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take a look...is true??? the Nvidia GTX 970 series video cards have misleading advertising. They claim the cards are 4GB, but of that 4GB only 3.5 is usable in gaming, the remaining 0.5GB is a segmentation reserve for programs that do not require as much memory. But running games at high resolution that are wanting to use the advertised 4GB of vram seem to be causing stuttering issues with erratic framerate In this test I show how the vram bus communication it trying to call both segments which seem to be the cause of the bad FPS in tests and games. when the card is using 3.5 to 4GB of vram the performance is worse than when the card is using 3.5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgRir5JwKyU boris said: Update regarding "GTX 970 memory bug". Wrote another test to check how that slow 0.5 gb memory works and again it's the same thing which driver do for a long time, that memory is stored in RAM instead of VRAM, that's why it slow. Basically, this is standart behavior for the most videocards on the market (vram is physical vram + a bit ram). What it means on practice compared to another videocards? GTX 970 have 3.5 Gb of VRAM. What i see in articles with explanation from NVidia is half-lie and of course casual people are incompenent and better to not listen to them. I don't think it's something horrible to loose 0.5 gb, but it's bad that NVidia hide such information (my own videocard with 2 gb or vram have access to 2.5 gb and nobody annonced it as 2.0 fast and 0.5 slow). So sad that all my posts on the forums were trolled, fools are always the most active and agressive, hopefully it's their own butthurt as they won't listen to professionals. http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Graphics-Cards/Frame-Rating-Looking-GTX-970-Memory-Performance/COD-Advanced-Warfare-and-Closhttps://forums.geforce.co...-3-5gb-vram-issue/269/ but; more important...if this gonna be confirmed...woul say that the write 4gb on my evga box is not true!? this is **** illegal. if this be true evga could denounce nvidia???
post edited by ziomuschio - 2015/01/31 05:24:12
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 06:55:29
Well you are late, welcome to the party.  My card perform just fine only thing is framerates drop above 3.5gb. No stuttering at 4gb.
post edited by doc567 - 2015/01/31 06:59:04
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 06:58:20
Welcome. You showed up a month late, but.. Welcome.
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 07:02:10
ziomuschio take a look...is true??? the Nvidia GTX 970 series video cards have misleading advertising. They claim the cards are 4GB, but of that 4GB only 3.5 is usable in gaming, the remaining 0.5GB is a segmentation reserve for programs that do not require as much memory.
But running games at high resolution that are wanting to use the advertised 4GB of vram seem to be causing stuttering issues with erratic framerate
In this test I show how the vram bus communication it trying to call both segments which seem to be the cause of the bad FPS in tests and games.
when the card is using 3.5 to 4GB of vram the performance is worse than when the card is using 3.5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgRir5JwKyU boris said: Update regarding "GTX 970 memory bug". Wrote another test to check how that slow 0.5 gb memory works and again it's the same thing which driver do for a long time, that memory is stored in RAM instead of VRAM, that's why it slow. Basically, this is standart behavior for the most videocards on the market (vram is physical vram + a bit ram). What it means on practice compared to another videocards? GTX 970 have 3.5 Gb of VRAM. What i see in articles with explanation from NVidia is half-lie and of course casual people are incompenent and better to not listen to them. I don't think it's something horrible to loose 0.5 gb, but it's bad that NVidia hide such information (my own videocard with 2 gb or vram have access to 2.5 gb and nobody annonced it as 2.0 fast and 0.5 slow). So sad that all my posts on the forums were trolled, fools are always the most active and agressive, hopefully it's their own butthurt as they won't listen to professionals.
http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Graphics-Cards/Frame-Rating-Looking-GTX-970-Memory-Performance/COD-Advanced-Warfare-and-Clos https://forums.geforce.co...-3-5gb-vram-issue/269/
but; more important...if this gonna be confirmed...woul say that the write 4gb on my evga box is not true!? this is **** illegal. if this be true evga could denounce nvidia???
You're late but welcome. EVGA wont split from nVidia.. they wouldn't have anything to sell except cases, Intel Mobo's and PSU's. Worst comes to Worst nVIdia would have to eat all the 970's and fix them with a new revised version kinda like the Intel B revision of p67.
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 07:03:30
Well we know you've been living under a rock in a cave underground for the last month or so. You're later than a woman 9 months pregnant
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 07:11:54
It is good to see that people still don't post before reading a thread or two, or doing a search, that is for sure. It would be redundant if they post really old news. LoL.
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 07:43:13
The problem with your title and text is that the 970 DOES have 4 GB of VRAM. ;) As you should know by reading the article you linked to, all 4 GB is on the card and all 4 GB is accessible. It's just that 512 MB is slower to access in random synchronous access situations than the other 3.5 GB. Even though 512 MB is a bit slower in some circumstances, it is still there and still 4 times faster than system memory.
post edited by ty_ger07 - 2015/01/31 08:36:30
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 07:55:25
ty_ger07 still 4 times faster than system memory.
I assume you mean faster to access
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 08:09:22
ty_ger07 still 4 times faster than system memory.
I assume you mean faster to access
Access time and throughput. Faster in general for video card tasks compared to system memory. According to NVIDIA. Your results will vary depending on CPU and system memory used. The "slow" 512 MB really isn't slow at all. It is the same speed as the other 3.5 GB and sharing the L2 cache doesn't slow down that 512 MB at all; on its own. The only thing that slows it down in the real world is random synchronous access because it isn't tied together the same as the other 3.5 GB.
post edited by ty_ger07 - 2015/01/31 09:26:23
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 08:14:50
I hate to break this to you, but you are incorrect in saying that the GTX 970 has only 3.5 GB of VRAM. I just did a torture test by running Dragon Age: Inquisition with all settings maxed, 4xMSAA, and 3840x2160 resolution using DSR in the NVIDIA Control Panel. And I just saw my video memory usage skyrocket to 3.95 GB. So in conclusion, the GTX 970 does have 4 GB of VRAM, but it takes a lot to push it to the max. Think of the last 500 MB as a VRAM "turbo boost".
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit + Windows 10 Pro 64-bit / ASUS Sabertooth Z97 MARK S / i7 4790k @ 4.4 GHz / Silverstone Argon AR03 / 16 GB Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 1866 MHz DDR3 / GALAX GTX 980 HOF 4 GB / Intel 520 Series 180 GB SSD / Samsung 850 EVO 1 TB SSD / Blu-ray + DVD RW / SeaSonic Snow Silent 1050W / In Win GRone White ATX case / HP 2509m 25" LCD 1080p 60 hz monitor / Logitech G510 gaming keyboard / Logitech G600 gaming mouse / XBOX One Controller
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 08:33:32
banzaigtv I hate to break this to you, but you are incorrect in saying that the GTX 970 has only 3.5 GB of VRAM. I just did a torture test by running Dragon Age: Inquisition with all settings maxed, 4xMSAA, and 3840x2160 resolution using DSR in the NVIDIA Control Panel. And I just saw my video memory usage skyrocket to 3.95 GB. So in conclusion, the GTX 970 does have 4 GB of VRAM, but it takes a lot to push it to the max. Think of the last 500 MB as a VRAM "turbo boost".
This! Finally, someone else seems to understand. The card has and does use 4GB of VRAM. Okay, it isn't in the configuration expected. I don't see how a lawsuit can proceed. I own 2 and so far they have performed fine in SLI. As for the few times the last bit has kicked in under 4K gaming I haven't had an unplayable issue yet. But, I have only done it once or twice to check it more than play. We'll see how Nvidia responds. I also fail to see what people expect the resellers like EVGA to do. They don't make the cards.
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 09:18:54
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit + Windows 10 Pro 64-bit / ASUS Sabertooth Z97 MARK S / i7 4790k @ 4.4 GHz / Silverstone Argon AR03 / 16 GB Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 1866 MHz DDR3 / GALAX GTX 980 HOF 4 GB / Intel 520 Series 180 GB SSD / Samsung 850 EVO 1 TB SSD / Blu-ray + DVD RW / SeaSonic Snow Silent 1050W / In Win GRone White ATX case / HP 2509m 25" LCD 1080p 60 hz monitor / Logitech G510 gaming keyboard / Logitech G600 gaming mouse / XBOX One Controller
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 09:29:59
But look at what you had to do to use that much and look at your framerate The 970 is 4GB on paper and theory but in reality it's essentially a 3.5GB card
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 09:35:36
But look at what you had to do to use that much and look at your framerate
The 970 is 4GB on paper and theory but in reality it's essentially a 3.5GB card
But you will see that the GPU usage is maxed out. And a single GTX 970 certainly cannot handle this game on those settings in 4K resolution at anything over 30 fps. And I can run Titanfall on ultra at a steady 60 fps in 1080p and that game drives my VRAM usage up to 3.6 GB. DA: Inquisition is a very GPU-demanding game. And all of that running on the 344.80 WHQL drivers.
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit + Windows 10 Pro 64-bit / ASUS Sabertooth Z97 MARK S / i7 4790k @ 4.4 GHz / Silverstone Argon AR03 / 16 GB Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 1866 MHz DDR3 / GALAX GTX 980 HOF 4 GB / Intel 520 Series 180 GB SSD / Samsung 850 EVO 1 TB SSD / Blu-ray + DVD RW / SeaSonic Snow Silent 1050W / In Win GRone White ATX case / HP 2509m 25" LCD 1080p 60 hz monitor / Logitech G510 gaming keyboard / Logitech G600 gaming mouse / XBOX One Controller
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 09:55:18
I agree. GPU usage tells the story in that screenshot. It's not as if the framerate is falling flat on its face due to exceeding 3.5 GB. The Framerate fell flat on its face solely due to the game being more demanding than the 970 core could handle.
I think it will be very common for a while for everyone to blame everything on the 3.5 GB "limit" when it simply isn't true.
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 10:12:57
But look at what you had to do to use that much and look at your framerate
The 970 is 4GB on paper and theory but in reality it's essentially a 3.5GB card
But you will see that the GPU usage is maxed out. And a single GTX 970 certainly cannot handle this game on those settings in 4K resolution at anything over 30 fps. And I can run Titanfall on ultra at a steady 60 fps in 1080p and that game drives my VRAM usage up to 3.6 GB. DA: Inquisition is a very GPU-demanding game. And all of that running on the 344.80 WHQL drivers.
Exactly. Why are people buying these cards to run 4k anyway? That's the issue.
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Re: Nvidia GTX 970 video card does not have dedicated 4GB Memory as advertised
2015/01/31 10:23:23
guys sorry for posting old news...
pls mod or admin can delete my post?? for sure i am not wanna obstruct forum with unnecessary post :-(