This is the official OCN page for PSU Calc, a new power supply calculator built by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts. With the most accurate results, easiest to use interface, and built in power supply recommendations, PSU Calc is
the best way to find out what power supply is right for your computer.
Currently available as a downloadable Windows app (requires .NET Framework 4 or higher), in auto-installing (.msi) or manual (.rar) forms. Web based, Android, and iOS versions are also currently being developed.
Can be downloaded at PSUCalc.net
We've been downloaded over 2500 times! Thank you everyone for your support! Info: This program was made by myself and FiX, one of OCN's devoted New Zealand members. Fix originally demonstrated a mock-up of the program, then we got to work, with FiX doing the programming and other technical wizardry, and me doing the calculator math and such.
Disclaimer: The creators of this program are not liable for damages caused by use or misuse of this program or its advice. All wattage numbers given are approximate recommendations and are not intended to be definitive, nor necessarily indicative of actual power consumption. This tool is meant to help enthusiasts, not to be relied on exclusively.
post edited by Phaedrus2129 - 2011/10/23 21:07:41