2020/10/05 20:11:48
Thank you for finally implementing something like this!
2020/10/05 20:12:16
I swear to everything that is holy, if there is a drop tonight... and my five hours is up before I wake up... I'm going to go ballistic. 

They BETTER be releasing drops during some reasonable hour in the AM. I'd be fine having until noon each day to check things out... but if they send me my email at like midnight, I'm going to lose my *REMOVED LANGAUGE*, and I'm not even kidding. 
Please follow the TOS guidelines or lose posting privilege's. Thank you. 
2020/10/05 20:12:59
I hope if I already signed up for the auto-notify feature, that if I signed up again, it doesn't move my place in the queue. Also, what time will this be going live? I don't want to go to bed at 1am and then it goes live at 2 for 5 hours. That would be awful.
2020/10/05 20:13:54
We have made some changes to the checkout process for EVGA.com 30 Series orders. Now we are using a queue based notification system.
To sign up, use the notification button on the product you would like to be notified for. For everyone who already used the notify button previously, you are already entered. Once product is available (and it is your turn to purchase), you will receive a secure email that will allow you to purchase the product that you received a notification for. Please note that you have 5 hours to place your order, if your order is not complete within 5 hours, the product will be released back into queue system.
Also note that your email address that was used for the notify system MUST MATCH an email that has a registered EVGA account, if an account is not available with that email, you will need to create one before you can purchase.
Also note that this system will be available for US store first and evaluating for other regions.

AMAZING thank you EVGA, first "elite" orders, now a queue system! I think you have earned a repeat customer.
2020/10/05 20:15:10
So people that have been manually refreshing for weeks are now screwed because they didn't use the email notify me system.....are you serious?

But somehow I'm not eligible to be an Elite Member. 

Same Nekrage that Ragequit the AA RP Server? 
2020/10/05 20:15:11
brilliant. simple, yet brilliant.
2020/10/05 20:15:15
Sounds great! Can't wait for the FTW Hybrid 
2020/10/05 20:15:16
I don't remember whether I've already signed up or not, so I signed up again. Does that mean I would get bumped to later in the queue? Also when you say U.S store only, does that mean you're only selling to Americans, or can Canadians buy from the evga site? 
So far I've never received any notification email from either Newegg, or EVGA or any other retailer about when a card goes in stock. I think your email system is broken! At least send a confirmation email that we are in the queue and perhaps our queue number. 
2020/10/05 20:15:39
So what happens if I miss the email or have signed up for multiple product notifications will it only send me a email for the one I first signed up for or am I in queue for all of them and once I purchase one I'll be removed?
2020/10/05 20:15:57
So glad i stumbled across this forum and am now signed up and actually have a chance at getting a 3080 card (hopefully soon) and not have to refresh all day anymore!! EVGA for the win!!

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