So we didn’t all get cards today…
[thanks Dave!]…but a good number of us did. For the rest of us, perhaps a little hope restored. Mine certainly is.
Jacob (I wish I knew him well enough to call him “Jake” or some other catchy nickname that only those in
the know get to use…maybe one day) was, again, nice enough to give us a heads up and a roadmap. And, sure enough, after a rather rocky “auto-notify button” relighting ceremony that went…a little haywire…things got back to normal and…
(gosh I wish I had a soundtrack to this…just imagine some Miami-based hip-hop artist…French Bulldog…or something like that…pounding out “drops, drops, drops”…anyway…)
…we got drops. As is the established standard,
as of 5:20 pm PT Thursday evening, the
North American queues are approximately here (
bolded font represents movement from Thursday morning’s summary;
italicized parentheticals calculate the length of the movement):
Card SKU Auto-Notify Date/Time Ultra 3090 FTW3 Ultra 3987 10/07/2020 00:52:05
3090 XC3 Ultra 3975 10/05/2020 20:52:00
3080 FTW3 Ultra 3897 09/18/2020
06:02:00 (04:21:00) 3080 XC3 Ultra 3885 09/18/2020 06:22:00
3070 FTW3 Ultra 3767 10/29/2020
06:11:39 (00:02:12)
3070 XC3 Ultra 3755 10/29/2020
06:38:00 (00:01:00) 3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra 3667 12/01/2020 06:51:30
Gaming 3090 FTW3 Gaming 3985 09/24/2020 12:38:00
3090 XC3 Gaming 3973 09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Gaming 3895 09/16/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Gaming 3883 09/16/2020 11:01:20
3070 XC3 Gaming 3753 09/29/2020 00:00:00
3060 Ti FTW3 Gaming 3665
12/08/2020 13:01:00 (launch drop) 3060 Ti XC3 Gaming 3663 12/01/2020
06:40:00 (00:17:00) Black 3090 XC3 Black 3971 09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Black 3881 09/16/2020
15:04:00 (00:03:58) 3070 XC3 Black 3751 10/29/2020 06:09:41
Hybrid 3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3988
12/10/2020 09:14:01 (new queue) 3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3978 12/08/2020
09:45:10 (00:36:21) 3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3898 11/13/2020
09:32:12 (00:19:11) 3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3888 11/13/2020
09:19:00 (00:04:28) Hydro Copper (Delayed) 3090 FTW 3 Ultra HC 3989 11/13/2020 00:00:00
3090 XC3 Ultra HC 3979 11/13/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Ultra HC 3889 11/13/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Ultra HC 3889 11/13/2020 00:00:00
K|NGP|N 3998 11/20/2020 06:00:40
I think it is probably too much to hope for to see more than just a few stragglers on Friday…but, rest assured, stragglers there will be. So, if you are on the bubble, Friday may be your lucky day.
Whether today was your last day on the wall or simply your latest day among us, welcome. Thanks for being here. To those who leave us to go wait by the curb for the UPS driver (see the bulldog reference above), may your cards arrive safely, securely and accurately (don’t let Dennis across street get your gaming goodness)…and, please, enjoy the cards. You have earned that silicon and then some. Be well.
Tomorrow, we go again.
Edited: Corrected timestamp of 3988 and date of 3665.