Hello Community,
I wanted to reach out to you all as we have seen a few packages come to EVGA’s Warehouse for warranty in which the product arrives physically damaged due to a shipping issue. While we do make every effort to inform you in your RMA Approval Email of the importance on how to package up your product to send in for warranty replacement, we still receive products that are not shipped with these recommendations and arrive physically damaged.
We have seen some of our customers send in their products in thin walled cartons, bubble envelopes and express envelopes that are designed for paper documents. While these choices may be a lesser expensive shipping rate, the products arrive in pieces or with severe damage and the warranty becomes void.
www.evga.com/warranty. At times we may be able to repair what was damaged in shipping for a fee or the product results in a total loss. In either direction, this is not a road we want a customer to head down if it can be all avoided.
We do kindly ask that you properly secure your product in a sturdy box. Typically the shipping grade corrugated paper box is recommended. You can always contact your shipping courier for further assistance with the box choice. If you can re-use the original shipping materials like antistatic bags, antistatic clam shells, foam or boxes from the original packaging then feel free to include them in your sturdy box.
If you do not have the original materials you can still send in your product securely. Within your box, you want to place your product in packing foam, packing peanuts, packing air pillows or heavy grade bubble wrap. Make sure that your product is adequately wrapped and protected within the package. We recommend that your product is surrounded on all sides, faces, corners and ends with at least 2-3 inches of an absorbent packing material of your choice so that it can arrive in a safe manner and help to streamline your replacement process. With heavier items, please use a larger box so that you are assured that your product will be handled with extra protection. Remember shipping couriers use planes, trains and trucks to move your product from your home or business to our warehouse and choosing the right materials to protect your investment is highly recommended.
A little thought from me to you…
Thank you again for choosing EVGA as your choice in enthusiast parts.

Best Regards,