Z20 Keyboard Spacebar Stabilizer Broken

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Tuesday, May 31, 2022 4:48 AM (permalink)
I had the keyboard for a few months before I tried to clean it. When I removed the spacebar, one of the hooks broke instantly. I haven't had much luck finding a replacement for this part since it doesn't follow the standard design found in most mechanical keyboards. Superglue doesn't hold it together well after putting it back in. Is there a way to acquire replacement parts? It's just a tiny plastic piece, so it shouldn't be very difficult to fix.

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    Re: Z20 Keyboard Spacebar Stabilizer Broken Sunday, July 03, 2022 7:41 PM (permalink)
    If you found a replacement please let me know. The only solution I could come up with was taking the hook piece from another key (keypad +) that I have never or rarely use. The other key isn't normal but at least I can use my spacebar now.
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    Re: Z20 Keyboard Spacebar Stabilizer Broken Monday, July 18, 2022 8:55 PM (permalink)
    The best solution I could come up with was modeling an approximate shape for 3D printing using FreeCAD, then working with a small file to clean it up. So far, it has worked rather well. The print got a bit melted the first few attempts however, since it's such a small object that the layers don't get enough time to cool before the hot printer head rolls over them again. To allow the layers to cool and shape correctly, I had another one printing a few inches away on the same bed.
    Unfortunately, this solution only works if you have a 3D printer available.
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    Re: Z20 Keyboard Spacebar Stabilizer Broken Friday, September 02, 2022 2:59 AM (permalink)
    I tried to replace keycap switch another set of low profile ones because I really dislike full height keycaps and the one of the one adhered to the end of the space bar broke immediately. EVGA moderators failed to highlight the stem ends for the stabilizers are attached and don't come off. They probably should've included like a dozen of those instead of extra AWSD keys that are far more trivial to replace.
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    Re: Z20 Keyboard Spacebar Stabilizer Broken Friday, September 02, 2022 6:45 AM (permalink)
    It’s always best to contact EVGA and see what they say. Just be honest with what happened when talking to them. With them providing the key puller they will likely understand that people are going to pull the keycaps. As long as it wasn’t abuse or misuse they are good at helping but not so sure after super glue was used.

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    Re: Z20 Keyboard Spacebar Stabilizer Broken Friday, September 02, 2022 6:03 PM (permalink)
    I had the keyboard for a few months before I tried to clean it. When I removed the spacebar, one of the hooks broke instantly. I haven't had much luck finding a replacement for this part since it doesn't follow the standard design found in most mechanical keyboards. Superglue doesn't hold it together well after putting it back in. Is there a way to acquire replacement parts? It's just a tiny plastic piece, so it shouldn't be very difficult to fix.

    Unsure if this has been resolved as this was from May, but if you are still having issues sourcing a replacement, send us an email at support@evga.com with your serial number and we would be happy to discuss options for resolving this for you.
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