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Here is a plug-in that allows you to put EVGA Precision X hardware monitoring information into the Rainmeter customizable resource meter. Installation: - Download the following zip file and extract it to your "Documents\Rainmeter\Skins" folder.
- Copy the appropriate plugin for your computer's architecture from your "Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\EVGAPrecision\plugin\<x86 or x64>\EVGAPrecision.dll" to the "C:\Program Files\Rainmeter\Plugins" folder.
- Enable one of the included skins in the rainmeter options - use the EVGAPrecision skin for single graphics cards, or EVGAPrecisionDual for SLI/CrossFire setups.
To use this plugin for data in a custom skin, please do the following: - Create a measure using one of the following formats:
- DataSource - specify the measure using the name of the monitor for the DataSource parameter. This name should match exactly what is shown in the EVGA Precision X monitoring graphs. Here is an example for framerate:
[MeasureEVGAPrecisionFramerate] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\EVGAPrecision.dll DataSource=Framerate MinValue=0 MaxValue=200 - GPU/SourceId - specify the measure using the GPU index and SourceId. The GPU parameter is the index of your video card starting at 0. If you only have one graphics card, this value will always be 0. Users with multiple cards can use 0, 1, etc to query the respective cards. The SourceId is the decimal equivalent of the hex value listed in the EVGA Precision SDK (EPHMShreadMemory.h). This method is prefered to the previous method as it will work for both single and multi card systems. Here is an example for GPU Usage:
[MeasureEVGAPrecisionGPU0Usage] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\EVGAPrecision.dll GPU=0 SourceId=48 MinValue=0 MaxValue=100 - GPU/GPUDescriptor - The GPU parameter is the index of your video card starting at 0. If you only have one graphics card, this value will always be 0. Users with multiple cards can use 0, 1, etc to query the respective cards. The GpuDescriptor parameter dictates what data you want to return for that particular card. The valid values are listed below in blue, along with some sample data that was returned.
Family: GF116 DisplayName: GeForce GTX 550 Ti Driver: 301.42 BIOS: Memory: 1024 GpuId: VEN_10DE&DEV_1244&SUBSYS_26101462&REV_A1&BUS_2&DEV_0&FN_0 VendorId: 10DE DeviceId: 1244 SubSystem: 26101462 Revision: A1 Bus: 2 DeviceNum: 0 FunctionNum: 0 For example, you would use this measure to return the display name of the primary graphics card (simply change the GPU=0 to GPU=1 to get the name of the 2nd card in the system):[MeasureEVGAPrecisionGPU0DisplayName] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\EVGAPrecision.dll GPU=0 GPUDescriptor=DisplayName UpdateDivider=3600 - Create a meter that uses the measure defined in step 1. Here is an example to display the framerate text value:
[MeterEVGAPrecisionFamerate] Meter=String MeasureName=MeasureEVGAPrecisionFramerate X=[MeasureLeftText] Y=[MeasureTopGraph] Text="Framerate: %1" NumOfDecimals=1 MeterStyle=EVGAPrecisionStyle Please review the included skins for examples on creating these measures. Also, please review the documentation on the Rainmeter site for creating skins: Please let me know if you have any questions or issues. Special thanks to NoirNL(Emiel) for requesting this plugin. Thanks, Nick EDIT: Sorry, can't create a download link cause I a newb. I'll edit the post once I am able to do so. In the meantime, use this to create your own link (change the dash to a slash): **UPDATED LINK** http://rivatuner.doomdeal...eter/
post edited by stangowner - 2012/12/31 18:30:17
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/07/28 12:31:37
Thank you for creating this plugin stangowner, I had been looking for one for quite some time before i contacted you about it.
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/07/28 22:25:53
the download link seems to be down
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/07/29 04:52:53
griffstert the download link seems to be down I just created my account yesterday, so EVGA won't let me post a URL link for 5 days. So you will need to copy/paste this into your web browser address: and then change the 3 '-' into '/'. The site is up, I just downloaded it again to make sure. I'll edit my post in 4 more days so there will be a clickable URL. If you still have issues, send me a PM with an email address and I'll send you the link. - Nick
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/07/29 08:50:06
stangowner griffstert the download link seems to be down I just created my account yesterday, so EVGA won't let me post a URL link for 5 days. So you will need to copy/paste this into your web browser address: and then change the 3 '-' into '/'. The site is up, I just downloaded it again to make sure. I'll edit my post in 4 more days so there will be a clickable URL. If you still have issues, send me a PM with an email address and I'll send you the link. - Nick the host was probably down last night since it's working now. thanks!
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/10/12 21:02:52
Do you still have this plugin available? This seems to be the only thread on the entirety of the internets with a PrecisionX plugin for Rainmeter.
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/10/13 02:38:09
Konraden Do you still have this plugin available? This seems to be the only thread on the entirety of the internets with a PrecisionX plugin for Rainmeter. The link is at the bottom of his post, just had to replace the dashes with slashes.
post edited by NoirNL - 2012/10/13 02:42:13
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/10/13 05:21:39
Thanks for answering NoirNL. Initially I thought I just needed to wait the 5 days to create a URL in a post......but I also need 10 posts first too! So I'll make the link clickable once I can do so. Good news is this reply got me 1 post closer to the 10 required
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/10/13 10:11:49
Thanks! I tried that link the other day and it kept telling me 404. I wonder if I miss copied something.
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/05 21:39:40
Just wondering how to make the FPS work i tried every thing with evga Gforce 550 Ti with rainmeter mem works core clock works all that but he Framerate i running it in sli mode or single mode nothing can you help ?
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/05 21:43:59
oh btw you fig out how to get the FPS to work for me i post you a pic of my awsom J.A.R.V.I.S Desktop
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/06 03:15:25
Hi, Running PrecisionX 3.0.3 with Rainmeter 2.3.3 on Windows 7x64 using the dual GPU skin included shows FPS perfectly fine for me with 2 x GTX550Ti (as long as 3D app is the active window, when it looses focus then PrecisionX shows 0FPS, so the rainmeter skin does too). Can you post your versions and the portion of the skin you are using for FPS and I'll take a better look? Thanks, Nick
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/06 16:10:57
ok so may because i'm running the new Running PrecisionX 3.0.4 with Rainmeter 2. 4 might be the prob ?
post edited by chiefwotan - 2012/12/06 16:20:56
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 03:43:19
Nope. I just updated to 3.0.4 and 2.4 and everything is still fine. Do you get FPS when using the skin included in the .zip?
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 08:42:51
well what vidieo driver you useing i have 310.70 beta may that be it got a bug cause the nvidia driver updater 1.11.3 did not want to install and no the skin in the zip is on 0.0 as well but i'll try the skin in this form and see if it works and thanks for your time and help
post edited by chiefwotan - 2012/12/07 08:56:45
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 08:51:31
The driver should have nothing to do with. I get the value direct from Precision, so as long as it is being reported there then the issues is with the skin or plugin.
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 11:12:26
ok maybe i just need to clear my head all this work probly got me in a bug lol but maybe it works not sure cause i'm tryin to config it for reading a bench mark fps and i'm just so over worked and not seeing it or i'm missing it might be my case if you have any idea for that let me know i'm a noob lol but a fast learner as you can see i done a bunch of modding on my desk top and thanks a bunch for all your help
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 11:40:59
I'm sorry, but until you validate the default skin to rule out the plugin and post code from your skin, there is nothing else I can do.
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 11:54:29
Hello stangowner, I have put the link in your OP. Thanks for sharing. Rob
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 16:45:12
ok lets take your EVGA Precision X for the moment ok the plugin is fine i'm sure but when i run EVGA Oc Scanner the fps is at 0 and i have the check marke for frame rate inabled in EVGA Precision X and i'm not sure if it works with the new Oc Scanner cause i looked to see if it had a dll file that matched EVGAPrecision.dll or it just don't support it under the scanner for bench marking it is that any help cause i'm useing your skin all the rest works but the fps am i missing something in the nvida control panel that i need to enable just not sure i can get all to work but that and sorry if i sound like a pain in the butt but only had rainmeter for 4 days and i can't be that dumb to do all the work i have so far so pleas forgive me help me out just a little bit more plz
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 17:13:31
EVGA_RobB Hello stangowner, I have put the link in your OP. Thanks for sharing. Rob Thanks Rob, I really appreciate it! One minor thing, the URL has an extra character at the end, so it is resulting in a 404 not found. Can you edit it again to get rid of the extra '%C2%A0' after the '.zip'? Thanks! Nick
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 17:51:35
chiefwotan ok lets take your EVGA Precision X for the moment ok the plugin is fine i'm sure but when i run EVGA Oc Scanner the fps is at 0 and i have the check marke for frame rate inabled in EVGA Precision X and i'm not sure if it works with the new Oc Scanner cause i looked to see if it had a dll file that matched EVGAPrecision.dll or it just don't support it under the scanner for bench marking it is that any help cause i'm useing your skin all the rest works but the fps am i missing something in the nvida control panel that i need to enable just not sure i can get all to work but that and sorry if i sound like a pain in the butt but only had rainmeter for 4 days and i can't be that dumb to do all the work i have so far so pleas forgive me help me out just a little bit more plz I'm getting the same results using OC Scanner 2.2.2. Seems that PrecisionX is not recognizing that application and reporting FPS for it. It is listed in the profile list in EVGA OSD Server to disable application detection. So because PrecisionX is not reporting it, neither is this plugin and Rainmeter. Please try a different 3D application that PrecisionX will display the FPS for (at bottom of the PrecisionX screen after you select "Frame Rate Target" on the bottom left). If it is displayed there, it should be displayed in Rainmeter. Thanks, Nick
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/07 20:31:02
ok thank you verey much nick so it was not my brain overload it was an oc scaner baaaaa humbug well not sure what wold be a good bench mark to use and free 3dmark or futuremark are to costly but no matter if i cant fined a good one i just jump off a cliff jk but agin thank you for understanding and help
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/08 04:48:48
chiefwotan ok thank you verey much nick so it was not my brain overload it was an oc scaner baaaaa humbug well not sure what wold be a good bench mark to use and free 3dmark or futuremark are to costly but no matter if i cant fined a good one i just jump off a cliff jk but agin thank you for understanding and help Sure, no problem. There is a ton of benchmarks out there. You can use FurMark (I think latest is 1.10.3). That will trigger FPS in PrecisionX and is free.
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/31 18:21:12
Link is down can you update? *Edit - Thanks for the quick update!!! I will update this once I set it up =) *Edit 2 - Worked like a charm thanx!
post edited by Proxywars - 2012/12/31 18:50:55
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/31 18:28:51
Let me try to update the link now to get rid of that space. I think this post will get me past my limit. EDIT: Yup, I was finally able to edit it. It is fine now.
post edited by stangowner - 2012/12/31 18:31:10
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/31 22:45:46
Just a heads up Running Rainmeter with Precision -and- then using GPUz can be dangerous and lead to issues. This is because of KNOWN conflicts between the programs This can be made MUCH worse, if you happen to be using the SpeedFan application that Rainmeter uses. What we are talking about is corruption in the Precision files and by extension into the Nvidia driver itself. The addition of SpeedFan into that, can cause issues like incorrect temps, boost, clock cycle and fan speed issues. Not to mention ALL kinds of issues when playing games I post this only to help users be informed of KNOWN issues And to make them aware that using such programs may cause issues that are "software" based. At the current time, it is possible to have serious issues with just Precision alone (due to improper use/error) and the current Nvidia driversets. Adding anything on top of a broken Precision would be quite problematic... Heads up If you experience such issues, the "software's" must be -completely- uninstalled *Critical: when uninstalling Precision, you MUST answer NO when asked to save data and profiles. -->AND a reboot done (to remove the injectors from the driver) After the reboot is done, then a Custom/Clean install will be needed to restore the driver to its original state.
post edited by maniacvvv - 2012/12/31 22:59:32
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/31 23:24:41
Is there any other way then? Is there any way to link the clock speeds into rainmeter and rid of gpu-z? *Edit - Didn't read where Precision alone is a problem. Switching to MSI Afterburner =/
post edited by Proxywars - 2012/12/31 23:29:38
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2012/12/31 23:35:36
Proxywars Is there any other way then? Is there any way to link the clock speeds into rainmeter and rid of gpu-z? *Edit - Didn't read where Precision alone is a problem. Switching to MSI Afterburner =/ Precision and Afterburner are are basically the "same" program written by Unwinder. -->Problems that effect one PX or AB are quite likely to effect the other. I am NOT trying to keep people from using these programs, simply to point out that videocard and Nvidia driver -Behavior- should NOT be taken for granted when using these programs. Just be careful and understand you videocard is not broken if your having issues when running these programs. You should be aware of the possible issues and how to recover If your having issues with the programs themselves or in games... Uninstall RainMeter Reboot once Uninstall SpeedFan Reboot once *do NOT use GPUz (this program is KNOWN to cause issues with the others running) Uninstall Precision/Afterburner (and do NOT save profile/data) Do a REBOOT to clear the Nvidia driver after uninstalling PX/AB Reinstall the driver (after a reboot) using Custom mode w/clean install checked to complete the recovery
post edited by maniacvvv - 2012/12/31 23:51:18
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Re:Rainmeter plugin for EVGA Precision X
2013/01/27 12:16:44
Does anyone have an addon for the legacy version (2.1.2) instead of precision x (3.04)? I can't use prevision x because it is buggy with my gpu. Thanks.
post edited by fac7orx - 2013/01/27 12:21:06