I previously requested to be notified for all 3080 cards. Once we purchase one are we removed from the notification lists or will we continue to have cards reserved until after the 5 hour period expires?

Wondering this two. In the past, I could put 2 different model cards in my cart, (trying to buy one for my son as well), if we signed up for 2 different models, and we get one, will we still get a notification for the other one?
Sheriff Brian
Oops, just saw my question was answered above.
What happens if you had signed up for multiple cards early.... Is the queue per card? if I ignore an XC3 alert...do i get removed from all queues?

That's what I'm also wondering. I asked Jacob on Twitter, maybe he'll respond. I request like all of the 3080s, but I really only want the FTW Ultra.

Sounds like it's one queue per card. So if you signed up for multiple cards, you are in multiple queues.

yep! just saw his new tweet, very glad about that... still leaves one question. The 1 card per household rule. Is that per card, or on all cards.. 

If i get an XC3 notification, while its not the card I want.. I would feel stupid to pass on it, and then to never get a notification for a FTW  until end of year

He mentioned this earlier as well. It's one card per household. Not per card.

I saw that tweet but its not clear to me. It could mean either way honestly

He just replied to another tweet saying it's one per part number, so that seems to mean 1 model of card per person. Meaning, depending on how early you're in the queue, you could have the opportunity to buy all 5 3080s before someone who just joined can even buy one.
Good change. Not to be too negative but this should of been in place from day 1.
Hopefully this works well!
What happens if you had signed up for multiple cards early.... Is the queue per card? if I ignore an XC3 alert...do i get removed from all queues?

That's what I'm also wondering. I asked Jacob on Twitter, maybe he'll respond. I request like all of the 3080s, but I really only want the FTW Ultra.

Sounds like it's one queue per card. So if you signed up for multiple cards, you are in multiple queues.

yep! just saw his new tweet, very glad about that... still leaves one question. The 1 card per household rule. Is that per card, or on all cards.. 

If i get an XC3 notification, while its not the card I want.. I would feel stupid to pass on it, and then to never get a notification for a FTW  until end of year

He mentioned this earlier as well. It's one card per household. Not per card.

I saw that tweet but its not clear to me. It could mean either way honestly

He just replied to another tweet saying it's one per part number, so that seems to mean 1 model of card per person. Meaning, depending on how early you're in the queue, you could have the opportunity to buy all 5 3080s before someone who just joined can even buy one.

No. 100% wrong. He has stated MANY MANY times over the past weeks, it is 1 per line. One 3080 and one 3090. I have even a reply from him asking if I could buy myself a 3090 and a 3080 for a friend. He said yes, but then I can no longer get a 3080 for myself because I used up my 3080 purchase.
Nice! :D
What happens if you had signed up for multiple cards early.... Is the queue per card? if I ignore an XC3 alert...do i get removed from all queues?

That's what I'm also wondering. I asked Jacob on Twitter, maybe he'll respond. I request like all of the 3080s, but I really only want the FTW Ultra.

Sounds like it's one queue per card. So if you signed up for multiple cards, you are in multiple queues.

yep! just saw his new tweet, very glad about that... still leaves one question. The 1 card per household rule. Is that per card, or on all cards.. 

If i get an XC3 notification, while its not the card I want.. I would feel stupid to pass on it, and then to never get a notification for a FTW  until end of year

He mentioned this earlier as well. It's one card per household. Not per card.

I saw that tweet but its not clear to me. It could mean either way honestly

He just replied to another tweet saying it's one per part number, so that seems to mean 1 model of card per person. Meaning, depending on how early you're in the queue, you could have the opportunity to buy all 5 3080s before someone who just joined can even buy one.

That's too bad. At least at this point in time it probably should be just one card per household period, not per part number. At least until the stock normalizes a bit down the line.
What happens if you had signed up for multiple cards early.... Is the queue per card? if I ignore an XC3 alert...do i get removed from all queues?

That's what I'm also wondering. I asked Jacob on Twitter, maybe he'll respond. I request like all of the 3080s, but I really only want the FTW Ultra.

Sounds like it's one queue per card. So if you signed up for multiple cards, you are in multiple queues.

yep! just saw his new tweet, very glad about that... still leaves one question. The 1 card per household rule. Is that per card, or on all cards.. 

If i get an XC3 notification, while its not the card I want.. I would feel stupid to pass on it, and then to never get a notification for a FTW  until end of year

He mentioned this earlier as well. It's one card per household. Not per card.

I saw that tweet but its not clear to me. It could mean either way honestly

He just replied to another tweet saying it's one per part number, so that seems to mean 1 model of card per person. Meaning, depending on how early you're in the queue, you could have the opportunity to buy all 5 3080s before someone who just joined can even buy one.

No. 100% wrong. He has stated MANY MANY times over the past weeks, it is 1 per line. One 3080 and one 3090. I have even a reply from him asking if I could buy myself a 3090 and a 3080 for a friend. He said yes, but then I can no longer get a 3080 for myself because I used up my 3080 purchase.

I'm just guessing based off of what he said in this tweet:
twitter . com/EVGA_JacobF/status/1313319621529726976

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