2011/07/04 17:36:09
any one seeing this. kinda funny 
oops http://www.youtube.com/user/LinusTechTips here is the link
2011/07/04 17:48:50
Little Sister
damn hackers, there everywhere. lol
2011/07/04 17:51:51
Linus will get it back easily,  just send a ticket to youtube
2011/07/04 17:54:08
Yeah I saw this too the guy who hacked him is a [generally unreputable person;] he makes scrips then makes the account owner read it and post it on youtube or make them pay him money to get there account back. watch.
Edit by Jedi:  Those videos were nowhere close to the TOS based on the amount of swearing and other appropriate content.  You have PM.
2011/07/04 18:13:54
happyy canada day!
2011/07/04 18:51:13
just a heads up if you want to see any of his videos I think this is you last chance the hacker(s) are deleting them all, and to be honst I dont think he has them backed up so. :( 
2011/07/04 19:20:38
That is going to be painful re-uploading them all.
2011/07/04 19:21:16
Wow, that sucks I hope they get everything fixed without too much trouble :/
2011/07/04 19:38:16

Yeah I saw this too the guy who hacked him is a [generally unreputable person;]0 he makes scrips then makes the account owner read it and post it on youtube or make them pay him money to get there account back. watch.

Yeah its funny that people are so pathetic that they would make fun of them selfs on youtube just to get there account back .... For god sakes just make another one...
Edit by Jedi for cleanup.
2011/07/04 19:56:41
LMAO omg..... I laughed at those people, not gonna lie. Sorry. They should know better than downloading shady stuff. 

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