2020/10/05 20:03:08
Someone already asked but I'm also curious and my situation is a little different. I clicked notify before I had an account here. After reading this I created an account and did notify again. Never got any email confirmation either time. Just want to make sure I'm in the queue?
2020/10/05 20:04:20
Someone already asked but I'm also curious and my situation is a little different. I clicked notify before I had an account here. After reading this I created an account and did notify again. Never got any email confirmation either time. Just want to make sure I'm in the queue?

You never get a confirmation email from the notify thing.
2020/10/05 20:05:13
Which email address do I need to whitelist on my GMAIL. Tell me... 

2020/10/05 20:05:32
Ok thanks. Well ill just keep my fingers crossed lol.
2020/10/05 20:05:39
The worst part about is that since I wasn't getting any notifications from EVGA, I changed my account's email address. But I had already signed up for notifications... So if/when I do receive notification, would I be able to simply change my account's email address back and still proceed with my purchase? 
2020/10/05 20:06:17
Thats garbage for the people who didnt click notification knowing the chance to get one was never bound to happen with all the bots

Yup! So now i'm fkd. 
No more EVGA for me.

A little pissed we got screwed over again.  Not even a chance at an EVGA card, but permanent scars on the finger doing f5s.
2020/10/05 20:06:31
What happens if you had signed up for multiple cards early.... Is the queue per card? if I ignore an XC3 alert...do i get removed from all queues?
2020/10/05 20:07:29
That is good news. I signed up for the auto notify for BOTH 3090 FTW cards, will I get am email for both or only one? Id like to get the 3090 FTW Ultra as opposed to the non ultra, but I signed up to get notified by both. Which will I be able purchase?
2020/10/05 20:07:35
Hey all dont forget to use associate code EMSB4K6IEQOIA46 at checkout when its your turn. Will save you about 95$ on the 3090s and about 45$ on the 3080s!!
2020/10/05 20:07:58
Fantastic idea EVGA! I certainly appreciate a queue system for these products. Some feedback though...
5 hours is a pretty short window. Especially for people that work night shift and sleep during the day. I presume the emails will go out in the U.S. morning hours? Why not a 12 or 24 hours window?

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