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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2015/02/24 08:35:48
I've reached +125 MHz and +495MHz with my SC ACX 2.0, and made it through 3DMark Firestrike two times and Heaven 4.0, Valmey 1.0 and 30 min FurMark BUT. I cant pass with 125/250MHz in 3DMark. And sometimes, my latest stable clocks doesnt always work either. Got any ideas? Powerlimit at 110 and voltage at +37.
post edited by PanicAttack96 - 2015/02/24 08:39:56
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2015/02/24 10:15:48
I sent in my 970 FTW for the new FTW + For some reason, the core clock would not go past 1378 The memory I got up to +700 easily
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2015/02/24 14:02:51
PanicAttack96 I've reached +125 MHz and +495MHz with my SC ACX 2.0, and made it through 3DMark Firestrike two times and Heaven 4.0, Valmey 1.0 and 30 min FurMark BUT. I cant pass with 125/250MHz in 3DMark. And sometimes, my latest stable clocks doesnt always work either. Got any ideas? Powerlimit at 110 and voltage at +37.
you post is not helpful The +'s you posted do not tell us what the Core and memory clocks run at with the setting you posted therefore we have no idea if its a good clock or not. also no ifo on temps and fan profile for example My 970 FTW+ is running at a core of + 129 and memory @ stock (as I mainly fold and the memory setting is overwritten by the bios when using Cuda on these cards) The fan runs @ 66% and the temp is around 50c so the core is running @ 1546 not to shabby for an FTW + You also need to understand that the Core should be clocked first as its the most important and the memory much less so, but that the memory overclock may push you past the Power threshold Try returning the memory to stock and leave the Core @ +125 is the card then stable when running the benchmarks? - if so then put +100 on the memory and retest, if its stable then add +50 to the memory and yes you got it retest again, as soon as you find an unstable test, drop it down 50 and leave it there :) running it at the highest power and voltage limit is also not always the best result, I hope you have set a decent fan profile to keep the card below 75C at all times - it will start to downclock @ 79C so you need to keep as far away from that as possible
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2015/02/24 14:28:01
Well. I figured people would understand. at many forums people post it like that. 125 on core and 495 on memory. The thing is that this clock is stable, but not all the time. I mentioned above how i test my clocks, every 5MHz raise I do this testing. But sometimes my latest stable clock doesnt work anymore. Then, when i OC again, I'll get another highest stable clock. My fans are never lower than 30%. At 60 degrees celcius they work at 60%. They usally never goes higher than this. Max temp Ive reached is 65. My core clock is 1295 MHz without boost. Memory is 2000MHz (8000MHz).
post edited by PanicAttack96 - 2015/02/24 14:35:16
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2015/02/24 16:59:07
the + xxx on the core will have nothing to do with final core clock. different cards will run at different clocks with the same offset
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2015/02/26 03:50:53
I know that. That isnt what bothers me. It's the facta that my stable clocks NEVER stays stable. If I save a stable clock, and enables it after a day or two, it usually doesnt work. And many of my clocks, passes Heaven 4.0 and Valley 1.0 and so on, but Firestrike crashes.
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2015/02/26 05:17:38
EVGA GTX 970 FTW+... Out of the box, the core ran 1417 MHz under load, even though it was rated to run at 1367 MHz. I've got it running at 1540 MHz stable. Memory was at 7010 Mhz. It's stable at 7800 MHz. I opened the voltage up, but it never exceeds 1.240 V - stock is 1.200 V. I've run several benchmarks - Metro Last Light, Tomb Raider, Unigine Valley, etc. I'm seeing a 10% frame rate improvement across the board. The core temperature never exceeds 76°C.
Stay Puft
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2015/02/26 07:24:41
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2016/06/15 14:58:25
garik You guys are nuts to OC a GPU card, In my opinion its the worst thing you can do to a computer component. Just my opinion is all :)
I purchased an EVGA 680 the day they launched and had to spam the site for hours to get one. I spent a few days tinkering and settled on an 11% OC. I ran with that core and memory overclock for roughly 5 years straight without a single issue, and heavy gaming until I just purchased a 980 yesterday. Why not have more fps if you can?
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2016/06/15 15:43:05
DillBill I just wanted to see what others are able to achieve on here with overclocking their GTX 970. Currently I have +150 core and +150 memory. Im still working on it though will update as I progress. This is with Stock Blower cooler BTW from EVGA. So my boost core clock currently is 1478 MHz and memory is 1828 MHz If you want to see my scores for 3dMark11 or Firestrike check my system build THANKS!
I'm running an EVGA GTX-970-FTW+ core at 1520, with memory at 4,000*2. My Firestrike scores are similar to yours - about 10,500 overall, with a graphics score of about 13,000.
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2016/06/15 15:49:07
garik You guys are nuts to OC a GPU card, In my opinion its the worst thing you can do to a computer component. Just my opinion is all :)
On what scientific evidence do you base your opinion? According to EVGA - and I agree with them - speed does not damage electronic components - heat does. As long as heat is kept under control, overclocking a CPU or GPU will not shorten its life appreciatively. I have a six year old i7-875k with a massive Noctua cooler installed. Stock for that CPU is 3.2 GHz. It's been running at 3.8 for six years.
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Re: Post GTX 970 Overclock Results Here
2016/06/15 19:05:06
I ran the 970 FTWs I had at 1531 / 2050 for daily clocks, and they'd reach up to 1610 / 2100 for benchmarking in SLI. The one lone card, would peak at 1671 on the core, and 2176 on the memory for FS runs. Great little cards.