Thanks, your statement of 6.5 amps (75watts) on the slot is what the EVGA support tech and myself were figuring as well.
Being no other separate power connectors were needed on the card, I'll be good to go with my 16 amp 12 volt supply brick.

I figured out I can mod a HP ThinClient model T5730 to accept an AMD Turion x2 Dual-Core 2.4 GHz CPU. (TMDTL68HAX5DM) I already tried the 2.2GHz one, and it worked, and found out, looking at the motherboards chips data sheets, it also supports, and already has, a PCIe x16 v1.1a slot on-board now.
I was able to put a 2.5 Inch hard drive in, and install Windows 7 , and it all worked, but saw the graphics chip on the motherboard was holding the rating back.
The EVGA tech suggested the 7600 GT card... And they'll still honor the 90 day warranty.
Adding up all the wattage being used before the 7600GT Is installed, I'll still have some "head-room" to spare, even with the graphics card in.
I had to also purchase a PCIe x16 flex-card extender, as well as the female-to-female 44-pin IDE cable, and the new 16 amp 12 volt power-brick... And now can't wait until Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, when all the other items come in, to test all this out.
*** Edit- forgot to also say, a Fan was added to keep the baby cool with the Dual-Core in.
The system is mostly being used for HDTV 1920x1080 out to a HDTV for video recording of TV shows and playing Blu-Ray movies.
(Digital Video Recorder / Server for private use.)
May I also say, ... This site is amazing.
Within minutes of posting my question, ... I received an answer!

post edited by NewestUser - 2011/09/24 17:20:59