Wednesday, October 20, 2010 3:08 PM
hey guys,
im new to the 3dmark vantage benchmarking. I just ran my 2 480gtx's and i7950 OC'd to 4.0GHZ. my scores are as follows.
CPU: 64834
GPU: 34016
Overall: 38604
This is with physx disabled (i think). How do i enable the physx on 3dmark vantage? i can't find it anywhere on the 3d mark options screen.
Also, is there a big performance boost with Physx enabled? im trying to figure out if my vantage score is about where it should be at. Thanks
EVGA E770 (X58 Classified 3)
I7 950 (OC'd to 4.0GHz stable 24/7)
(2x) GTX480 SC in SLI
Corsair Dominator GT 6GB (3x2GB) 2000 DDR3
VelociRaptor 300GB
Seagate Barracuda 250GB 7200RPM Sata
Corsair CMPSU AX1200
Custom Water Cooling:
Radiator1: ThermoChill PA120 3x120mm 1/2 Barbs
Radiator2: ThermomChill PA120 2x120mm 1/2 Barbs
Tygon Tubing R3603 1/2 ID Diam. 3/4 OD
GPU Waterblock: (2x) DD 480GTX Nickle Top/Bottom
CPU Waterblock: Swifttech Apogee XT Extreme
2 WaterPumps: Swifttech MCP655 12V DC Pump
Resevoir: Swifttech MCRES-Micro