NereusphrozeNereusphrozeMy 3090 FTW showed up yesterday. The black lips look so much better than the red. I pulled myself off of all the 3090 queues. May your wait times be short and your overclocks high.Oh interesting. I've had to RMA my 3090 Ultra. I wonder if the replacement will have black or red accent. I don't mind the red, but I'll be putting a water block on it soon anyway.What was the issue with your card that you had to RMA it? I am going to get the EK waterblock. It is available for preorder now.Short black screens to start with. Thought I got it fixed but then it started crashing out of games even on default stock clocks, and not particularly heavy games either - Civilization V for one (yes, the version that came out in 2010), same with rendering, and even photoshop crashed to desktop, some crashes were full resets, another was BSOD.. and all with no overclocking. I even changed PSU and did a full fresh install of Windows, but it continued. Hope the replacement card is better.
phrozeNereusphrozeMy 3090 FTW showed up yesterday. The black lips look so much better than the red. I pulled myself off of all the 3090 queues. May your wait times be short and your overclocks high.Oh interesting. I've had to RMA my 3090 Ultra. I wonder if the replacement will have black or red accent. I don't mind the red, but I'll be putting a water block on it soon anyway.What was the issue with your card that you had to RMA it? I am going to get the EK waterblock. It is available for preorder now.
NereusphrozeMy 3090 FTW showed up yesterday. The black lips look so much better than the red. I pulled myself off of all the 3090 queues. May your wait times be short and your overclocks high.Oh interesting. I've had to RMA my 3090 Ultra. I wonder if the replacement will have black or red accent. I don't mind the red, but I'll be putting a water block on it soon anyway.
phrozeMy 3090 FTW showed up yesterday. The black lips look so much better than the red. I pulled myself off of all the 3090 queues. May your wait times be short and your overclocks high.
enewtspigini08G-P5-3665-KR 12/8/2020 11:27:52 AM PTYes Just notified to purchase 3060... that'll do for now!Congratulations. I know you've been looking for a 3060 Ti for awhile. Enjoy it!
spigini08G-P5-3665-KR 12/8/2020 11:27:52 AM PTYes Just notified to purchase 3060... that'll do for now!
Nereusdeadly_silenceAnyone know the thickness of the fan and radiator?30mm radiator, 25mm fan.
deadly_silenceAnyone know the thickness of the fan and radiator?
ruohu88812/8/2020 11:36:04 AM PTYes Just notified to purchase the 3060 Ti. Thank you enewt for all the time and work you put in here, also thanks for the code. Best of luck for everyone in line to get their dream card soon.
enewtMend0za_MDAw sh!t. My boss called me to her office, (nothing wrong thankfully, that woman scares me to death), just left there.Registered 9:35:55 for moist 3080 xc3. Whatever wil be, will be. Hopefully it won't be too bad, but there was A LOT of demand. Best of luck for your moistness. [That's it...I am going back to waterlogged...I tried. ]
Mend0za_MDAw sh!t. My boss called me to her office, (nothing wrong thankfully, that woman scares me to death), just left there.Registered 9:35:55 for moist 3080 xc3. Whatever wil be, will be.