2020/12/10 10:04:24
Would anyone mind going on Twitter and asking Jacob if they are still making the 3080 FTW3 Ultra?
I'm not on Twitter lol
2020/12/10 10:05:52
Aw sh!t. My boss called me to her office, (nothing wrong thankfully, that woman scares me to death), just left there.
Registered 9:35:55 for moist 3080 xc3. 
Whatever wil be, will be.

Hopefully it won't be too bad, but there was A LOT of demand.  Best of luck for your moistness.  [That's it...I am going back to waterlogged...I tried.  ]

Thanks man. I'm not too heartbroken, since I would have to build in a bigger case, and still wait several weeks due to a second shipping to Mexico from LA. But at least bickering in queue with you guys has been fun. 
2020/12/10 10:06:34
Would anyone mind going on Twitter and asking Jacob if they are still making the 3080 FTW3 Ultra?
I'm not on Twitter lol

I gotchu.
2020/12/10 10:07:06
Yes we are still making 3080 FTW3 Ultra!
2020/12/10 10:07:13
My 3090 FTW showed up yesterday. The black lips look so much better than the red. I pulled myself off of all the 3090 queues. May your wait times be short and your overclocks high.

Oh interesting. I've had to RMA my 3090 Ultra. I wonder if the replacement will have black or red accent. I don't mind the red, but I'll be putting a water block on it soon anyway.

What was the issue with your card that you had to RMA it? I am going to get the EVGA waterblock. It is available for preorder now.

From whom?

Sorry (edited) EK I meant

Hmm that is frustrating.  I had been set up to be notified by EK when the blocks were available and I never was.  I need to go look at the site now :(
2020/12/10 10:07:23
So, what happens to the rest of us that have notifications for hybrids back in November 13? The list shows at least 12 of us that haven't received purchase links yet for the 3080 FTW3 Hybrids. Probably more for people that didn't fill out the form.
2020/12/10 10:07:53
He will probably answer that they are still in production, even though we keep seeing everything else but that recently.
When was the last time we actually saw an actual drop (not just a couple of cards thrown here and there)? 2 weeks? 3 weeks?
EDIT: Yup according to him they are still in production. Sooooooooo where are the drops huh? Why do we see a lot of 3090s and more recently released cards then constantly? Isn't is convenient also for the companies that they are also more expensive hmm?
The queue system and all that thing is really a great thing but EVGA as much as nVidia has a lot fo explaining to do now after 3 months of waiting for a release day that barely moved 1 day and a really ridiculous out of whack ratio of the cards available across all the models.
2020/12/10 10:10:05
08G-P5-3665-KR     12/8/2020 11:33:42 AM PT    Yes
Used enewt's code. Thanks!
2020/12/10 10:11:33
He will probably answer that they are still in production, even though we keep seeing everything else but that recently.
When was the last time we actually saw an actual drop (not just a couple of cards thrown here and there)? 2 weeks? 3 weeks?
EDIT: Yup according to him they are still in production. Sooooooooo where are the drops huh? Why do we see a lot of 3090s and more recently released cards then constantly? Isn't is convenient also for the companies that they are also more expensive hmm?

It's a business not a charity.  It isn't "convenient", it's good business.
Plus bear in mind not all cards go to the queue.  They have existing obligations to other storefronts as well. Then there is the fact that the demand on them is probably one of the highest, so judging production by how far the queue moves isn't exactly scientific when you have no idea how many people are in said queue.
2020/12/10 10:11:45
08G-P5-3665-KR     12/8/2020 11:33:42 AM PT    Yes
Used enewt's code. Thanks!

Congratulations!  Thanks for reporting back to the thread.
Thanks for using my Associate’s Code for the 5% discount. 
Hopefully you get the UPS driver with the better record...faster, accurate...dexterous.  Enjoy your card!

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