I cannot fault EVGA for their process. It is by far the best process out there IMO. At least you have a chance to get one with EVGA by just being put on the waiting list.
Apologies to those who have been here awhile and read this from me already, but...I continue to believe that the queue system is the worst gpu purchasing system out there...except for all the other systems.
We bemoan our positions in the lines we care about, but we are glad to have the lines...glad they are virtual as opposed to overnight in a cold parking lot in the middle of a pandemic...glad we have a community of like minded folks to share our watch. We don't have it great right now from a card-in-hand perspective, but we don't have it sooo bad. We will get through this...and if our past few weeks...er...months are precedent...with a good amount of humor and goodwill along the way.
This is very well said EnewT! I work for a very large tech company (25 years ) in various supply chain roles, and every single company is affected by the pandemic. The strength and weakness companies supply chains reveal themselves when there is an unbalance in supply and demand. Most modern day supply chain systems that procure products from Asia for world-wide markets use some sort of safety stock / target days of supply to ensure smooth delivery to Tier 1 and 2 distributors. This obviously impacts on hand inventory level that impacts the companies EPS values reported to Wall street. So companies including Nvidia, EVGA, and all of the suppliers for the GPU but also all of the lower level materials like the packaging for all of the variants. Also, with all the of the product line changes that Nvidia is doing in answer to AMD's launch adds delays as new product introductions take time. Marketing also plays a big role as companies use contra dollars to fund marketing campaigns in which account managers fight for their markets and products.
Prior to the Nvidia and AMD GPU launches, there was the MSFS2020 in August. I have been trying to buy a thrustmaster flight hotas or honeycomb alpha yoke every since, and they are still out of stock. BB, Newegg, WM, etc., also sell these products, and have the notify when back in stock type process, you are not guaranteed a chance to buy based on position in the list of orders, just we have stock this very millisecond!
Thank you EVGA for a least giving us gamers a better chance of getting a card sooner than other retailers without having to spend many hours searching and F5'ing.