News alert: "Coronavirus vaccines will get GPS tracking and flight priority, UPS, FedEx say"
These shipments will probably start in a couple of days if approved by the FDA, therefore constraints on air cargo are going to exist throughout probably end of Q1 or into Q2. At my company we use a mixture of large air and shipments with large logistic companies like DHL, UPS, FEDEX. The default priority is ocean for most transportation lanes. In tight supply and allocation situation we sometime use charter flights, especially for NPI and other marketing promotions where the right product, right time, and right place is paramount, even to cost. We have already been experiencing long delays is most shipments, and I predict this is going to get way worse soon. I have been debating on waiting for the 3080ti with 20GB, or purchasing either the 3090 or current 3080. I am now more confident I will be buying the 3090 now as getting the 3080ti before summer '21 is unlikely. Just food for thought for those considering waiting for the 3080ti.
Thank you for the heads-up! Expedited shipping is about to be even more of a "first world problem". Query whether it is worth paying for overnight shipping...ground may get it there faster (and, ethically, it may be good karma to not contribute to the air shipment load right now...). I recognize that it is easier for me to suggest this as I live on the West Coast and closer to EVGA than many....
Agreed about the ground shipping from EVGA to customer. Once the cards are at EVGA we need to contend with UPS/Fedex, which maybe like a few days or maybe a week delayed worst case.
I am more concerned with the shipments of the cards from Taiwan / Nvidia to distributors like NVIDIA, Best Buy, Newegg, etc. UPS and Fedex will prioritize their air fleet to vaccine shipments, and I assume this will be happening world-wide. Maybe the reduction in passenger air travel will compensate for the vaccine shipments.