I mean from my quick lurking it looks like 3897 is moving much faster then the others (being the most beefed up version available in EVGA store, probably with best markups) but is there any option we could enter new years without passing 16th of April?
Sorry for maybe asking the obvious questions, I have no clue how to navigate on this forum. I know there is a spreadsheet passed around with a lot of information regarding the queue.
2021/02/17 16:51:38
I had to pick up some medications for one of my dogs at the Burbank, CA Walmart, so I dropped into the Best Buy next door.
Best Buy was "stocked" with ONE graphics card. Anyone need a GTX 1030? If so, you are in luck if you live near Burbank. I've never seen such a tiny card before.

My first custom PC had a GT 220. Now that card is tiny.
2021/02/17 16:52:44
I actually signed up for all of the following: 3881, 3883 , 3885, 3897. All of those on either 6th of January or 8th of January, about the time I realised what kind of hellhole is going to be finding one of these.
There is no way I am getting any of these before 16th of April, is there?
I mean from my quick lurking it looks like 3897 is moving much faster then the others (being the most beefed up version available in EVGA store, probably with best markups) but is there any option we could enter new years without passing 16th of April?
Sorry for maybe asking the obvious questions, I have no clue how to navigate on this forum. I know there is a spreadsheet passed around with a lot of information regarding the queue.

Looking increasingly doubtful with March fast approaching already. I am within an hour for a 3060ti notification, and that is the closest "yes" report to the time I have on the 18 cards I'm queued for. Several cards were signed up for on launch day or the day after, and all have taken MONTHS to move. Some haven't moved at all. I don't expect most people to get their 3080 notifications before August 16th, let alone April. 

I do not blame EVGA. I blame Nvidia. And MSI. 

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