2011/07/04 20:06:25
This royally upsets me to a great degree.  I've been planning out how I want to do my video for his Duke Nukem 3D Vision contest and now I'm not so sure since I don't want MY stuff to get hacked in relation to his just for uploading a response video to his.
This is just horrible and ridiculous.
2011/07/04 20:19:55

This royally upsets me to a great degree.  I've been planning out how I want to do my video for his Duke Nukem 3D Vision contest and now I'm not so sure since I don't want MY stuff to get hacked in relation to his just for uploading a response video to his.

This is just horrible and ridiculous.

As long as you dont download random sketchy stuff than your safe as can be man. 
2011/07/04 20:23:33
Ok, cool, glad to hear that cuz I'm 1 of the safest ppl I know online, lol.  Still royally miffs me about this crap though.  I can't explain how angry it makes me that this jerkoff would do something like this to LTT, it's just absurd!
2011/07/04 20:25:55
question is how did linus let the account get hacked?
2011/07/04 20:32:19
key logger, he said it on the NCIX forum.
also heres a update from Linus him self. it was on his cat (lol) tips page 
2011/07/04 20:45:30
its a little funny that a Tech guy like linus get a keylogger. he said he clicked on the link and misclicked on the java script. sure sure
I bet Linus saw that and was like na nothing gona happen to me. and click it and a window popped up probably saying something like Harmful threats detected are you sure you want to proceed and linus was like Heck yea.  
2011/07/04 20:54:58


Yeah I saw this too the guy who hacked him is a [generally disreputable person;] he makes scrips then makes the account owner read it and post it on youtube or make them pay him money to get there account back. watch.

Yeah its funny that people are so pathetic that they would make fun of them selfs on youtube just to get there account back .... For god sakes just make another one...

He took more than just their YouTube accounts. That is part of his agreement to have them do that so they can get it back, so that's their attempt at not having to restart all over again. Also people make YouTube accounts and videos for a living... I don't know if that is what all of them are doing, but it's apparently worth it to publicly humiliate them self's on YouTube to get whatever that stuff is back. There could also be more to it... He could be hitting up people that download torrents heavily and using it against them to get whatever he wants out of them.
Edit by Jedi:  yet more cleanup.
2011/07/04 22:17:18
That's a shame...I'm sure NCIX will have all their attorneys at the ready.
Being blackmailed and going along with it is not something anybody should be free to keep doing.
2011/07/04 23:15:29
Linus's reviews are over-rated. They're all based on straight out-of-the-box reviews and not on reviews done in over time usage. One sided because as we all know... the real reviews are the one's with all flaws coming out of them 3-6 months from opening the box.
2011/07/05 00:09:51
I see this thread was edited, good call.

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