Folding Configuration and Utilities
- If you're using the my recommended [H] Folding Appliance it covered in steps #17 - #22
- In the terminal window, type: 'sudo fahinstall' (remove quotes) and press Enter.
This script will set up everything you need to run Folding@Home on a ramdisk, including various OS tweaks, disabling automatic updates, thekraken wrapper, backup/restore scripts, and samba file sharing for remote access. The client will starts to allow you to configure F@H. You only need to set your user name, team, and passkey. The appropriate run parameters (-smp, -bigadv) will be set for you in the config file based on your machine configuration.
Here a list of FAH commands I've found helpful:
How to shutdown folding client
pkill fah6
To check the FAH Checkpoint files
ls -l ~/fah/work/*.ckp
To Backup fah client & Checkpoints from ram disk (Already run with poweroff & shutdown cmds)
Look at current FAH Log
cat ~/fah/FAHlog.txt | pastebinit
List of Langouste Logs
ls -lrt /dev/shm/langouste-horde
Use Langouste to block additional downloads of new WUs
service langouste3 enable-oneunit
To allow downloads of new WUs, after being blocked
service langouste3 disable-oneunit
Gives Langouste3 Operational Status
service langouste3 status
To update FAH Appliance Tools (while folding is fine)
sudo fahinstall
What to Post, if having problems
fahdiag | pastebinit
cat ~/fah/FAHlog.txt | pastebinit
To Delete a WU from 6.34 clients
cd ~/fah
rm machinedependent.dat
rm queue.dat
rm -r work