Z97 FTW firmware issues

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Monday, March 14, 2016 2:58 PM (permalink)
I ended up rolling back to the old BIOS (the one released just before the current), because the latest BIOS introduced crashes for me (APC Index Error bluescreen).
My specs are:
Intel Haswell 4970k
Gskill 2600 mhz RAM
Samsung EVO 1TB SSD
EVGA reference nVidia 980GTX
Also, I am still on nVidia driver 353.3, as all newer versions of nVidia's driver break Fallout4 and Grand Theft Auto V.
Anyone else have these same issues or know if they are being addressed? 

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    Re: Z97 FTW firmware issues Monday, March 14, 2016 7:37 PM (permalink)
    Before you updated the Bios did you reset the Bios Back to the Default or Optimized Settings?
    You need to have clean Bios with all the Default Settings before you update a to a New Bios.
    Remember that you have 2 Bios Settings that you can use and you can test each Bios on one of the 2.
    post edited by bcavnaugh - Monday, March 14, 2016 7:48 PM

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    Re: Z97 FTW firmware issues Monday, March 14, 2016 7:48 PM (permalink)
    Before you updated the Bios did you reset the Bios Back to the Default or Optimized Settings?
    You need to have clean Bios with all the Default Settings before you update a to a New Bios.
    Remember that you have 3 Bios Settings that you can use and you can test each Bios on one of the 3.

    Correction there only two bios on the FTW version of the Z97

    Corrected, PM works too.

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    Re: Z97 FTW firmware issues Monday, March 14, 2016 7:49 PM (permalink)
    I ran the memory test and came out fine, still haven't tried messing with the backup BIOS switch but I will. Also, I'm pretty sure everything else is current (Intel RAID and bridge stuff, all that) but I will make sure. 
    The nVidia driver issues I think may specifically relate to the 980GTX, because my co-worker has the same problem with hers, and I'm pretty sure she used a totally different motherboard. 
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    Re: Z97 FTW firmware issues Monday, March 14, 2016 8:03 PM (permalink)
    Honestly I have a setup that works and is quite stable...  Switching to backup bios and flashing is going to entail not just digging out my case from under the desk and cracking it open, but also gaming with it for awhile trying to reproduce an intermittent blue screen.  
    It seems to make more sense to just stick with what works, but I reported the bug really for y'all's benefit. I might mess around with it a little bit more, but it seems like a waste of my time when I already have a known working config that just happens to use older drivers/FW/BIOS. 
    And honestly, the BIOS that shipped with the board was totally horrible. I didn't start enjoying stability until the second to last one came out. When Fallout 4 came out I had intermittent Blue Screens until I figured out that underclocking the RAM from the XMP default just slightly solved all my problems. 

    All in all, I'm a little sad I didn't cough up the extra $50 for an ASUS Maximus Hero instead. In all honesty. Probably the last EVGA board I will ever use, but I feel stuck with this one for a few years. I may change out the boards if I ever go SLI, because this one simply doesn't seem stable enough to guarantee delivery of a fun SLI experience. Quite frankly. 
    EVGA and nVidia are supposedly 'partners' and there is absolutely no reason that any of their product lines should have any kind of compatibility problems right out of the box. I had an EVGA board before this and it was a great little board. Heard that the company's quality had declined in recent years, and didn't believe it until I experienced it firsthand with this board. My EVGA power supply also failed, 9 months into its lifespan, and the RMA involved fronting a capital investment, plus I wanted to go with a more reliable PS anyway. So i literally chunked it into the garbage. The return process simply wasn't worth it. 
    Anyway, this is all stuff that would weigh pretty heavily on my mind if I worked there. Thankfully, I don't.
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