Precision X fan control

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2016/06/12 13:02:24 (permalink)
Easy question for those who know! The fan control option/slider, does it control the blower on the card or the fan on the radiator of the 980ti Hydro? I'm loving it!

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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/12 13:48:53 (permalink)
    The radiator fan can be controlled by the card itself, or it can be run off of the mobo fan headers, not PrecisionX. The blower fan will be controlled automatically, and it can be altered in PrecisionX
    post edited by EVGATech_RayH - 2016/06/12 14:00:30

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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/12 14:47:50 (permalink)
    Hmm. The reason I ask is because I do not have the fan control in Precision X on auto. When I crank it up manually I am sure the radiator fan spins up. Now when under load I heard a whine and unplugging the radiator fan stopped it. So the noise was coming from here. So the radiator fan is being controlled automatically!?! It is plugged into the card.
    EDIT - So the fan speed slider is for the blower on the card. Can be set to auto there. The van speed for the radiator can be set to auto only in the FAN menu! Can this not be changed manually?
    EDITING THE EDIT - Nope the option in the FAN menu just enables the auto function on the slider which is the card blower! Any way of manually setting the radiator fan with Precision X through the card?
    post edited by reconminicon - 2016/06/12 15:24:14
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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/12 20:14:31 (permalink)
    I believe the fan speed of the radiator can be changed in the BIOS. Look on the motherboard and remember the label on the 4(or 3) pin fan power, it should be marked AUX_FAN or something.  Then press f1/esc (or maybe another with Google) on boot when the POST flashes.  This should take you to the BIOS or another menu that the BIOS can be accessed in.  In the BIOS look under Fans and one of those are the radiators (should correspond with the label).
    I could be wrong, I suppose, but I believe that is correct.
    EDIT:  The problem with using it this way and not letting the card control it is that this way its dependent on the CPU's temp (probably) and not the GPU.  You could be playing a game with the GPU at 80C and the CPU at a much lower temp.  That would cause the radiator fan to run at the 40C CPU target, despite the GPU being 80C (so basically at a very slow RPM despite the GPU being so hot).  If you let the card control it, I suppose it would be better.  But you could look and maybe there is a way to get the motherboard to use the GPU's temp instead of the CPU's.
    Let me know what you choose to do!
    post edited by bsmegreg - 2016/06/12 20:18:44

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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/12 20:21:46 (permalink)
    EDITING THE EDIT - Nope the option in the FAN menu just enables the auto function on the slider which is the card blower! Any way of manually setting the radiator fan with Precision X through the card?

    See quote below.
    The radiator fan can be controlled by the card itself, or it can be run off of the mobo fan headers, not PrecisionX. The blower fan will be controlled automatically, and it can be altered in PrecisionX

    Unplug the fan from the card, plug it into your motherboard, and set the fan speed in your motherboard's BIOS.
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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/12 20:26:28 (permalink)
    EDIT:  The problem with using it this way and not letting the card control it is that this way its dependent on the CPU's temp (probably) and not the GPU.  You could be playing a game with the GPU at 80C and the CPU at a much lower temp.  That would cause the radiator fan to run at the 40C CPU target, despite the GPU being 80C (so basically at a very slow RPM despite the GPU being so hot).  If you let the card control it, I suppose it would be better.  But you could look and maybe there is a way to get the motherboard to use the GPU's temp instead of the CPU's.

    I control my radiator fans referencing CPU temperature only.  It works great.  For years.
    Coincidentally, for the last couple of days, I have been playing with incorporating my GPU temperature into the equation and running it through an arduino to choose whichever provides a higher fan speed.... and ... it makes virtually no difference.  After hours of testing, I have reverted back to using only CPU temperature in the equation.  It's just easier and more consistent.  I saw almost no difference.  In almost all applications, there was a very close correlation between CPU temp rise with GPU temp rise.   Maybe it works so well for me because the CPU is in the same loop, though.  But, in games, even with the CPU not in a loop with the GPU, the CPU load should correlate with GPU load.  I would think that only stuff like CUDA or Furmark would be a concern in that situation.

    Now I am just using it to adjust my fan speed and pump ramping behavior a bit and tweak the max and min speeds in a way my BIOS over-simplified.
    post edited by ty_ger07 - 2016/06/12 20:33:24

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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/13 02:03:11 (permalink)
    Cool. Thx for the info. No is deffinatly the answer. It was plugged into the card not the mobo. Anyhoo I have took the two CoolMaster fans off the front of the case (Storm Trooper) and put them on the radiator controlled by the buttons ontop of the case. The 1 EVGA fan was very load whining at 45C. Now sounds the same as it was before I just dont have fans blowing in! It would of been nice to know how fast the EVGA fan was spinning when I had it on! So at the mo I have Heaven running at 1480Mhz 50C +87mV Blower 1440rpm. Usualy about 47C on the 1 EVGA fan but it would be screaming. I have these on the slowest case setting aloud. It would also be good to know what the temps are on the card memory ect to know if the blower is turned up enough! See I can run this for an hour without issue even with minimal mV added but when I play Xcom2 it will crash. So I put the mV max with same clock and had a few rounds thought it was going to be good and it crashed. About 48C. So is it crashing because of the OC or are the chips on the card getting to hot because the blower is not turned up enough!?! Is 87mV safe/good? If I got it stable i was going to turn it down.
    I will bare that in mind ty_ger thx
    EDIT - That pic looks terrible. What do you use to convert it so its -500k and how can I give my pic a URL to insert into the post?
    post edited by reconminicon - 2016/06/13 02:18:37

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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/13 16:56:34 (permalink)
    You guys have any idea why the voltage does not increase past 31mV? You see in the pic above it is maxed out but does nothing past 31mV. Also Kboost stops Precision X responding and needs to close! :(
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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/13 19:08:38 (permalink)
    31mhz is basically the point where EVGA is kind of suggesting you not past (for their sake and yours).  If you wanted to go past that then you would need to edit the cards firmware which I can not speak directly on.  But that can be dangerous, although in theory EVGA still covers it by warranty if you can revert the changes (even if you broke it before reverting the changes).
    Speaking on the kboost issue I would suggest not using it.  Kboost is basically going to make the card stay at clock even when you leave the PC on over night or when you go the store. Typically, the card underclocks itself to save electricity and reduce ware and tear when its not in use.  With kboost, not only are you using unnecessary electricity, but your also putting more wear and tear on the card.  Also, keeping the card at normal speeds produces more heat which means the fans are always on (and louder).  So if your used to watching Netflix quietly, with kboost that might not happen.
    Personally, the pros and cons of K-Boost lead me to not use it and I would recommend you not use it either.  If anything, its more of a troubleshooting tool or a tool for some people who need to keep it at clock (for other reasons).  But its definitely good for the card and you to be able to downclock when its not being heavily used.
    If you have any more questions let me or another forum member know!

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    Re: Precision X fan control 2016/06/17 05:56:48 (permalink)
    Thank you for the info. Very helpful. Regarding my overclock I was able to play Xcom2 for about an hour or more at 1500mhz before the game would crash but now I am down to 1465 and still about the same play time the crashes. Memory +500 but it does not matter if it is +0 I still get the same play time. Round about the 48C mark. The blower is at the level just before you can hear it. 38-41%. So what is actually causing the crash? Drivers or temps or??
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