2013/03/11 10:11:15
Gold Leader
Function is always more important than looks
The Seasonic PlatinumX 1000W has it all best functions & looks and it's 100% modular even the mobo power cable is modular:

Maybe you should give this review a read and you will understand why I advise this PSU:
You can go for other brands like Enermax, Antec, Corsair or Silver Stone, but they can't match the quality, reliability and power efficiency of the Seasonic Platinum X series.
If this PSU is too expensive for you they have Gold & Silver Series also, but yeah they are just less good as this, but they might eb good enough for your needs.
2013/03/11 11:33:10
Understandable, but aesthetics are high on my priority list as well. Also, at the price of the Seasonic PlatinumX 1000W PSU, I could just buy a 1200W PSU. I really don't have $200+ to spend on a PSU for a rig that eventually is going to be my secondary PC. In the future, hopefully within the next 2 years, I'm going to be building a rig that will put this one to utter shame, so the intention here isn't complete optimization. I certainly appreciate and respect your advice, Gold Leader. On a lighter note, I'm going to study that guide you posted intensively, and sometime this week, open up that GTX 295 RE of mine and have a peek. I made some (hopefully) conclusive observations yesterday. I'm currently borrowing two GTS 250 cards from my friend until I fix my GTX 295 RE. They are both SLI-connected of course, and for the most part, they handle Skyrim quite well. Now, I disconnected the bottom GTS 250 and popped in my GTX 295 RE, since I now have the GTS 250, enabling me visual access to my PC. I went into Nvidia settings and my GTX 295 RE is certainly recognized, but ONLY the HDMI showed up, not the two DVI ports. The entire time I was trying to get my GTX 295 RE to display properly, I was using a DVI cable, not an HDMI cable. Anyways, I see that the dominant GPU of the two is the HDMI one and the recessive GPU is the DVI. I tested it by plugging in an HDMI cord. Voila, it displayed perfectly. What I'm thinking is that the SLI cable you mentioned came loose, and I now have half of the GTX 295 RE functioning. I'm pretty sure it's just a loose connection, so hopefully I can open it up and address it.
2013/03/11 17:04:48
Gold Leader
Hey no probs man, what you also could do is save up more money so you can afford the better PSU< since if you have to sell that cheaper one in a few years you'd only be making loss as money goes, just want to give you the best advice, since it will save you money in the end.
As for the display issue, yeah I know this all too well, I had it too after I first slapped them together, I thought they both died on me :X So yeah, is a very well known issue, after redoing them with much more patience and care I succeeded and they both worked yaay, as that maintenance thread clearly shows rofl!
The DVI-I's are mounted on the Slave PCB, which is the PCB without the PCI-E 2.0 x16 connector, so if this part is disconnected from the Internal SLI conenctors, it won't give you an image, so this explains your exact problem  So thereby I too think that your Internal SLI ribbon cables have gotten loose.
Just make sure when you have connected then, very be as gentle as you can by remounting the HSF and everything, because one slight wrong move or jolt will loosen them again, this made me do the entire process for both cards twice I kinda suck when it comes to such things, since my hands are extremely shakey to some certain point :X
Just telling you this, since they have a very complicated construction, lots of care and patience is required for you to succeed
2013/03/11 21:08:13
Definitely going to take extreme care during this procedure. This GTX 295 RE is my cherished gem. Thanks for everything. I'm glad to be a part of this club.
2013/03/12 01:23:55
Gold Leader

Definitely going to take extreme care during this procedure. This GTX 295 RE is my cherished gem. Thanks for everything. I'm glad to be a part of this club.

Hay no worries mate! 
I am glad to have you in this ultra rare club, them Titans may be big but nothing shall outrare our EVGA GeForce GTX 295 Red Editions! Not even a MARS or ARES for that matter xDDDDDD
Even that about 500 GTX 295 RE's were made, we only have 24 of these cards in our club, make me wonder what on earth happened to all the other 476 cards, I just hope more owners will find this club we have here, I mean imagine that our cards are really all what is left, that would be dreadful
Anyways keep looking and asking for owners, maybe a thread @ NVIDIA forums that links to this one is an idea ... only they have banned me from their forum, because I was not aloud to post proof that a GXT 480 was only 15% faster than a HD 5870 at launch and due to my Aspergers Syndrome & Autism, I was too different towards them, ChrisRay was an old friend of mine, I was banned after he passed away... that also hurt me lots :X All because of that I had to be excluded from it all.
Sometimes I kinda miss that place, I had many allies, mates and good friends there. Even that many of them came here after I left that place. Oh well bad things happen even in a place you'd never expect it from happening.
All I can say is that I am very proud that I found the EVGA forums, the crew is just much better organized here and this place is far more neutral than I thought, everything makes more sense here, people are accepted for who they are instead of frowned upon. And that is why I find this forum one of the best to be part of
2013/03/12 07:23:36
Definitely. Me and a friend were discussing the possibilities surrounding the other 476 GTX 295 REs. I'm sure at least one of them made its way into a garbage dump somewhere.
2013/03/12 14:43:54
Gold Leader
We should be proud whatwe have found and preserved ourselves, I just hope all of the EVGA GTX 295 Red Edition owners will take extra good care of their cards, I would not like to see another one die due to bad maintenance
May The Force of GeForce Be With Us Always
2013/09/04 05:30:10
Gold Leader
If anyone is seeking an EVGA GeForce GTX 295 Red Edition, there is one here on ebay:
The Price is pretty cheap for such an ultra rare VGA card, as it's one of 500 made worldwide
The pics seem to be legit too


One advice, do ask the seller if the item he/she is selling is also the EVGA GeForce GTX 295 Red Edition he/she is showing with the pictures, because you never can be sure

Since we still have this club, I thought to update it every time I find a GTX 295 Red Edition for the ones that might be interested to have one of these ultra rares
Here my EVGA GTX 295 Red Editions in my new VGA Table layout

Which are these two beauties

2013/09/19 09:33:06
Gold Leader
Just found an other EVGa GTX 295 Red Edition on Ebay, it seems that EVGA sold their remaining GTX 295 RE;s to Dell or so by the looks of things.



2013/09/28 09:09:48
I don't know why anyone would ever want one of these trashy cards ever again. After buying one on day 1 of the cards release, i probably went thru 8-9 RMA's before EVGA finally sent me a GTX 480 as a replacement. Slight performance drop, but at least it worked (lasted for years tbh)
GTX 295 was such a fail card for nvidia, the people who didn't have problems were fewer than the people that did.

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