ManiacMarccoonwhizJellyDonut10 people have already asked, and ill ask again. What happens if we already signed up to get notified? Do we get pushed back or do we keep our position?Earliest entry.rain2_usaJacob confirmed it goes by your earliest entry. So if you're not sure, go ahead and do it. Not that I don't believe you, but where'd he mention it (Just for my [and others'] peace of mind)?
coonwhizJellyDonut10 people have already asked, and ill ask again. What happens if we already signed up to get notified? Do we get pushed back or do we keep our position?Earliest entry.
JellyDonut10 people have already asked, and ill ask again. What happens if we already signed up to get notified? Do we get pushed back or do we keep our position?
rain2_usaJacob confirmed it goes by your earliest entry. So if you're not sure, go ahead and do it.
Spurious_ECGMy notify me never worked once for 3080s or 3090s... so not sure if I’ve been counted.
rain2_usacoonwhizrain2_usaOh man, First Drop happening tonight! Good luck to everyone who signed up early. Where did you see that there's one happening tonight? That tweet is blowing up but Jacob answered those questions.
coonwhizrain2_usaOh man, First Drop happening tonight! Good luck to everyone who signed up early. Where did you see that there's one happening tonight?
rain2_usaOh man, First Drop happening tonight! Good luck to everyone who signed up early.
rain2_usacoonwhizrain2_usaOh man, First Drop happening tonight! Good luck to everyone who signed up early. Thanks my dude
coonwhizrain2_usaOh man, First Drop happening tonight! Good luck to everyone who signed up early. Thanks my dude