2020/12/10 14:18:24
One thing I will say - it's crazy how big the power-draw difference is between those two settings for GPU core lol
In Cyberpunk @ 2010MHz 900mV, I'm getting 322W peak draw from the GPU in HWInfo.  At 2070MHz 994mV, I was seeing 421W peak draw from the GPU (that's on a 3080 FTW3 Ultra with the XOC BIOS for those wondering)
And I can pretty much say with certainty the FPS I gained from that clock increase is not worth 100W extra power draw & 5-8C higher temps either. lol

Yes.  I don't think it scales well.  
Have I told you how envious I am of your CP2077 playing....  I cannot wait to have a card that can play that game.  [Please, no spoilers.]
2020/12/10 14:29:47
Same, i just found that page just now, it says i have 97 bucks pending, i wonder if thats more then 1 person who used my code. I didnt think anyone used my code. Its really nice to see at least one person used it. And like you hopefully i would be able to use it for my purchase. With that in mind i wouldnt mind waiting 1 or 2 weeks knowing i will be credited lol. 

There's an "Activity" tab on the page, that will tell you how many have used it & for how much.  Mine is showing 5 different people between 12/3 & today have used it.  Based on the purchase amounts, I'd say it was 2 3080s, 1 3090 & 2 3070 purchases.  I'm pretty sure I recall one person saying they used my code about a week ago, so that explains one of them, but thank you to anyone who has used it, I appreciate it - them eVGA Bucks will go towards something, if nothing else I can use it on an eVGA CPU cooler for a new build I'm working on for someone that isn't in a huge hurry in terms of when it has to be finished (as long as it's done by the end of next month). 
One thing I will say - it's crazy how big the power-draw difference is between those two settings for GPU core lol
In Cyberpunk @ 2010MHz 900mV, I'm getting 322W peak draw from the GPU in HWInfo.  At 2070MHz 994mV, I was seeing 421W peak draw from the GPU (that's on a 3080 FTW3 Ultra with the XOC BIOS for those wondering)
And I can pretty much say with certainty the FPS I gained from that clock increase is not worth 100W extra power draw & 5-8C higher temps either. lol

Yes.  I don't think it scales well.  
Have I told you how envious I am of your CP2077 playing....  I cannot wait to have a card that can play that game.  [Please, no spoilers.]

Visually the game is amazing, no spoilers coming from this camp, so far I am enjoying it though, and I'm barely out of the "start"/Act 1 of the game - 5-6 hours in. - It's definitely not light on the GPU though. 
I have a friend that already refunded it because his computer straight up can't handle it, I tried to tell him that would be the case, expecting a 1080 to be able to run this game on high-end settings is just non-sense. 
I'm seeing constant full GPU load & between 7-9GB of vRAM usage at my settings (everything turned up fully except Depth of Field being off), 3440 x 1440, DLSS on Quality, frame rates are completely playable, but not spectacular, and there don't see to be much if any frame-time issues, yet.
Tonight I'm gonna finish the particular thing I'm on, then just walk/drive around the city & see how it handles that.  
2020/12/10 14:31:38
Visually the game is amazing, no spoilers coming from this camp, so far I am enjoying it though, and I'm barely out of the "start"/Act 1 of the game - 5-6 hours in. - It's definitely not light on the GPU though. 
I have a friend that already refunded it because his computer straight up can't handle it, I tried to tell him that would be the case, expecting a 1080 to be able to run this game on high-end settings is just non-sense. 
I'm seeing constant full GPU load & between 7-9GB of vRAM usage at my settings (everything turned up fully except Depth of Field being off), 3440 x 1440, DLSS on Quality, frame rates are completely playable, but not spectacular, and there don't see to be much if any frame-time issues, yet.
Tonight I'm gonna finish the particular thing I'm on, then just walk/drive around the city & see how it handles that.  

Thank you for that.
What a nice way to describe the environment in-game and the demands on the PC.  I simply cannot wait...well, technically, I guess I am waiting...er...never mind.  Thanks again! Enjoy it!   
2020/12/10 14:39:15
damn. I thought using a VPN to place the order would prevent EVGA from rejecting the transaction since I live in Mexico (mexican credit cards are accepted thank god). Turns out my bank did NOT like that AT ALL. 
Now my card is blocked and I am waiting on the phone to talk to someone. "All agents are occupied right now, please hold, your call is very important tu us", my Ass!!!
I think I will have to write to customer support to hold my place, this might take a while.
2020/12/10 14:40:47
damn. I thought using a VPN to place the order would prevent EVGA from rejecting the transaction since I live in Mexico (mexican credit cards are accepted thank god). Turns out my bank did NOT like that AT ALL. 
Now my card is blocked and I am waiting on the phone to talk to someone. "All agents are occupied right now, please hold, your call is very important tu us", my Ass!!!
I think I will have to write to customer support to hold my place, this might take a while.

Yikes.  If you have a good friend in the US (or Canada, although...duties), maybe they would buy it for you....  Good luck!
2020/12/10 14:52:20
I wasn't originally planning on upgrading to a 30 series, but my 980 SC is finally starting to show its age - getting an occasional random black screen / device disconnect / device reconnect - so I decided it's time to upgrade to a 3080 before the 980 dies on me, since my gaming PC is also my work PC. Unfortunately, that means I didn't get in the queue until 11/29, so reading this thread and realizing how long it might be until I can get a new card has been a bit demoralizing (especially when I saw that I missed a Best Buy restock on Tuesday morning).
It's also a bit disheartening to see retailers I used to consider reputable taking advantage of the availability situation. Newegg marks the cards up $10 - $20 over MSRP and, on top of that, requires you to buy a combo when they do get cards in stock, and B&H has the ASUS TUF 3080 OC listed for $50 over MSRP.
Right now, my hopes are resting on the 3080 FTW3 Gaming at Best Buy which shows "Coming Soon" rather than "Out of Stock." Micro Center is 40 min. away, so I'm assuming that any stock they might get will already be gone by the time I can get there. I know Newegg announces drops on their twitter feed, but I'm not going to buy parts I don't need just to get my hands on a card, and I refuse to reward predatory retail practices. I just have to hope my 980 holds on until I can get my hands on a 3080.
Any tips other than check Best Buy diligently and pray?

Honestly, you're probably better off in the que. I'd avoid the scalpers at all costs if you don't mind the wait. No point in feeding their greed IMO.

The good news about BB is they do stick to the MSRP.  The bad news is that their checkout process totally sucks.  Once you get a card in your cart, that's actually the easy part.  I've gotten at least 5 different cards into my cart spread across 2 different days.  I was never able to complete the purchase because every single time I would get to the checkout screen to find that the card is "not available within 250 miles".
Now, with that said, I'd still LOVE to manage to get a card from BB.  My birthday is this month so any single purchase I make I get 10% off.  That's pretty nice on something like a RTX 3080.  So I'm still doing the F5 hunt on BB and hoping to get lucky.

If you want to get a card from best buy your best chances are using ApplePay. It is so much faster to checkout.
2020/12/10 15:19:49

Let's try not to feed the trolls...a moderator will come along and restore order soon enough.  I need to jump on a work call shortly, so will be offline for a bit.  I believe I am mostly caught up on the reports to the forums today.  I will check again tonight and -- if I can get away with it -- will try to scour the Internet a bit now on this upcoming call.   If more drops happen this afternoon, please report back to this thread and I will try to get your data into the summary.  Thanks in advance for your help!  
2020/12/10 15:25:18
News alert: "Coronavirus vaccines will get GPS tracking and flight priority, UPS, FedEx say"
These shipments will probably start in a couple of days if approved by the FDA, therefore constraints on air cargo are going to exist throughout probably end of Q1 or into Q2.  At my company we use a mixture  of large air and shipments with large logistic companies like DHL, UPS, FEDEX.  The default priority is ocean for most transportation lanes. In tight supply and allocation situation we sometime use charter flights, especially for NPI and other marketing promotions where the right product, right time, and right place is paramount, even to cost.  We have already been experiencing long delays is most shipments, and I predict this is going to get way worse soon.  I have been debating on waiting for the 3080ti with 20GB, or purchasing either the 3090 or current 3080.  I am now more confident I will be buying the 3090 now as getting the 3080ti before summer '21 is unlikely.  Just food for thought for those considering waiting for the 3080ti.
2020/12/10 15:30:00
Cool GTX
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2020/12/10 15:31:47
News alert: "Coronavirus vaccines will get GPS tracking and flight priority, UPS, FedEx say"
These shipments will probably start in a couple of days if approved by the FDA, therefore constraints on air cargo are going to exist throughout probably end of Q1 or into Q2.  At my company we use a mixture  of large air and shipments with large logistic companies like DHL, UPS, FEDEX.  The default priority is ocean for most transportation lanes. In tight supply and allocation situation we sometime use charter flights, especially for NPI and other marketing promotions where the right product, right time, and right place is paramount, even to cost.  We have already been experiencing long delays is most shipments, and I predict this is going to get way worse soon.  I have been debating on waiting for the 3080ti with 20GB, or purchasing either the 3090 or current 3080.  I am now more confident I will be buying the 3090 now as getting the 3080ti before summer '21 is unlikely.  Just food for thought for those considering waiting for the 3080ti.

Thank you for the heads-up!  Expedited shipping is about to be even more of a "first world problem". Query whether it is worth paying for overnight shipping...ground may get it there faster (and, ethically, it may be good karma to not contribute to the air shipment load right now...).  I recognize that it is easier for me to suggest this as I live on the West Coast and closer to EVGA than many.... 

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