2020/12/10 09:15:15
Finally got my entry at 9:13:58 :(
In hindsight I realized I made a huge mistake.  I was trying to refresh the specific product page when I should have been refreshing one level up, the main 3090 page.  Soon as I did that I was able to auto notify right away.
2020/12/10 09:15:17
Trying to help a friend get this, got on the page and the notify button doesn't even work. You click it and nothing happens. 
2020/12/10 09:15:35
How about eVGA does us a solid and manually adds us to the damn queue.  
2020/12/10 09:16:58
Is this another situation where they are only allowing notifies for the stock they KNOW will be available for the next shipment batch?

Or is this a general queue list, and people who signed up right now will still be waiting months?
2020/12/10 09:17:46
Welp, due to the amount of time the site was dead there for me, I went ahead & got in... hopefully I'm not too early, if I am, oh well, I'll message CS if I get the email too early & ask them if I can hold on to my place in line if I'm 100% sure I will purchase it on Tuesday.
Worst comes to worst, I have to requeue and wait.
24G-P5-3988-KR 12/10/2020 9:15:32AM PT - No (of course)
And now... back to Cyberpunk. lol
2020/12/10 09:17:53
Is this another situation where they are only allowing notifies for the stock they KNOW will be available for the next shipment batch?

Or is this a general queue list, and people who signed up right now will still be waiting months?

Probably the latter given the button is still there right now.
2020/12/10 09:18:12
Well I'm glad I planned to wait this long... cuz the page still isn't loading yet. :-D I'm gonna stop refreshing before I get one of those mystical shadow-bans from viewing the page for a while.
Well, I got in at 9:08 so April 2021 for me, lol.

That's what I said Tuesday... and I got the notify to purchase the 3090 XC3 the next day, I was at 9:08 on it.

Part of me hopes I get another card before this goes live LOL.
If not, oh well.

Good luck on your card, too!
2020/12/10 09:18:40
i wonder how long 15 minutes after 9 is going to take with this queue
2020/12/10 09:18:58
Is this another situation where they are only allowing notifies for the stock they KNOW will be available for the next shipment batch?

Or is this a general queue list, and people who signed up right now will still be waiting months?

Probably the latter given the button is still there right now.

Welp, back to never getting a damn card then
2020/12/10 09:19:08
Is this another situation where they are only allowing notifies for the stock they KNOW will be available for the next shipment batch?

Or is this a general queue list, and people who signed up right now will still be waiting months?

No, now that the button is back, it should be there to stay.

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