He will probably answer that they are still in production, even though we keep seeing everything else but that recently.
When was the last time we actually saw an actual drop (not just a couple of cards thrown here and there)? 2 weeks? 3 weeks?
EDIT: Yup according to him they are still in production. Sooooooooo where are the drops huh? Why do we see a lot of 3090s and more recently released cards then constantly? Isn't is convenient also for the companies that they are also more expensive hmm?
The queue system and all that thing is really a great thing but EVGA as much as nVidia has a lot fo explaining to do now after 3 months of waiting for a release day that barely moved 1 day and a really ridiculous out of whack ratio of the cards available across all the models.
There are a LOT of mouths to feed for EVGA -- both contractual (i.e., existing relationships with retailers) and not (us). I continue to believe that they are doing the best they can under tremendously trying circumstances. It is in their interest to get us cards as soon as they can...our interests in many respects are entirely aligned. But, in retrospect, there might have been a better way to structure the queues given the disparity among different categories (Ultra, Gaming, Black...)...but we weren't in the trenches on October 4 (I am guessing at this date)...planning for October 5th...in my mind, they did the best they could with the imperfect information they had at the time.
I remain on the wall, watching for my card, with a song of praise on my lips for the good folks at EVGA.com.