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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/10 18:45:45
No, you cant do 60hz @ 4k on dvi. Only on DP (and HDMI?). 30hz you can do though. DVI is limited to 3xxx output. Check a site which shows xvga and everything, it will show what will and wont do. New 1.2(is it 4?) HDMI/DP does 60hz @ 4k,. Also, MWHD, if you want a pascal titan, they are called Titan Xp. They are the cards = to 1000 series. What you have is a Maxwell titan X, based on the old 900 series (actually, 780/900, lol). The 1080TI is better than the original 1000 series (including the TitanXp, but not by much, maybe a couple %), as it has beefed up ram (faster), and faster clocks.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/11 06:52:36
Dave3d No, you cant do 60hz @ 4k on dvi. Only on DP (and HDMI?).
I know that. My UI display is only 2650x1600 and connects to DVI as my primary display. I need to solve the frame drop problem when LUTs are applied (Lumetri). CPU use is only 40%, GPU over 75% and dropping a lot of frames. Even with highly compressed h.264 footage, as it turns out, when a LUT is applied. There has to be a reason why the system hardware is loafing along but frames a dropping excessively.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/12 12:22:11
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/12 13:22:27
Dr.Death maybe search it out like this guy http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-3731884/adobe-premiere-pro-utilising-cpu-gpu.html like I said about adobe and there optimization of there software ? also I think its still hard to get great performance from 4 k today maybe with the best of todays / latest hardware and a mac' daddy cpu . you see what them bench test posted above were using not a I-5 or run of the mill I-7 . check what adobe fiorums are saying on that program and its use ? may have issues to be fixed ? then this ? [scratching head] https://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/3310-adobe-premiere-benchmarks-rendering-8700k-gpu-vs-ryzen seems fine and dandy ? I woiuld think a titan would be right at that 1080 ti with in reason
My problem isn't rendering speed. In fact, rendering is faster than realtime playback, as I use NVENC encoder which uses GPU hardware to render. The problem continues to be playback. Even with 720P 30 dashcam footage, I'm seeing dropped frames. It drops a whole bunch of frames when I open the Task Manager, too, but only 2% of CPU use playing that footage. I'm beside myself how Premiere can have trouble playing half HD resolution video when only using 2% CPU. Sometimes I think I'd be happier being a rice farmer in Japan. :-/
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/12 14:21:04
I see y6ou system spec's and seems fine plenty of mem and 2x cpu's ? what about this proxies brought up here ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBIpflLe6F0 https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2434277 or like hfrom here a guy just said he's going back to 2017 . https://www.reddit.com/r/premiere/comments/77ot55/help_premiere_pro_cc_2018_is_slllloooowwww/?st=jkrcdwto&sh=f7f3592f seems a few complaints from 2018 users around ? adobe may still need to patch on it a bunch and get it right by the time 2019 comes out ? sure seems your hardware should be doing a fair job outside the software . I've sais a few times around that computer stuff has just become a money wasting , don't do as claimed / sales hyped up, ginmmicked up load of crap anymore . I don't even look forwared to upgrading or any kind of new builds . pretty much going to be done with it and just ride out what I'm running now as long as I can and call it fun wile it lasted . seems more time in to trying to make it or get it to work as expected then enjoyment of use out of the box . that ' you get what you paid for '' is becoming a thing of the past . now it more like '' we got your cash and you got our junk '' ...lol....
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/13 07:48:07
Dr.Death I see y6ou system spec's and seems fine plenty of mem and 2x cpu's ? what about this proxies brought up here ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBIpflLe6F0 https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2434277 or like hfrom here a guy just said he's going back to 2017 . https://www.reddit.com/r/premiere/comments/77ot55/help_premiere_pro_cc_2018_is_slllloooowwww/?st=jkrcdwto&sh=f7f3592f
Checked out all three threads.. the Reddit one is about a Mac computer. So it seems Adobe flops on both platforms. It was manageable on earlier versions, and I had accepted a dropped frame or three on a ten minute playback, but 2018 is dropping 80-100 frames every minute. I even tried turning on proxies and importing some Prores, then switching to Cineform proxies and although the CPU use dropped from 37% to 4%, the system still dropped dozens of frames in a minute. And it took as long to convert the proxies as it would take to play out the entire project. Conversion is dog slow. It's a shame, because this is otherwise a solid version of Premiere, no crashes, loads every format except dashcam videos, and has a modest few enhancements. HEVC rendering is amazingly speedy, almost realtime with Adobe's software encoding, too. I just wish it could play footage smoothly. Even playing converted 1280x720 30P dashcam footage isn't smooth--it drops frames. It also drops a bunch of frames when I open Task Manager. That never happened on earlier versions of Premiere. I could multitask while playing back and the dropped frames indicator never turned yellow.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/13 08:54:05
''and although the CPU use dropped from 37% to 4%,'' that maybe something to look in to on why ? is the cpu's dropping out due to heat ? or the program is set for low priority use of the cpu's ? maybe a bios update for your board and cpu's used . seems something between the program and the cpu is causeing you to go from a working cpu utilization to idle utilization state [ guess ] to me as long as there is work the cpu's will run as needed to finish the tasks at hand , I don't know what knind of cpu bench / stress test to run to se if it throws the cpu's from work states to idle or low useage under a work load . a little old but ? https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2078336 one guy claimed '' premiere doesn't use the gpu for the majority of the workload, it has always been the cpu. the gpu is still important and in some projects with enough gpu effects can start to equal the cpu workload, but not replace it '' this kinda said like I did but no resolve reply https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2282078 https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2487222 like here may need to set this in windows to keep it running [cpu's ] ''2. you need to absolutely run either the "High Performance" or "Ryzen Balanced" power profile in Windows..'' power options to high performance and test that https://www.howtogeek.com/240840/should-you-use-the-balanced-power-saver-or-high-performance-power-plan-on-windows/ this is kinda what I have seen it works well or it don't and then the blame game on why . is it a hardware issue ? well like most its you buy try and hope you don't cry and end up wishing you just did a new build in the end for less or you get lucky and the firtst thing you replace to try worked out . or its there software poorly optimized or need patches , bad update ,ect... sad thing is you look at like thread issues and answers are all over the place on blames . one thing I do see is gpu don't seem to be the factor as you thought with that titan you got compare to what you see recommended around your fine https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2282860 another thing said in that one was background service or program may be interfering ??
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/13 12:48:23
CPU temp is around 25°C on all 16 cores. The case is VERY well ventilated. Very little heat producing stuff. SSDs run at ambient. The only thing running hot (49°C) is the GPU. I mean that the CPU usage in Task Manager drops to 4% when using proxies. Disc usage is very low too. I can't figure out where the bottleneck is. I've even played with changing (dangerous, they say) the app's priority to Realtime, with zero improvement. The only time the CPUs work hard is at rendering time. Then they hit the 90% range. Playback is weird though.. I hit play and sometimes the playback is like 1 frame every 2-3 seconds. It's stuck. CPU usage hits 100%. Then I stop and start play and it plays almost normal speed and CPU use drops to 37%. This is with Lumetri enabled to apply a Sony LUT for the PXW-FS7. Without Lumetri, CPU is 12% or less on the same 4K Prores clip. But still drops a few frames every few seconds. But far less than with Lumetri on and the LUT applied. It actually does better playing DJI Phantom 4 footage, which is h.264. Except when I apply a LUT. Then it tanks. I've read every one of those Adobe forum threads and participated in a few myself over the past 3 years. No one has any answers. Turning off ALL power saving options was in the first 3 days of troubleshooting this system when it was new. I even replaced the Titan X under RMA warranty. New GPU, same problems. All unnecessary services were pruned from the system in the first day of installation. In other words, this system has every O/S optimization tweak that I could find on the internet. Even registry changes to improve disc I/O and so on. Nothing helped! So I lived with a few dropped frames in CC2015 and CS6 for 3 years. Meanwhile, my old Core2Quad with 8GB RAM runs CC2018 almost as well as my dual Xeon, with the same footage as a test. I used to think that was because my 2008 machine was overclocked to 4GHz and the new machine is stock at 3.2GHz. I continue to be puzzled.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/13 13:44:24
''Playback is weird though.. I hit play and sometimes the playback is like 1 frame every 2-3 seconds. It's stuck. CPU usage hits 100% '' I don't know if you got a retail disk of the software or you did a download , but it maybe worth to uninstall it clean and clean reinstall ? something could of went wrong . kinda like guys having a game freeze on them and cpu shoots to 100% . tough call could be a hard drive issue as well / may of corrupt or corrupting some data when read or write to it ? for what I reads on that I don't see the gpu at issue there forums call a lot lesser card to use with this and claim its for the most part the cpu getting the work . ''I continue to be puzzled'' well, that's something I see with adobe software over the years with guys . like I said it either works as expected or it don't . as I'm sure your seeing that as well reading up on it all don't know if this is worth it https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/10/install-adobe-creative-cloud-linux if you got a extra hardddrive around old or new just working Linux is free and all with it you all ready got the abobe stuff on the ready or see what Linux alternative will equal your work . https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2479741 I see this talked up ... I don't know what you get from the free over the 299$ . but try it and see with like work if you get the same lag's from it ? if not maybe adobes if so then maybe something going on in your system ? https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/ may try with Linux and windblows may wiork great or you will see the same issues if not a software issue ?
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/13 13:50:32
Well, just like my 780 runs better (more stable, loads meshes, does everything correctly) than my Titan, I wish we could both figure out whats wrong. I think these Titans are just junk though. I wouldnt mind your 40c titan though. Mine I have to bend over backwards and use msi afterburner and heatsinks and fans just to get it to stay near 73c. And that is in a VERY well ventilated case, a/c poured into it, 21-22C environment, and a 20 year old game running on it. :(
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/14 07:40:47
This playback is like this with every version of Premiere I have run in the last three years.. Originally CS6, then CC2015 and now 2018. But 2018 is orders of magnitude worse. Ironically, it renders faster than the older versions, but it has trouble playing the timeline. Even low resolution. I can scrub the timeline and it seems like it plays out at several hundred FPS, but hit Play and it lags and stutters. Baffled. I would think if the SSD drive were bad, I would have crashes and corrupted files. However, this system is more stable than anything I've owned in the past. No BSODs, corrupted projects or corrupted files. The system has error correcting RAM and running at stock clocks. No overclocking ability on this server motherboard. I've experimented with Linux before, but adding another layer to the O/S isn't likely to make for less problems. In fact, Adobe won't support their product on Linux. I've got DaVinci Resolve 15, but it requires proprietary hardware to get full screen output for preview. It won't use my 4K production monitor. It will only show me a small window with 1/4 scale video. Sure, it plays okay, but I can't tell if the video is in focus or not. The other problem is it can't import DJI drone footage. It's fine with Prores and a few movie industry only formats. It also seems to crash a lot and produce errors when I try to render out footage. The free version doesn't do 4K. Only UHD. So my 4K footage winds up letterboxed and scaled a bit, softening the picture. I have their Intensity Pro 4K card (which is really 3.8K because if you feed it 4K signal, it outputs black screen) but it maxes out at 30P, but with the limitations of the card, it's really no good. We have a DCI 4K theater projector which looks for a 4K 60P input signal. Here's example of what I'm describing: https://youtu.be/w-FkcPPF5to
post edited by MWHDVideo - 2018/08/14 09:03:11
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/20 16:56:25
What is a '4k 60p signal' ? Is that 4k @ 60 frames per second? If so, the old titans do NOT do 4k @ 60 frames. It will only do 4k @ 30 frames I googled and found this: https://www.rtings.com/tv/tests/motion/24p Creates 'jitter' when using 30 fps and 60 fps together. Does this sound like whats happening to you? Sorry, I dont do all of that software you are talking about, so dont know much about it. Probably get better support from the people who do do that stuff all the time, like you have already tried with other forums. It seems like you are just stuck with cruddy video, until you want to 'try' to switch to a newer card, if that will even fix it. :(
I7 9700k water cooled-32GB Ram-Zotac 2080 x2 SLI-Asrock Z390 SLI mobo-EVGA 1600W G2 psu-ABS Glass case-2560x1440 144hz IPS monitor-Windows 10 Home
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/21 11:16:04
''This playback is like this with every version of Premiere I have run in the last three years'' I assume with the same titan card ? do you have a buddy using this software that has a card known to work with his well to try in yours to see if any diff. ? or maybe try your card in his with your 4k monitor ? I keep thinking about that cpu useages and wonder if something is up there like not clocking up full or through the task completion . you now got to do them things to get a process of elimination of whats going on or narrow it down to hardware or software card or cpu , ect.... I'm no 4k expert but seems even gamers with good strong hardware getting one and finding there struggling to do 60 fps at best ? maybe just that price you pay using 4k with less then all the latest stuff to push it looking at your youtube clip what you need is a hardware monitor running on top to see whats dropping out at any times that occurs like say when its smooth and good the cpu is at its max clock then falls to idle clocks [I gues you said utilization did fall ] see to me the cpu should run at least one core at full clocking during the full task and any work would bounce that core / cores up to a high clock rate when ever the cpu need to process work I don't know man, I looked up a lot and cant find a good answer or anything helpful outside of what we all covered here all ready.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/21 11:51:07
Dr.Death .......... I assume with the same titan card ? do you have a buddy using this software that has a card known to work with his well to try in yours to see if any diff. ? or maybe try your card in his with your 4k monitor ?
Yup, this is the GTX Titan X that I bought for $1000 in Aug 2015. The more I experiment with DaVinci Resolve, the more I am coming to the conclusion that Premiere is incompatible with the Supermicro X10DRi motherboard. I put together a torture test in DaVinci. A four camera (4K UHD each camera) multicamera timeline. Then, I overlaid four more 4K UHD and 4K DCI clips, scaled them each to about 39% and rotated them 30 degrees, forming a collage of 4K images. DaVinci plays this with only minor difficulty. Main CPU= 50%. GPU = 100%. That's EIGHT 4K videos being read and processed and displayed simultaneously on screen. DaVinci Resolve 15 playing 8 4K UHD streams at once: https://youtu.be/i4hn3p9QlaU So now I'm convinced the hardware is fine, but Premiere is somehow incompatible.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/21 12:34:21
that looks better by far. what about one loaded with stuff max full screen at 4 k I don't think the motherboard is a issue its what you put on it and then is it what adobe gave priority to in any optimization . you seen the forums on them it works as expected or it don't . that's what I all ways seen from adobe users posts . I do think if you got the retail disk of that adobe I may try a fresh uninstall and reinstall to insure you got it all in clean and no corruption [less likely with a retail disk but high risk if a downloaded software of it ] any fault in the internet connection downloading could corrupt things . Main CPU= 50%. GPU = 100% that looks about right . that may go up and down a bit but not fall out as you said you get under the adobe . kinda why I think it could be a program utilization package and what hardware like cpu's / gpus adobe gave any priority to in like the softwares microcodes during there detection . / officially supported hardware .
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/21 12:50:25
Dr.Death that looks better by far. what about one loaded with stuff max full screen at 4 k I don't think the motherboard is a issue its what you put on it and then is it what adobe gave priority to in any optimization . you seen the forums on them it works as expected or it don't . that's what I all ways seen from adobe users posts . I do think if you got the retail disk of that adobe I may try a fresh uninstall and reinstall to insure you got it all in clean and no corruption [less likely with a retail disk but high risk if a downloaded software of it ] any fault in the internet connection downloading could corrupt things . Main CPU= 50%. GPU = 100% that looks about right . that may go up and down a bit but not fall out as you said you get under the adobe . kinda why I think it could be a program utilization package and what hardware like cpu's / gpus adobe gave any priority to in like the softwares microcodes during there detection . / officially supported hardware .
I'm really thinking it's motherboard chipset incompatible with Adobe. Something to do with the timing/clocking of playback. I've installed Adobe Premiere multiple times, with the same result. Each new version, same problems on this system. It should be no comparison with my 10 year old Core2Quad system, but it's about the same, just a tad better than it, despite 32 threads vs. 4 threads. That DaVinci torture test was about as worst case as I could come up with. Having it read eight clips should stress the HDD system, and scaling and rotating should stress GPU. Eight 4K video clips playing at once, more smoothly than Premiere plays just ONE clip. But I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. DaVinci can't import a lot of my footage, and can't render out h.264 without an error, the titler sucks and I can't get 4K full screen output without investing thousands of dollars in their proprietary hardware. I have an Intensity Pro 4K, but it maxes out at UHD 30P and displays pillarboxed on my 4K monitor and on my 4K projector. UGH!
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/21 14:01:31
'' I'm caught between a rock and a hard place'' well sadly that seems to be the name of there game ''10 year old Core2Quad system, but it's about the same, just a tad better than it, despite 32 threads vs. 4 threads. '' now you see maybe if you had a i7 4770 it may fly with it ? do you got the best bios for you CPU's on that board ? maybe a better supporting bios that kicks them in gear a tad better ? likie asus and there'' improve system stability '' one behind the other ? like your cpu's you did not say what revision as you see there differences between them did not say what mobo your running ? just seems that the adobe should utilize as the davinci not just go idle and there you sit
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/21 18:41:47
Dr.Death '' I'm caught between a rock and a hard place'' well sadly that seems to be the name of there game ''10 year old Core2Quad system, but it's about the same, just a tad better than it, despite 32 threads vs. 4 threads. '' now you see maybe if you had a i7 4770 it may fly with it ? do you got the best bios for you CPU's on that board ? maybe a better supporting bios that kicks them in gear a tad better ? likie asus and there'' improve system stability '' one behind the other ? like your cpu's you did not say what revision as you see there differences between them did not say what mobo your running ? just seems that the adobe should utilize as the davinci not just go idle and there you sit
I built a system with an i7 4770 for a friend recently. It ran okay, though one stream of 4K footage utilized about 50% of the CPU capability. The system could not do a 2-camera 4K edit without dropping frames. The motherboard is Supermicro X10DRi, running the original BIOS. I looked at the newest BIOS and it seems the only changes are related to security enhancements, which don't likely affect performance in Premiere. Curiously, DaVinci Resolve runs effortlessly on this same machine. So the machine is apparently super adequate, it's just that Premiere is fighting it. Probably some core compatibility issue.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/22 07:20:39
I found this but did not read through it Conclusion '' Don't use dual Xeon for Premiere Pro 2017'' https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/Should-you-use-a-Dual-Xeon-for-Premiere-Pro-CC-2017-932/ so you wonder how or if it carried over to 2018 ? that site seems to cover this stuff well ? maybe a good forum to join if doing this stuff , shame they don't offer one . Q: Does having more CPU cores improve Premiere Pro performance? Should I get a dual Xeon system? https://www.pugetsystems.com/recommended/Recommended-Systems-for-Adobe-Premiere-Pro-CC-143 thing is it don't seem to want to use any of your cpu's or just gives it up this guy tried what I suggested earlier with the power options https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2491065 like said here and like I feel tyhere not big on optimization support it works well for you or it don't [don't hold your breath ] Q ''Is Adobe going to allow Ae full support for multi-threading sooner or later?--- A that's the foreseeable plan, but don't wait for it https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2358454 the sad thing to me is how guys get this and have issue and get suggestions to use another program and the guy says he cant cause its all there company /school or what ever will accept like your being held hostage to adobe . heck I don't even care to use there pdf reader anymore and now its gone all cloud base / public server.... pretty much you private personal computer is gone its now a public computer stored all on the cloud .. and people love it and think its so great ????? I guess the same folks that put themselves and there family's whole life on facebook to be viewed and tracked open to the public . anyway looking at these few things and there attached links that 2 xeon set up seems not to be the thing ?
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/22 09:27:00
Dr.Death ............. the sad thing to me is how guys get this and have issue and get suggestions to use another program and the guy says he cant cause its all there company /school or what ever will accept like your being held hostage to adobe . heck I don't even care to use there pdf reader anymore and now its gone all cloud base / public server.... pretty much you private personal computer is gone its now a public computer stored all on the cloud .. and people love it and think its so great ????? I guess the same folks that put themselves and there family's whole life on facebook to be viewed and tracked open to the public . anyway looking at these few things and there attached links that 2 xeon set up seems not to be the thing ?
Thanks for those forum links. I see I am not alone! It's a Premiere problem. It almost seems like Premiere would be happy on a single core 20GHz CPU. I've been trained on and a Premiere user for 20 years. I'm trying to learn Resolve gradually, as I think in a few more updates, they'll possibly address the remaining issues that prevent me from switching over. Not being able to ingest a lot of popular formats and not being able to render anything above 1080P is a serious limitation of Resolve at the moment.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/22 15:02:55
all you can do is what you can do .. just sad you gort to suffer to have something that works tom your needs . as long as adobe been doing this stuff you would think they could get over there hump best of luck ..
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/22 16:06:59
Dr.Death all you can do is what you can do .. just sad you gort to suffer to have something that works tom your needs . as long as adobe been doing this stuff you would think they could get over there hump best of luck ..
With the resources that Adobe has on hand, one would think they could make bug-free, high performing software. Who knows how many hundreds or thousands of editors limp along with Premiere, while waiting for a competing NLE to finally become usable. UGH.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/22 18:11:21
'' Who knows how many hundreds or thousands of editors limp along with'' P-L-E-N-T-Y like they say ''you get what you pay 4 '' [and sometimes less ]
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/24 09:01:02
Dr.Death '' Who knows how many hundreds or thousands of editors limp along with'' P-L-E-N-T-Y like they say ''you get what you pay 4 '' [and sometimes less ]
In this case, LOTS less (as far as Premiere goes).
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/25 19:26:39
i may have missed this. what does premiere have to say about your issues? im assuming you had to buy the software? either way i would be having a nice long conversation about your problems and how its costing you time and money.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/26 10:50:18
maxfly i may have missed this. what does premiere have to say about your issues? im assuming you had to buy the software? either way i would be having a nice long conversation about your problems and how its costing you time and money.
Adobe has been little to no help. Apparently, I'm not alone in the class of irritated Premiere users. I spend time on the phone with some overseas person who appears to be reading from a script. It's frustrating. One person tells me it's my hardware. Another tells me to reinstall Windows. Another tells me to reinstall Premiere. I've also been back and forth with Supermicro, the maker of the motherboard I used in this super system build, and they can't figure out what's wrong. They blame Adobe. Meanwhile, Resolve runs like it's pushing around CGA resolution video. Shame it can't import half the formats I work with no export in any of the UHD and 4K formats I publish in.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/27 18:30:18
I7 9700k water cooled-32GB Ram-Zotac 2080 x2 SLI-Asrock Z390 SLI mobo-EVGA 1600W G2 psu-ABS Glass case-2560x1440 144hz IPS monitor-Windows 10 Home
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/27 20:06:23
Dave3d MWHD , you might want to check this video out about the 2000 series Turing cards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLALfPTGGro&feature=youtu.be It talks about split video, scaling video, and all kinds of other stuff. Maybe this will be your actual fix.
I'm not sure the GPU is the fix either. For a brief time, when my first Titan X was dying, and I sent it in for warranty replacement, I ran a GTX 680. I was surprised that there was no performance difference in Premiere. Tonight I was having a lot of trouble just playing some 1080P ActionCam footage that my wife shot in the Philippines last week. It was driving me nuts that no matter how low the resolution of the video, Premiere was stuttering and freezing a lot. My gut keeps saying this is some sort of clocking problem.
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/28 22:03:05
Well, I hope you get it sorted out. Just like me and my computer, still having same issues after 6 cards, and os re-installs, and all kinds of tweaks and swaps and everything. I think I am just going to have to save for a new system (lol, 0 income), and scrap this system, part it out on ebay. Get a pre-built system for the 1st time in my life, and hope it doesnt do like this card did. I DREAD going to win10 though. Yuk. 8.1 is more than enough for me, too much infact. Win7 would have been just fine for the rest of my life lol.
I7 9700k water cooled-32GB Ram-Zotac 2080 x2 SLI-Asrock Z390 SLI mobo-EVGA 1600W G2 psu-ABS Glass case-2560x1440 144hz IPS monitor-Windows 10 Home
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Re: Titan X Not Powerful Enough for Premiere CC2018?
2018/08/29 08:57:12
Dave3d Well, I hope you get it sorted out. Just like me and my computer, still having same issues after 6 cards, and os re-installs, and all kinds of tweaks and swaps and everything. I think I am just going to have to save for a new system (lol, 0 income), and scrap this system, part it out on ebay. Get a pre-built system for the 1st time in my life, and hope it doesnt do like this card did. I DREAD going to win10 though. Yuk. 8.1 is more than enough for me, too much infact. Win7 would have been just fine for the rest of my life lol.
My thoughts exactly on Win 8-10. I have a laptop with Win 10 and it's a constant nag machine. With involuntary updates, it could break delicate hardware driver configuration and put me out of business. That said, I have a DOM SSD drive on order, it's 128GB and plugs into the DOM socket on motherboard. I plan to install Win 10 on that drive and make it a boot drive, then install Premiere and see how it behaves. If not good, I won't bother any further. Then I'll know it's a hardware conflict. There MUST be some sort of clocking problem with the code that determines the playback speed. I can scrub through a 1080P timeline with zero lag, effortlessly, but try to play it and it gets 'stuck' and then plays 1fps then freezes. If I stop and start a few times, it will play at 24fps, but drop a few frames here and there. Same behavior at 4K. Baffling that it can drop frames with only 3% CPU usage and power saving disabled and all power options set to max performance mode, even the BIOS. Meanwhile, DaVinci Resolve 15 runs almost too good to be true. Eight 4K streams multicamera with PiP overlays and sharpening and LUTs applied and it plays smooth as one SD stream. That is the sort of performance I expected from a dual Xeon with $10K of CPUs installed. Premiere must have some gross incompatibility with the chipset on the motherboard.