Re:Why does Windows Boot on the Second Monitor vs. the Primary Monitor?
2011/05/15 07:53:03
Yeah Vista was .....well an epic failure IMO. I had never formatted so many times in my life until I decided that Vista was the way to go LOL (epic fail on my part) and turned out a wrong decision. I went back to XP and then moved to Win7 hoping it was going to be a good transition. So far it has been worth it, SLI wise has been flawless on 7 but then again its a combination of drivers and such.
The 480s have been a good addition for me besides the heat/noise on air, I knew it from the start from all the reviews. I figured it couldnt be any worse than Tri SLI GTX275s on air. Well I was wrong LOL That's when I decided on water cooling and have been happy with their performance and temps since the change.
SLI has come a long way, supported games and drivers and such. Ive had it since inception, was a "cool" factor to me back then.