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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/22 09:29:31
M110 Last on the infamous Messier List, but not the furthest in your journeys, we have M110. This is a dwarf elliptical galaxy and a satellite to the great Andromeda Galaxy. Interestingly enough Charles Messier never included the galaxy onto his list, although did depict it in a drawing of the Andromeda galaxy. With a distance of 2.7million light years we hope this isn’t the last time we see M110. You've helped process 1000 galaxies for theSkyNet POGS - thank you!
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/22 10:32:17
New MilkyWay badge  1 Million
 The Banshee: Ryzen 5 5600 @ 4.65GHz 1.25V, CPU + 2X GPU Custom loop w/ 360mm & 240mm rads, Asrock X370 Taichi, 2X GTX 780 Ti SLI, EVGA 1300 G2, WD Blue 1TB (main storage), Corsair Force LS 120GB (OS Drive), Fractal Design Arc XL, 2X8GB G.skill Trident Z @ 3200 C14
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/22 14:35:25
Congrats to everyone! I have not been running any projects that give badges lately. Well all except for Milkyway and its just a filler for when I do not have any Poem GPU WU's. Edit: I guess I should have looked before posting. I just got this one from Milkyway.
post edited by Khalifrio - 2014/07/22 14:36:51
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/22 22:31:42
Happy to see all them MilkyWay and POGS badges piling up, congratulations  Well done all
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/23 06:42:49
My first Asteroids@Home badge.  Carboneum 10K credits
 The Banshee: Ryzen 5 5600 @ 4.65GHz 1.25V, CPU + 2X GPU Custom loop w/ 360mm & 240mm rads, Asrock X370 Taichi, 2X GTX 780 Ti SLI, EVGA 1300 G2, WD Blue 1TB (main storage), Corsair Force LS 120GB (OS Drive), Fractal Design Arc XL, 2X8GB G.skill Trident Z @ 3200 C14
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/23 06:47:47
tucker147 My first Asteroids@Home badge.
Carboneum 10K credits
Nice tucker
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/23 06:57:35
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/23 07:59:21
Thanks guys, i'm slowly making my way up in the team.  I just need to get my third rig up and running (has an A8-3870k in it, still need hdd and ram) or maybe i'll sell it and grab a 780 ti or something.
 The Banshee: Ryzen 5 5600 @ 4.65GHz 1.25V, CPU + 2X GPU Custom loop w/ 360mm & 240mm rads, Asrock X370 Taichi, 2X GTX 780 Ti SLI, EVGA 1300 G2, WD Blue 1TB (main storage), Corsair Force LS 120GB (OS Drive), Fractal Design Arc XL, 2X8GB G.skill Trident Z @ 3200 C14
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/23 21:49:39
And the Dark Side of the Moon comes my way. Far side of the MoonOn October 7th, 1959, Soviet probe Luna 3 returned the first ever images of the far side of the Moon, often called the 'Dark side of the Moon' even though it's sometimes fully in light. We can't see it from Earth because the Moon orbits the Earth in the same amount of time it takes to rotate, so we only ever view the one face. (Trophy suggested by Dingo).
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2014/07/28 19:09:39
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/23 21:52:10
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/23 22:46:16
bcavnaugh And the Dark Side of the Moon comes my way.
 Far side of the Moon On October 7th, 1959, Soviet probe Luna 3 returned the first ever images of the far side of the Moon, often called the 'Dark side of the Moon' even though it's sometimes fully in light. We can't see it from Earth because the Moon orbits the Earth in the same amount of time it takes to rotate, so we only ever view the one face. (Trophy suggested by Dingo).
HAH... I knew you had it right around the corner he he. Congratulations As you move on, it's longer between the trophies. It get's clear, when you see how many of each trophy has been dealt. The "Dark Side" trophy has been won by 125 users. This one was given me just now, the M106, given to 105 users.  The M106 is within the "Voyager trough the Messier Catalogue" and is given for processing a certain amount of galaxies. claytonwilliams

Grats for the Milky way 1mil star clayton, good job
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/25 18:05:17
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/26 10:58:01
No badges for now but I just cracked 10Mil credits overall.
 The Banshee: Ryzen 5 5600 @ 4.65GHz 1.25V, CPU + 2X GPU Custom loop w/ 360mm & 240mm rads, Asrock X370 Taichi, 2X GTX 780 Ti SLI, EVGA 1300 G2, WD Blue 1TB (main storage), Corsair Force LS 120GB (OS Drive), Fractal Design Arc XL, 2X8GB G.skill Trident Z @ 3200 C14
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/27 15:18:37
^^^^Woooo Whooo... And...
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/27 15:51:20
Afterburner ^^^^Woooo Whooo... And...
 I was wondering what happen to you Mr. Afterburner / Afterburners But then Free-DC has or is having issues.
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/27 21:34:45
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/27 21:56:33
I finally got one of these cuties  From GPUGrid
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/28 19:07:27
The Crunchinator
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/28 19:08:41
New Today. Chlorine (8,352,100 cr)Not just something to make your eyes hurt in the pool, it's the main component in bleach. Chlorine was much more abundant on the early Earth, but astronomers think lots of large meteorite strikes allowed some of it to travel into the core, letting us evolve out of the oceans.
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/28 20:44:15
Magnesium (2,073,600 cr) Magnesium is the third most common element in seawater (after sodium and chlorine) and burns with a super bright white flame. It's very easily produced in stars, so there's a lot of it out there - 13% of the Earth's mass is magnesium.
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/29 00:21:56
Afterburner I finally got one of these cuties  From GPUGrid 
Wow, this is a publication badge, in silver. When GPUGRID publish a certain project, they deal those badges to those who have contributed most to that certain project. The silver badge mean you are within the top 75% contributors. bcavnaugh New Today.
 Chlorine (8,352,100 cr) Not just something to make your eyes hurt in the pool, it's the main component in bleach. Chlorine was much more abundant on the early Earth, but astronomers think lots of large meteorite strikes allowed some of it to travel into the core, letting us evolve out of the oceans.
Very nice bcavnaugh claytonwilliams
 Magnesium (2,073,600 cr) Magnesium is the third most common element in seawater (after sodium and chlorine) and burns with a super bright white flame. It's very easily produced in stars, so there's a lot of it out there - 13% of the Earth's mass is magnesium.
Great job Clayton, keep up the good work And while I'm at it.. According to Collatz, I was given this one today:  For crunching 100mil. FREE-DC has withdrawn 5,3mil points from me today, and 90mil the other day, so I guess I have to give most of my badges back  Fortunately, they don't do banking I'll give Collatz a rest for now, I'm just gonna finish my plate, then move my GPU's over to GPUGRID. GPUGRID WU's seem a bit heavier to crunch, so due to the heat, I may have to restrict the crunching a bit. When we begin the SETI project, I'll switch GPU's over to them. Stay cool and crunch hard guy's
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/29 05:00:33
To All  This has been one Crunching Month. Did FREE-DC tell you what had happened?
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/29 06:47:42
bcavnaugh To All This has been one Crunching Month. Did FREE-DC tell you what had happened?
Nope, and it seems they're not done yet either. Got a new -5mil credit "boost" on my yesterday's work. Basically I don't care, but the numbers disrupt other people's charts. Displaying off the charts statistics. When I one day get a negative credit boost of 89mil, then the next day they credit me with 92mil, bad stuff happens to the pie. On behalf of FREE-DC, I apologize for the inconvenience  When I visit FREE-DC nowday's, I think.... "Wonder what they have done today"  I recon it will sort out soon. Many days ago, I signed up for SETI, and did a few test wu's. SETI has not shown up on my project list yet, I wonder if the newly added project might have something to do with it?
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/29 17:30:56
The Crunchinator
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/29 19:57:07
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/29 21:49:43
Nice work everyone! Now get back to work...
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/07/31 14:02:25
WCG - Mapping Cancer Markers, Gold - 90 days
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Re:Post your badges!!!
2014/08/01 08:56:24
Totally forgot I got this one.   SuperGiant (32 Days) I also noticed that collatz large really likes when I oc my gpu. 960MHz 1.05v - 6.47348 Hours 1100MHz 1.2v - 5.88799 Hours 1150MHz 1.3v - 5.69507 Hours
 The Banshee: Ryzen 5 5600 @ 4.65GHz 1.25V, CPU + 2X GPU Custom loop w/ 360mm & 240mm rads, Asrock X370 Taichi, 2X GTX 780 Ti SLI, EVGA 1300 G2, WD Blue 1TB (main storage), Corsair Force LS 120GB (OS Drive), Fractal Design Arc XL, 2X8GB G.skill Trident Z @ 3200 C14