2018/09/24 13:26:28
Sorry I Correct the Order
+ + troy8d = A Great TZC 2018

So was you sayin' troy8d, me and Drougnor are taking on the rest of yous?
Definitely need this machine pumping then!
2018/09/24 13:33:36
Yep, could send a Cray-1 if it helps???

2018/09/24 14:37:29
Yup,  it's good to see the usual banter is back. 
apologies for my absences over the last few years. Missed you all.

Seriously tho, good to see some familiar faces.
And I'm happy to help out , just a bit "self-taught" most of the time so you'd have to use small words, 'n stuff.
What I am good at is writing SOPs, so we can pass the torch with a bit of instruction. Makes it less collossal undertaking for someone new(bie).
#101 - Shoot self in foot by volunteering for TZC - done
#102 - hmmmm....
2018/09/24 14:45:29
Just like Sasuke Uchiha in Naruto/Naruto Shippūden being one of my favorite Anime
We will let you slide this time as Naruto forgives him for all his faults.

2018/09/24 14:50:56
#102 - Insult team member's favourite Anime character by accident.
#103 hmmmm
2018/09/24 16:39:53
I did the Register in the 2017 form, but I never got anything in my email about joining or what this exactly.   I'm very interested, but would love if someone could file me on how it works and what needs to be done.
Thank you. 
2018/09/24 16:43:49
I did the Register in the 2017 form, but I never got anything in my email about joining or what this exactly.   I'm very interested, but would love if someone could file me on how it works and what needs to be done.
Thank you. 

That will all come once they get the Website updated and ready for us.
Until then we will need to wait, we have plenty of time to plan and set this up for 2018.
Here are a few Time Zone Challenges from the past, as you can see a lot of work goes in this effort.
2017 Time Zone Challenge 
2016 Time Zone Challenge
2015 Time Zone Challenge
Official 2014 Time Zone Challenge Thread (Folding + Crunching!) (1 of 2) in 2014
Official 2014 Folding Time Zone Challenge Thread (2 of 2) in 2014
2018/09/24 16:46:38
They will have the sign up page, sign up and keep checking back.
Make note of the start date and time. It is easy and pretty straight forward.
You will give a guesstamate of how many points per day you think you will produce.
2018/09/25 05:26:40
I did the Register in the 2017 form, but I never got anything in my email about joining or what this exactly.   I'm very interested, but would love if someone could file me on how it works and what needs to be done.
Thank you. 

Hi Teknogroovie, good to see you're still interested.
When you register, you should be put in an appropriate regional team. They balance the production rates of some smaller teams ie combining them, to make it an even-ish race. then it's just a flat out drag race to the finishing line, competition ends once the last team is over the line. Obviously, it's all about encouraging a point production boost and getting intermittent folders back into it again. Team Effort rather than individual achievement, although solid folding from smaller team members are widely applauded. There's a load of prizes that are donated by individuals on the team - from gift vouchers, to various bits of folding hardware, to coffee mugs, prize-winners are selected at random and not by performance.
Stick with this post and you'll get fully briefed.
Hope that helps
2018/09/25 05:28:13
I'm not looking for a free ride, but I'm not sure organising an international team collaboration is quite in my skill set just yet. I am primarily a hardware builder, and secondarily disher of dry Brit witt. (maybe those two should be swapped around?)
Feel free to pm me with a muppet-proof list of jobs that you think I can't mess up too badly, to get this 2018 TZC ball rollinggggggggg.
Muppets are probably (tm) somewhere, would love to give credit but I'm too much of a muppet.

PM Troy8d, he can always use some help...

Thanks HK-Steve, will do.

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