My Post indicator Just failed with a segment on two of the 7digit displays. One failed last night, today another failed, was flashing for a bit before it finally gave out.
And that makes 10. I really didn't expect to be updating the running tally so often.
Also, further inspection shows that it is a through-hole component and there isn't much else on the back side of the board. With a soldering iron and a solder-sucker, you could theoretically swap out the indicator without too much trouble. I would assume that would ruin your warranty, but it does look feasible in my opinion. Only problem is that I don't know what the current unit is or what the current ratings of the segments should be. So you could replace it with one that burns out too if you don't put in a more robust part.
I really am curious if the indicators are defective or if EVGA accidentally designed all their board to put too much current into the indicators and somehow didn't catch that mistake while copy-pasting the design into all the
z490s and z590s (and I can only assume x570's). "Super rare" they told me on the phone lol.