Well, as I said earlier, I wasn't happy with temperatures so I remounted the NZXT card (card 1) and put it towards the outward drive bays with zip ties lol.

Also remounted the bracket and ensured contact was proper. Now the top card is running at 75 C only in Farcry 4. Every other game including Witcher 3, benchmarks etc are with top card at 65 and bottom card at 55. In Farcry 4 the card seems to get very hot possibly because of me running it at 4k with Max settings minus AA.
I am thinking this is due to the stupid Radiator that I bought. Problem is if I had gotten any corsair radiator the tubing wouldn't have reached like it does now. I will try the molex to 3 pin suggestion for radiator, might improve the flow.
The above shot is before some cable management. But damn, what a hassle.