2020/10/05 19:42:53
What if we believe we already signed up for notifications but can't remember... if we sign up again do we lose our spot?

If you're not sure, sign up again.  If you're already in the notify system, it'll go by the earliest. 
2020/10/05 19:42:58
Another question is it one sign up site wide or are the queues different for each card? Pretty sure I signed up multiple times for 3080 ftw and ultra.

Same here just hoping to get something.  Anything.
2020/10/05 19:43:07
Jacob confirmed it goes by your earliest entry.  So if you're not sure, go ahead and do it.  

Link to where he confirmed this? 
2020/10/05 19:43:17
Oh man, First Drop happening tonight!  Good luck to everyone who signed up early.  

Where did you see that there's one happening tonight?
2020/10/05 19:43:21
I also signed up for them a while ago, and just resubmitted the "notify me" to make sure. As everyone has echoed, if it resets that would be a bummer.
2020/10/05 19:43:32
I'm glad this new system is in place, though I'm a little bummed bc I never bothered to sign up for notification bc of how slow they are compare to bots. Now I'm probably all the way back in the queue, but great news and good job regardless :)
2020/10/05 19:43:35
regardless of whether I am selected (which I hope I am), this is a very fair way to handle this issue and will get the cards in the hands of gamers and not profiteers.  Way to go EVGA, you have earned my money once again!

Let's be honest here; it's just a cheesy way of skirting around Nvidia's retarded no preorders eddict, though it is a good way to avoid having to do lottery I guess, which can be just as frustrating. That beings being said, I'm glad their doing it... now we just have to see how quickly the cards come in and how well this actually holds up. I put in notifications early as soon as the page went up but eh that means nothing if it's like December 28th when they start sending out emails (just as an example, lol).

Yeah but now I can go back to my normal life and stop hitting the F5 button. So damn tired of having all these browser tabs open, monitoring the twitch and the other streams for fear of missing out on a drop. Now I just monitor my email and hope RNGesus is good to me.

2020/10/05 19:43:39
This is great news! No more F5ing!
Have my babies Jacob!!!
2020/10/05 19:43:42
Jacob confirmed it goes by your earliest entry.  So if you're not sure, go ahead and do it.  

Link to where he confirmed this? 

2020/10/05 19:43:58
How do you know it won't reset the queue if you re-notify? We didn't get an official response.

Edit: nevermind. Found the twitter response.

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