Ultimate 2013 Nvidia Driver Guide by MANIAC-VVV-

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2012/10/25 23:53:44 (permalink)

  QUICK GUIDE for Standard Nvidia driver installs         
DETAILED GUIDE for first time Nvidia users                                                        
 The NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL and basic settings guide                                                     

Video card MONITORING software and temperature control 
BENCHMARKING videocard performance 
GAMING the reason you bought a Nvidia graphics card  
TROUBLESHOOTING Nvidia driver and display issues 
Nvidia graphics card information and resources                         
 Windows 8               
 Clean System configuration guide 
 Software download resources
 Overclocking 500 series Nvidia graphics cards
Overclocking 600 series Nvidia graphics cards
 Legal disclaimer and warnings
About the Author MANIAC-VVV-                                        
STATUS: Unfinished
Final Release: in progress      
post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/03/01 08:20:11


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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/25 23:54:52 (permalink)
    Last UPDATE: Feb. 21, 2013
    *Currently the number one cause of most Nvidia related driver issues, is failure to correctly and completely shut down Precision/Afterburner -before- installing Nvidia driversets. Open Precision/Afterburner and go to the "General Settings" Tab and uncheck "Start with Windows". Then close Precision/Afterburner using the "X" in the top right hand corner. Reboot once to the desktop before proceeding with your Nvidia driver install.              

    Step one: Download the Nvidia driver you plan to install.
    Step two: Launch the Nvidia installer in Custom Mode, with the components of your choice.
    Step three: Be sure to place a checkmark in "Perform a Clean install".
    Step four: After the install has completed, Reboot once to the desktop.
    -You are now ready to use your new Nvidia driverset- 
    Performing a CUSTOM/CLEAN Nvidia Driver install -video guide-
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 00:05:30

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/25 23:56:20 (permalink)
    Last UPDATE: Feb. 21, 2013   

    This section is for first time or novice users of Nvidia graphics cards.
    Its purpose is to help such users avoid mistakes and get their Nvidia driver installed and their video card(s) setup correctly
    The very first thing we want to do...
    --->Is stop Windows from attempting to install a Nvidia display driver using Windows Update.
    Go to "START" then "CONTROL PANEL" then to "WINDOWS UPDATE"
    Choose "Change Settings" from the left hand panel.  
    In the line marked "Important Updates", open the flyout and change the setting to show
    "Check for updates but let me choose whether to download or install them"
    and then click "OK" to save the setting(as shown below)
    *This does not stop Windows from checking for Updates
    It does however stop Windows Update from automatically downloading and installing them.
    Instead, Windows Update will now produce a "list" of updates available -and- the "option" of not installing them. This allows the User to note any Nvidia updates and avoid a "Default" Nvidia Graphics driver install. You never want Windows Update to install your Nvidia Graphics drivers. It is always preferred to manually install your Nvidia Graphics driver in "Custom Mode" with "Perform a Clean install" checked to avoid problems.
    *The problems that can occur should Windows Update attempt to install a Nvidia driver, are a install while Precision is running (causing corruption) or a broken PhysX install, among others. This is why we change the Windows Update settings.                                 
    Now, proceed to the Nvidia driver Download section
     NVidia Driver Download section

    Next we need to download our Nvidia driver                    
    All "official" Nvidia Graphics drivers (both WHQL certified and Beta) can be found and downloaded HERE 
    The screenshots below cover how to navigate the GeForce.com Nvidia driver downloads site, to obtain a complete list of all recent WHQL and BETA Nvidia driver releases for your exact model of graphics card and your installed Operating System version.


    In almost all cases, the preferred driver is the latest official WHQL Nvidia Driver release.
    Now, download your chosen Nvidia driver
    Installing your Nvidia Driverset
    *For users who are -not- experiencing any problems or issues
    ---->a "quick install" is suggested and is covered HERE or you can view the Video walkthru of installing below
    Performing a CUSTOM/CLEAN default Nvidia Driver install -video guide-

    Your Nvidia driver install is now complete 
    **For users who are having problems
    --->installing their drivers
    --->suffering from black screens after a driver install
    ---->or those with serious ongoing display driver issues in their Operating System ,in Games or in Applications
    please skip to the TROUBLESHOOTING section
    **Users of Windows 8
    --->should review the information posted in the Windows 8 section -before- installing
           as Windows 8 behavior cannot be taken for granted and treated the same as Windows 7 (at this time)    
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 00:11:12

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/26 00:09:44 (permalink)
    Last UPDATE: Feb. 21, 2013
    STATUS: Unfinished
    The Nvidia Control Panel
     Here we find the control settings of our Nvidia driver. In experienced and knowledgeable hands, the Nvidia control panel gives a user an amazing amount of control over their graphics drivers behavior and display properties.
    Sadly it is so confusing, that many users make serious mistakes that cause them to lose performance or encounter issues... and thats what this section will address, the correct settings to get the best performance, visual quality and to avoid making incorrect settings changes that could cause problems in games or applications
    When we first open the Nvidia control panel, we are presented with the "Adjust settings with image preview" panel. Users should NOT use this panel to make driver control settings changes, as doing so can "auto" adjust the driver settings incorrectly and cause problems. Instead, put a check in the box for "Use the advanced 3D image settings" and then click "take me there" (shown below)   
    This will bring you to the "Manage 3D settings" panel on the "Global" tab (shown below)
    Manage 3D Settings (Global settings) tab 
     This tab is for settings that will be implemented "globally". This means that any changes made here will be active both on the Desktop and in most games and applications. As such, users must be very careful that they not attempt to "force" a setting or value incorrectly.
    For 98% of users only very minor changes should be made in the "Global" settings tab...
    *Before proceeding further, users who have been making changes in the Global settings tab should use the "RESTORE" button in the bottom right hand corner and then hit the "APPLY" button. This will restore the settings to default values and remove any mistakes or incorrect settings

    I recommend only (2) suggested changes in the Manage 3D Settings Global tab
    The first is under "Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration"

    The default value is "Multiple display performance mode".
    *This is the preferred setting for most users of more than one monitor.
    Next is "Single display performance mode".
    *This is the preferred setting for users with one monitor.
    Last is "Compatibility performance mode".
    *This can be helpful to users with more than one monitor when certain applications or games are having issues when the Desktop is spanning across multiple monitors. It is also the suggested setting for 3D modeling or Video editing applications using multiple displays.
    Next is the "Power management mode"

    The default value is "Adaptive".
    *This is the recommended setting for most users.
    The "Prefer maximum performance" setting attempts to detect 3D rendering activity. 
    *And force GPU clock rates to maintain max values while the application or game is running. While this setting was useful in the past, it is now less so as almost all games and applications are detected correctly. Only users who are seeing clock state (not GPU use) changes while using a 3D application should apply this setting, most often with older software.     
    Manage 3D Settings (Program settings) tab                  




    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 03:23:42

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/26 00:59:39 (permalink)
    STATUS: Unfinished---> slightly DELAYED because of 4.0.0 release 
    Last UPDATE: Feb. 21, 2013  
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 02:46:46

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/26 03:37:07 (permalink)
    STATUS: Unfinished
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    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/15 13:11:32

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/26 12:07:27 (permalink)
    STATUS: Unfinished
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    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/15 13:12:24

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/26 12:08:53 (permalink)
    STATUS: Unfinished
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    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/15 13:13:00

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/26 12:10:02 (permalink)
    STATUS: Unfinished
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    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/15 13:13:43

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/26 12:11:49 (permalink)
     WINDOWS 8
    STATUS: Unfinished
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    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/15 13:14:28

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/26 18:44:47 (permalink)
     Clean System Configuration Guide  
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 19:10:48

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2012/10/28 00:16:23 (permalink)
    Software download resources 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 13:32:00

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    Re:Ultimate 2013 Nvidia Driver Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/18 19:31:46 (permalink)
    RESERVED for Nvidia's -next generation- series of videocards 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 13:37:56

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 11:33:33 (permalink)
    RESERVED for future updates and content 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 21:02:10

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 11:34:41 (permalink)
    Overclocking 500 series Nvidia graphics cards
    UPDATED: March 6, 2013
    COMPLETED: Last update March 12, 2013                                                                       
    NOTICE: This section is for users who wish to explore overclocking with their 500 series videocards.
    --->There is no such thing as completely "safe" overclocking.
    Users should be aware that overclocking ability is never guaranteed, that running higher voltages and temperatures can and will reduce the lifespan of their videocard and is stressful to many other computer components such as the motherboard and powersupply, and can result in serious system hardware and operating system damage. 
    If a user wishes to overclock they must be aware that this is -completely- their choice and do so at their own risk.
    *Please read and agree to all the information contained in the LEGAL DISCLAIMER for this Guide before continuing.
    Welcome to my 500 series overclocking Guide
    *Due to videocard fan and voltage design, this section is for air-cooled desktop GTX 550 and above cards -only- and does NOT apply to lower 500 series or laptop designs.
    The first thing we need to understand when overclocking, is that it does NOT fix any existing problems or issues. It will only make them worse...
    So we need to begin our overclocking -only- on a system that is working 100% correctly and one that has been tested for stability, performance and temperatures.
    We will need some software and some testing before we start to overclock
    Getting Started  

    We will need the following programs for our basis testing and overclocking:
    Testing program: Unigine Valley Benchmark  http://unigine.com/products/valley/download/
    Testing Program: 3Dmark 11 http://www.3dmark.com/3dmark11/download/
    Overclocking/Monitoring: MSI AFTERBURNER --use only LATEST BETA version at Guru3D http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/msi_afterburner_beta_download.html  
    I recommend using Afterburner over Precision for 500 series cards because it is much less confusing. Precision contains many displays and features that are unavailable for 500 series cards and apply only to the 600 series and the Titan. Afterburner uses much simpler displays, is less confusing and can produce the exact same results.  
    Please install the Unigine Valley Benchmark and 3DMark 11 programs onto your system and Update them if prompted to do so.
    GPU-Z is not a installed program, but is a executed program when launched and only needs to be available to launch from the desktop.
    Important note BEFORE installing Afterburner: 
     Before installing Afterburner, all previous versions of Precision or Afterburner must be correctly and completely uninstalled.
    To do so, open the program and use the "X" in the top right hand corner to close it. Then go to START/All Programs and open either the yellow Precision or Afterburner folder and launch the "Uninstaller". When the uninstaller is launched an box will open asking if you want to save data and profile information... 
    You MUST answer -NO- when you are asked to save this information.
     After the Precision or Afterburner uninstall is complete, you must reboot once back to the desktop. (do NOT skip this reboot)
    Installing Afterburner
    In order to properly test and then overclock and retest, it is critical that we setup Afterburner correctly so that our testing data and temperatures are consistently and accurately reported.
    Please install Afterburner (ver 2.3.1) onto your system.

    The above shows the default install. Shown is your videocard model, current installed Nvidia driver version, your videocards STOCK core clock and memory clock values, your current fan speed percentage and the default "monitoring" panel on the right.
    We need to make a few changes to the default settings before we begin testing.
    First we need to tell Afterburner to "Start with Windows". This is done by hitting the "Settings" button in the bottom right hand corner of the lefthand panel. This will open the settings panel to the "General" tab (shown below)
    Please put a checkmark (red arrow) into the "Start with Windows" box and then hit the OK button. Now Afterburner will launch with your settings when you boot into Windows.
    Next we need to setup a "User defined Fan Profile"
    Again, hit the Settings button and choose the "Fan" tab (shown below)

    Place a checkbox (red arrow) in "enable user defined software automatic fan control"
    and hit OK.
    This will open the user Fan Profile box where you can adjust fan speeds to match temperature values (shown below)
    *Dont panic if your does not look like the above screenshot. I have already adjusted my fan profile to my "suggested" settings for overclocking (50% fan speed minimum and maximum fan speed at 60c). The "dotted" lines (shown above) at 30% and 100% are my 580 videocards minimum (30%) and maximum (100%) fan speeds as set in my videocards BIOS. Your videocard may show -different- min and max fan speeds depending on YOUR model of videocard and BIOS version. Its OK if your min and max limits are different.
    Whats important here is we want to overclock our videocard. To do so we need to setup a strong fan profile to protect our videocard from overheating. Since we will be testing Before -and- After overclocking, we want to use the "same" fan profile for both tests.
    Please use your mouse pointer to move the small squares of your fan profile to MATCH what is shown in the screenshot above. Set your Minimum fan speed at 50% going to Maximum (whatever your dotted line shows) at 60c and hit the OK button to save the settings.
    Now please -reboot- once back to the desktop, to confirm that Afterburner is starting with Windows -and- open the settings panel and confirm that the fan profile is showing correctly.
    You are now ready to begin pre-overclock testing

    Pre-Overclock testing
    We must now make a series of testing runs and write down or screenshot our testing results.
    We will need the Temperature and Performance numbers to determine if our system is able to safely overclock (temps) and the performance (numbers) to compare with to determine what gains we achieved by overclocking. 
    *IMPORTANT Note: It is vital that your SYSTEM overclocks (CPU/RAM) not change during STOCK and overclock videocard testing. If you make -any- system changes, both sets of videocard testing should be REDONE to prove out stability and temperature.
    We are now ready to begin our STOCK testing
    As always testing should only be done on a fresh reboot to the desktop with nothing running or open but Afterburner minimised in the system tray, and NVCP settings should be at DEFAULTS.
    The first testing run should always be with the new Unigine Valley benchmark, as it has a "in-benchmark" temperature display.
    --->Launch the Valley benchmark  

    *It is suggested to use the "Extreme HD" preset (shown above)
    Hit the RUN button to launch the program.
    Then hit the "benchmark" button to begin the testing score run.
    While the test is running, note in the upper right hand corner you are given a real-time display of your current videocard temps and clock values (shown below)
    As shown above (for my GTX 580 SLI setup) my top card is the hottest at 72c while my bottom card is only 57c at stock clocks. These are decent temps and show that I -do- have some headroom for overclocking, as 85c is where we would begin to really be concerned with the temperature.
    At the end of the benchmark testing run we are given a "score". Hit the "save" button to save the HTML file in the default location or hit F12 to save a screenshot in the Valley screenshot folder. (Score shown below)

    Next we want to close the program and then open Afterburner from the system tray
    (shown below)

    We want to -confirm- that the temps reported in-benchmark match up with the data shown in Afterburner. We really want to take screenshots or write down what the scores were at the end of the benchmark run and what the MAX temperatures were during the test.
    *This completes the Valley benchmark STOCK test.
    Reboot once back to the desktop to prepare for the next testing run.
    --->Now launch 3DMark 11

    We want to run the (P)Performance benchmark
    Put a checkmark in "Benchmark tests only" and "Centered" scaling mode. Then hit RUN
    At the end of the test you are taken to the Futuremark page where your test scores are displayed under "detailed scores" (shown below) 

    The above are the important scores we need to write down or screenshot
    Again after completing a test, we want to open Afterburner from the system tray and review our temp data and write down or take a screenshot of the MAX temps seen during the testing
    (shown below)
    This completes our STOCK testing
    If no problems were seen, all tests completed without error and no temperatures above 80c were seen at any time during the testing runs... we are ready to begin overclocking.
    *If temperatures ABOVE 80c were seen during STOCK testing, then overclocking is NOT recommended until such time as case airflow and stock temps can be improved.
    *Please read and understand all the information contained in the LEGAL DISCLAIMER for this Guide before continuing. Overclocking contains DANGERS and if you decide to proceed, you do so completely at your own risk
    -You have been WARNED-
    OVERCLOCKING your 500 series videocard
    Well, it's time to get our overclock ON!
    All 500 series cards come with different base clocks and voltages, depending on the model.
    "Most" 500 series cards can easily achieve a 50 to 100mhz core overclock if given enough extra voltage. The problem is, that as you "add" voltage your temperatures grow -very- quickly...
    There are two types of overclocks.
    --->One is strictly for benchmarking scores and the other is for "daily" use.
    For "benchmarking" where we will only be running the overclock for just the few minutes it takes to complete the test and get our "score" temperatures of 90c and below can be considered about as far as you should normally push it....
    For "daliy" use we need to be very careful that the max temperatures remain under control at all times and should normally not exceed 80-85c
    These are basic guidelines and users are free to experiment based on what they feel is "safe" and if they wouldn't have a problem replacing a expensive part should "something" go sideways.
    Personally I dont run my videocards overclocked for "daliy" use as my SLI performance levels are high enough I dont need too. When I do overclock I attempt to keep my temps below 85c in the interest of prolonging the life of my cards.
    I cannot tell you what your videocard starting voltage will be set at, what your default clocks are or how well your videocard will perform when overclocked.
    There are a few simple rules to follow
    #1  Never adjust voltage or clock sliders to the MAX settings available in Afterburner.
    #2  Temperatures, WATCH THEM CLOSELY and KNOW your MAX temps under load.
    #3  Dont try to match someone else's overclocks, find YOUR OWN
    #4  The further you PUSH your overclocks, the more likely failure or damage.
    #5  Start with SMALL changes to voltage and clocks, and WORK your way up
    #6  Always START with CORE CLOCKS -first- as the most performance is gained there.
    Now would be a good time to consider if you really want to overclock
    While large increases in Benchmark scores are possible, real world performance in games and applications is less so...
    A good example would be BF3 on my system. At STOCK voltage and clocks my performance  levels "average" approximately 120fps. Pushing my voltage from 1.000v to 1.088v and bumping my CORE clocks from default of 772mhz to 900mhz produces -only- a modest gain of approximately 10-12fps to 130fps, at a cost of 15c HIGHER MAX temps.
    For me, thats just not worth it. Nice cool MAX temps of 73c on my hottest card, less voltage stress on my videocard, motherboard and powersupply will extend the useful life of my 580's and system components and thats important to me.
    After much testing 1.088v and 900core clocks is what I will run for benching scores, as that produces a MAX temp of 87c. While I have overclocked much higher, the voltages required pushed the temps into the mid 90's and completely OUT of my comfort zone. 
    Quick video guide to using Afterburner to Overclock your 500 series card      

    When starting out, use SMALL increases to core clocks (25mhz) and small increases in voltage 0.030v and then test. Continue until TEMPERATURES become too high, or when adding voltage will NOT prevent artifacts or crashing. Work on just the CORE clocks first, then go back and attempt memory overclocks.
    *Important: GTX 570 users should NOT attempt memory overclocks because of weak design on some cards. Its NOT worth it, so do NOT attempt it with a GTX 570
    As you push overclocks and voltages higher, you WILL reach the point where visible artifacts and/or crashing will occur -or- Temps will reach unacceptable levels .
    This is completely normal during testing. Normally the Nvidia driver will fail and drop you back into Windows, but sometimes a full on crash or Bluescreen will occur. Once full on crashing occurs, its time to begin to wonder if something else in your system is NOT liking your videocard overclocking and is usually the sign thats its maybe the time to STOP, back it down a bit and test for stability.
    The process is simple.
    Small increases and then runs of Valley and Mark 11, note MAX Temps/image quality/stability, then make further small increases and repeat.
    Once you start overclocking things can go very wrong
    Your powersupply can go boom, your chipset can overheat, your videocard can start smoking and go dead, a crash can render Windows unbootable... ETC, Etc,etc...
    If your not up for things possibly going horribly wrong, then overclocking is NOT FOR YOU.
    AVOID the common mistakes!!!
    Do NOT attempt overclocking with a underpowered powersupply
    Do NOT make large or MAX slider adjustments in the voltage or clock panels
    Do NOT attempt to punch in someone elses posted overclocks for your card
    Many users post that they "feel" their videocard can clock higher than normal testing proves out, and they push ridiculous voltages/temps or run off to MOD their BIOS. These users often end up with DEAD videocards and sometimes VOID their warranty.
    -->Do NOT make that mistake. Rely on good testing, not feelings 

    *NOTE: During testing crashing or driver loss may occur. This can "sometimes" corrupt either Afterburner or the Nvidia driver itself. Should things not appear to be working correctly after crashing, it is recommended to UNINSTALL Afterburner (and answer NO to saving data) reboot, reinstall Afterburner and test at defaults again before picking up with where you were at. Should things -still- NOT be working correctly after uninstalling Afterburner, it is suggested to do a CUSTOM/CLEAN reinstall of the driver you were using, with "perform a Clean Install" checked.
    *Emergency Recovery
     Should your system fail to boot normally into windows after crashing while attempting overclocks, do NOT panic. Boot into "Safe Mode" and uninstall Afterburner (and answer NO to saving data and profiles) and then shutdown and attempt to boot normally.
    Should you still be having problems booting into Windows, boot again into "Safe Mode" and uninstall your Nvidia driver components (except PhysX) in Programs and Features with the Graphics driver last, then restart when prompted.
    While it is exceedingly rare, a Windows install may become corrupted by a worst case overclocking crash. You should be prepared to wipe the system completely and reinstall Windows should it be necessary.   
    * Additional Note: Just because you can pass all benchmarks and your temps are good, does NOT mean that when you go to run a Game or Application that your overclock will be 100% stable. For this, you must test your overclock with those Games and Applications that are important to you. Some games (like BF3 or Crysis3) will sometimes NOT like your benchmark tested overclock and you will have to work with that game and adjust your overclock to find stability.   
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2014/04/14 20:21:06

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 11:35:47 (permalink)
    Overclocking 600 series Nvidia graphics cards    
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 13:15:37

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 11:36:52 (permalink)
    RESERVED for future updates and content 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 21:02:50

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 11:37:52 (permalink)
    RESERVED for future updates and content 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 21:03:23

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 11:43:53 (permalink)
    RESERVED for future updates and content
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/22 21:03:59

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 13:56:58 (permalink)
    Legal disclaimer and warnings  
    I make no claim to know everything about graphics cards, display drivers or hardware configurations. 
    I am just another user, who is devoted to great gameplay and running as well as possible with the hardware available. Everything in this Guide is information that is available to anyone on the web, and certainly is not always my own personal experience or knowledge. Like everyone else, I have had to learn what works and what does not work the hard way, with lots of help from others doing the same thing. 
    By making this Guide, I hope to make using Nvidia graphics cards and display drivers a more informed experience. 
    **Any suggestions, advice, settings or configuration information contained in this Guide, may or may not be applicable to your hardware, graphics card(s), system drivers or installed operating system. 
    -->As such, any actions taken based on information in this guide... is at the users own risk.

    MANIAC-VVV- is a regular EVGA forum member and is NOT employed or affiliated with EVGA
     Many sections of this guide cover settings changes , software use, driver modifications, overclocking and other activities that can DAMAGE or DESTROY expensive system components.
    It is the USERS responsibility to ensure that any changes, modifications or other actions taken based upon information contained in this guide are correct, safe and will not result in any adverse events to a USERS system, software or components. The Author of this guide (forum member) MANIAC-VVV- and EVGA Corporation are NOT responsible for either the accuracy, description or implementation of any information contained in this Guide.
    ANY actions taken based on information contained in this guide... is at the USERS OWN RISK.
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/03/06 07:52:39

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 13:57:58 (permalink)
     About the Author MANIAC-VVV- 
    MANIAC-VVV- is 53 years old, retired and currently resides in Spokane Washington.
    MANIAC-VVV- was born in Palo Alto California, where one day in 1966 he jumped off his stingray bicycle with a banana seat and wandered into a Stanford University artificial intelligence mainframe project in the basement of the Stanford University Hospital where his father was a pediatric medical professor and researcher. A very bright and eager young man politely invited me in and walked me into a huge glass paneled air conditioned room with a false floor and began to explain what a PDP-10 was and what they were trying to do with it.....
    From that -exact- moment on I became addicted to learning everything I could about computers and how they worked.
    It was a wonderful and exciting time back in those days and I remember it quite fondly. I was extremely lucky to meet very talented and outgoing people in the field and be given extraordinary access to hardware, operating systems and software... I was just a kid. I would skip school and wander the engineering floor at hewlett packard, hang out at the cafeteria at SRI looking for programming tips and hardware access, and prowl the University campus labs after hours or show off my terminal skills to the operators up at the SLAC. In fact I missed so many days at school from my explorations that I was placed into a private school to correct my behavior, it didn't work. 
    I well remember the day when I was escorted into a back room at SAIL and was given a chance to play the very first true video game Space Wars. I was completely geeked before I was 10, over the next few years I focused on programming skills and later was in the mix (software) at the Byte shop in Palo Alto and even had a part time job when I was 12 at the Peoples Computer club (PCC) up in Menlo Park (got the job because I was friends with Bob Albrecht's son). The PCC was also where I was one of the first people on the planet to actually use a "personal" computer, a Altair 8800..                            
    My addiction only continued later on as -finally- having my own access to personal hardware (thanks Dad) allowed me to expand my programming skills and I made my first hardware build attempt just a few years later (yes it was a disaster). Later on in high school I was accepted into the CEC in Albuquerque NM as a sophomore, and received my first CERT as a Computer Technician Aide (mainframe) at the age of 15. Sadly later on as a young adult I squandered my early college years in relationships and hedonism and while always active with computers and games, my personal life lead me down a twisting path elsewhere and I ended up being a electrician for over 25 years... 
    I always have and always will be a gamer first. All my knowledge and experience is directed towards games and playing them. I have been privileged to experience first hand the hardware and software developments of the last 40 years or so, and every few years I look at my current hardware and software in complete amazement. Sometimes I just feel like a caveman with a light-saber..                                  
    And nothing pleases me more than using computers and playing games, I live for this stuff.
    But after suffering through 3 very serious bouts of gaming addiction over the years that were bad enough to effect my personal and professional life starting with DOOM in the early 90's, then later DeltaForce Novalogic games and finally ending with Battlefield 2...
    I was convinced by my wife and family to give up compulsive game playing a few years ago when I retired...
    I now play just for fun and friendships, and direct the majority of my time and energies towards helping others with the experience and knowledge I have gained over the years. For many years this was a one on one effort with other players in the games I was playing, but since I have joined the EVGA forums I have completely enjoyed the atmosphere around here and have really been encouraged (by both members and Mods) to expand my horizons. I published my very first real "guide" here at EVGA a few years ago, and the 2013 Nvidia Guide will be my 4th attempt at producing one.
    I hope that I am getting better at it.... I am certainly not a writer, but I am trying my best to pretend to be one
    I hope that users find my latest Guide is both helpful and informative               
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/02/28 02:05:01

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 13:59:04 (permalink)
    -END- of RESERVED sections 
    Please post your comments freely 
    *All postings from now on will -stay- posted. Thanks for your support and understanding.  

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 14:02:57 (permalink)
    Holy crap this is amazing!  Blue ribbon!


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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 17:16:14 (permalink)
    Can't wait for more progress, so far this has been very helpful to me. Thank you!
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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 18:33:18 (permalink)
    Thank you for all the hard work.

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/22 19:05:48 (permalink)

    Holy crap this is amazing!  Blue ribbon!

    +1   Yep.   Great job Maniacvvv.         

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/23 09:52:26 (permalink)
    Thanks again Maniac for an extremely helpful and thorough guide on the new drivers/gpu series. As always you have been more then helpful with this and I greatly appreciate your posts. 

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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/02/24 13:49:38 (permalink)
    Hi maniacvvv,
    +1 to the above comments. Your work is much appreciated and I look forward to making more use of your excellent driver installation guide.

    Thanks for all of your hard work

    Intel Core i9 7980XE @ 2.6 GHz | 64GB Corsair Dominator Platinum PC4-21300 | Asus Rampage VI Apex | 2x Nvidia Titan RTX “T-Rex” (NVLink Enabled) | Corsair AX1600i PSU | Creative Sound BlasterX AE-5 Pure Edition | Dell U2711 LCD | Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64 Bit (Version 1903)
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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/03/14 10:28:48 (permalink)
    Fantastic job -needs to be stickied


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    Re:Ultimate Nvidia Driver Install Guide by MANIAC-VVV- 2013/03/14 10:38:48 (permalink)

    Fantastic job -needs to be stickied

    Not yet, its not done...
    I am also considering pulling some of the sections -out- of the guide and making them stand alone
    This will allow them to be placed into the correct sub section of the forums -and- allow followup support posts to remain together, instead of all lumped into a single post
    Just finished the 500 series overclocking section
    2 more sections are in progress
    And as soon as I have a second 680 (for SLI) I will be working on the 600 overclocking guide

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