Hey All ^^
This badge Collecting is strange thing within charity. Yes, I Call it charity, we buy hardware, and pay Our elecricity bill. As bonus we can hang out With the coolest guy's ( Us

), and we get credits and badges.
I have a Whole lotta fun doing this, much thanks to the team With the same ideals and moral aspect as my own

Once in a while, I get's very determined on acheiving one badge in particular, but sometimes, they are unreachable, atleast within a reachable timespan.
I don't Reach for no 100billion badge. I beleive in short term acheiveable goals.
However, the other day, from Pogs I got this Voyager2 badge. For me, this badge was truly the coolest badge I've ever seen, and I was just as surprised as proud when I got the msg for acheiving this.
In the Pogs description of this Trophy, they said "It's a little bit slower than No. 1" So I checked it out, and found they had a Voyager1 Trophy too, Oh noo it's even cooler than No. 2.
I got kinda eh... "interested" in that one.
Turned out, it has been awarded only 61 times ever. Only 61 users has acheived this trophy, oh.. not my League at all.
In my "Interest of this trophy" I went back on the Storage room of my work. I have stashed away a Whole lotta stuff as Garbage. I looked trough it, and I came across a stack of old Think Vantage computers. I noticed a small sticker on some of them, "Intel Core i3" together With "Win7".
Hmmm.. Those are most crunchable aren't they?
After much hazzle, I got Three of those up'n runnin' 4 threads each, not the fastest, but they hummed happy chewing pogs.
The Voyager Trophy's are very Nicely put together.
Oh, btw, we have a POTM coming up, Our first POTM. It will be very interesting to see how this will turn out.
We have Khali's great pillaging raids, so we'll se how the POTM turns out.
However, Challenges are fun.
Because of the POTM, I'll tell a little about the POGS trophy's.
POgs deal trophies out pritty roundhanded, atleast in the beginning lol.
So, I'll show what they mean.
First of all, they Call their badges for trophy's, and they are devided into divisions.
First you have the "Storage War's" division.
Looking like this:

This baby is for reaching XXX Credits.
Then there are the "Astronomers" division.
They are for acheiving a special amount of credits. A number who means something for astronomers, nevertheless, they look good too:

This one is called:
"The Nobel Laureate Professor Brian Schmidt"
The number of credits match something who probably is assotiated to the Noble Professor Schmidt.
Then you have "The Elementals"
All know Our elementals? Good^^
Those are credit based trophy's. Those are they who come as you proceed at Pogs. They are the ones you see in Your "Dashboard" at Pogs, as "Credits to og untill your Next trophy"
They look like this, With their elemental name and number:
Then there is the "Daily Planet's" division of trophy's.Most trophy's and badges from other project's are from acheiving credits.This can be acheived from having a Whole lotta hardware, or a Whole lotta patience.This division, is from RAC (Recent Average Credit)No matter how long you crunch, no matter how many credit's you acheive... For some reason, Pogs RAC move sloowly, and those are hard to get:Here are a couple of "Daily Planet" Trophy's.This is the first one you get:
This is the Mercury, and as you move up:
The Kupier Belt" is acheivable:
Now for the NeXT division, the "T2 Trophies".
Those are earned for acheiving/ passing a special Scientific number.
Like the one I got the other day. I acheived in credit's the number of Pi:

We carry on^^
Then there are "Evolution of the Star"
Those trophes are earned according to how long (How many actual days) you have crunched pogs, and they look like this:

This baby is "The Red Giant" and is acheived for Processing Pogs for xx days.
Now, just a few more^^
Now we have the "Voyage trough the Messier Catalogue"
They are for how many Galaxies you have processed at pogs.
They look like this:

Nice one isn't it?
Ok, now I have walked you trough the current divisions of Pogs trophy's, hoping you will have a better understanding of what they mean as they reign upon you in Our upcoming POTM
Ok.... Now for something for you to acheive in Our POTM, I Challenge you
I'm utterly proud of bringing this one home to Our "Club House" and in posession of team EVGA
Good People of EVGA Crunchers, let me present the POGS ultimate RAC trophy, The Voyager1
This is the sixty second Voyager1 acheived, ever.
Bring home some more guy's