AHowesSajinAHowesSajinpwawierniaWill this bios work with hybrid?No.Just browsing threw..The kingpin on hybrid is a different card?There isn't a hybrid kingpin card. There is a hydro copper.So he's talking about the ftw3 hybrid then?
SajinAHowesSajinpwawierniaWill this bios work with hybrid?No.Just browsing threw..The kingpin on hybrid is a different card?There isn't a hybrid kingpin card. There is a hydro copper.
AHowesSajinpwawierniaWill this bios work with hybrid?No.Just browsing threw..The kingpin on hybrid is a different card?
SajinpwawierniaWill this bios work with hybrid?No.
pwawierniaWill this bios work with hybrid?
pozzalloSo Sajin this is the bios for the Kingpin hydro copper. It worked well for me the 150% power limit is great.Flashed both cards. Thanks for sharing
SajinpozzalloSo Sajin this is the bios for the Kingpin hydro copper. It worked well for me the 150% power limit is great.Flashed both cards. Thanks for sharingThe vbios will work on both kingpin cards.
hatchetrunnerSajinpozzalloSo Sajin this is the bios for the Kingpin hydro copper. It worked well for me the 150% power limit is great.Flashed both cards. Thanks for sharingThe vbios will work on both kingpin cards.Did evga stop selling waterblock for the 1080ti kinpin?