What is the different between FTW and XC series

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Re: What is the different between FTW and XC series 2021/05/20 18:03:16 (permalink)
What a shocker... another person that posts in every single thread they can find til they get to 100 posts then disappears & we'll probably never see them again.
If I'm wrong about that I apologize, but we've been seeing this so much lately that I doubt I am wrong - and if I am this is one of the few times... it's ridiculous how many of these there are every day it seems like.

Well, that is what I thought when I read the ELITE membership requirement. When I started posting, I started to really enjoy contributing to the forum, they are really informative for me about graphic cards and other news about it. If not I can post 100 posts on the many game threads.
Just an FYI, reference PCBs & Founders Editions are quite different for this generation - The Founders Editions are "better" than reference/base model PCBs, NVidia did this to compete with AIBs & attempt to push them out of the low end prices market (which is really messed up because NVidia REQUIRES each AIB to offer at least ONE SKU per GPU line at or very near MSRP).
Reference PCBs & thereby reference level models like the XC-line of cards typically have very little "fancy" about them except a slightly upgraded cooler - they will tend to run hotter than their higher tier counterparts.  They're also cheaper. 
As I posted before, it's worth keeping in mind, with the 30-series cards, a lot of AIBs made even their higher tier cards 'not that much better' than the base models.  eVGA's FTW3 PCB is not THAT upgraded compared to the XC3.  If you want a truly high end PCB, you'd have to look at a Kingpin, which is only available for the 3090 of course.
Not saying the 3080 FTW3 Ultra isn't a good card - I had one, they're quite good - but the FTW3 'name' doesn't carry the weight it used to in terms of it being heavily customized by eVGA & all that jazz.

Thanks for the info, do you have any recommendation on what sku buy a 3080/3080ti, at first ftw is kinda my goto card but, according to you, FTW series is not much better than the xc series so I kinda don't know what should I after.

I wasn't directing that first bit at you, BTW, I was directing at the guy that posted right before me... and now, coincidentally, has 100 posts... and has not been online since hitting 100 posts.  Sorry if that was misunderstood as me directing at you, I should have quoted the person I was directing it at ^_^
Overall, I'd say it's down to the price difference.  At launch, the FTW3 Ultra 3080 was not that much more expensive than the XC3 Ultra 3080, and the cooler on the FTW3 Ultra was a good bit beefier looking and had lower temps it testing done by reviewers that actually tested both.  The FTW3 Ultra cooler, specifically on the 3080, is one of the better performing coolers across the 3080 spectrum if I remember correctly.  Asus has better, but the eVGA one is better than most others.
I would say for the 3080 Ti, if it's more than around 50-75 more for the FTW3 compared to the XC3 - especially if you plan to just plug & play your card, and not to push it to the limit and constantly be fiddling with overclocking, I would definitely go with an XC3.  It'll be cheaper and the differences between the two in actual performance out of the box is miniscule.

Can you blame them though? I'm not a huge forums person, I am especially not a fan of some of the quirks of this forum. Kind of hard to navigate without subscribing to threads and getting spammed with emails. They offered this elite queue status to people with 100 posts, it's the free way to get priority queue for a new card, GPUs are in the most ridiculous pickle anyone's ever seen... It's going to happen. I don't know if I'll really stick around the forums after getting the elite queue status; maybe if there's some genuine insight or interesting conversation, but right now, it's all about this 3080 Ti launch, and after that, I'm either going to be busy gaming or doing other things that don't involve trying to get a GPU. Definitely doesn't help my chances of wanting to stick around knowing there's this condescending attitude about new members making posts just trying to get a better chance at grabbing a card. We are presumably all gamers; where's the empathy and understanding?
- A biased floater
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Re: What is the different between FTW and XC series 2021/05/30 15:39:31 (permalink)
FTW is built slightly better than the XC and has slightly higher performance.
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Re: What is the different between FTW and XC series 2021/05/30 19:10:13 (permalink)
Thanks for the info now I know which one to get!
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Re: What is the different between FTW and XC series 2021/05/30 19:46:07 (permalink)
FTW seems to have more thermal reading locations too if I believe correctly giving you a more granular view of what's happening with your card. 
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Re: What is the different between FTW and XC series 2021/05/31 18:35:03 (permalink)
I would say for the 3080 Ti, if it's more than around 50-75 more for the FTW3 compared to the XC3 - especially if you plan to just plug & play your card, and not to push it to the limit and constantly be fiddling with overclocking, I would definitely go with an XC3.  It'll be cheaper and the differences between the two in actual performance out of the box is miniscule.

While I have made less than 10 posts, I am Elite by way of my 2080 Ti XC3 purchase.
I don't game and only use my 2080 Ti for 4K HDR movie tone mapping. (kind of explains my lack of posting)  Before anyone asks why do I need this much GPU, the MadVR software is easily able to max out my 2080 Ti with all of its tone mapping, chroma upscaling, and dithering options, while not dropping frames.
So a 3080 Ti XC3 would be my first choice.   I am just concerned if EVGA will even build a sufficient quantity of XC3 compared to FTW cards.
If I do manage to get a 3080 Ti, I will need to get my post count up just to be able to list my 2080 Ti on the for sale thread.   Never understood why one needs 50 posts to buy or sell.  
post edited by cjake - 2021/05/31 18:47:37
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Re: What is the different between FTW and XC series 2021/06/01 10:32:18 (permalink)
Glad I came to this thread.  I have the chance at buying an 3080XC3 from someone but when I read about the temperature issues (as a first time computer builder) I became a bit worried.  What are acceptable idle and gaming temperatures for a GPU?  I understand that the XC3 runs hot and don't really want to spend money on a card that might frustrate me, especially as I'm not the most tech savvy person.
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